Mon – NO SCHOOL – Picnic Clean-up
Tues –
Wed –
Thurs – All School Mass (4/5 ministry) JV Girls Vball @ St. Peter, JC @ 8:00 pm (vs. St.
Peter Blue)
Fri –
Sat – 4-6 Gr. VBall @ St. Joseph ,
JC – 11:00 am (vs. St. Joseph )
will be hosting Grandparents’ Day on Monday, Sept. 9 – 10:45-11:45. All
students are encouraged to invite their grandparents to share lunch with them
that day. Please see enclosed sign-up sheet for more information. Deadline
for signing up for lunch will be Friday, Sept. 6 – NO EXCEPTIONS! We look
forward to seeing all grandparents that day!
VETERANS HONORED: We would like to invite all veterans to meet
us around the flagpole in front of the middle school on September 11th
at 2:00 pm. We will be honoring all veterans during this ceremony, so tell
other vets you know. After the flag-raising ceremony, please join us in the
gym. We look forward to seeing you on Sept. 11th!
PILGRIMAGE: Parents of students in the older grades. Please
find enclosed detailed information regarding the annual trip to Washington D.
C. from our diocese for the March for Life, scheduled for Jan. 20-23,
2014. Pray over this opportunity to
witness your faith and beliefs. Adult chaperones are also needed. We are unsure
of who will coordinate this event for our parish, but if you are interested,
please let us know in the school office so that we may pass this information
on. The spots fill up quickly, so time is of the essence.
HELP: We are in need of a library helper on Tuesdays to
help Christina read to the students. Please call the office if you would like
to volunteer.
NOTICE: For students purchasing daily lunches: Students may
choose a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in lieu of the main entrée if they
have a note from home. They must bring a note on the day that the
substitution is desired and must present it to the classroom teacher first
thing in the morning. SACK LUNCH STUDENTS: We are asking for donations of paper
plates for students heating up their lunches.
LUTHER KING, JR: On Wednesday, Aug. 28th, OLOS School
students and staff commemorated the 50th anniversary of the “I Have
a Dream” speech, by a ringing of bells at 2:00 pm in the parking lot, along
with many others across the country. Our prayers are for a united nation, under
YEARBOOKS: If you ordered a qualifying packet, you
should receive your “free” yearbook(s) in today’s folder. If you would like to
purchase a copy, the cost is $12. Please make checks payable to OLOS School
and remit in a marked envelope. Your copy will be sent home in the folder on
the following Friday.
NEEDED AT OLOS SCHOOL: 60 college hours required. Please
think of anyone you know who might be interested and let them know about this
opportunity. We have very limited substitute help. Please contact Mrs. Werdehausen
for more information.
TRIP COMMITTEE: Are you interested in serving on a committee to
help plan field trips for this school year? Please contact Ashley Burnett or
the school office with your offer to help. We thank Stacey Evers for her offer
to volunteer.
AT SCHOOL: We do not have a “stock supply” of medications
for students. You may choose to send in a pain reliever or other types of
medicine for your child. Make sure to clearly mark the container(s), and send a
note giving staff permission to dispense the medication, with explicit dosage instructions. Sometimes
having medicine available here for your child can mean not having to come after
him/her or making a special trip to bring
CARE SERVICES: In the event of inclement weather, or early
dismissal due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be NO EXTENDED CARE
SERVICES available. All students should be picked up at the dismissal time
which would be announced with the dismissal notification. On regularly
scheduled half days off (listed on school calendar), extended care is available
from 12:00 – 5:30 pm.
any used print cartridges, laser or jet,
fax cartridges, etc, and send them in to school or leave in the church
vestibule in the box so marked.
those “Box Tops” found on many, many
groceries & other misc. items – worth 10 cents each. Send to office.
Best Choice UPC’s (not the label).
Send to office.
-We receive premiums from Target if you choose OLOS School
as the designated school on your Target RED credit card. Parents, teachers, and
other school supporters use their REDcard credit card or Target check card, and
Target will donate 1% of their purchases back to the designated school. To
participate, all you need is a REDcard to enroll. Enroll at or
-We participate in the Schnuck’s “Education is Everything” campaign.
and click on the eScrip Community Card link for program information. You will
receive a card and you can present it every time you shop. A percentage of the purchase will be
contributed back to OLOS
School .
know, our parish picnic is this Sunday. Please pray for good weather (a little
cooler, please!) and a good turnout. May God bless us all and our guests on
this working holiday!
Remember to return your folder on
TUESDAY. Enjoy the four day working weekend everyone!