Tuesday 4th Grade Field Trip to State Archives, Capitol & Library
Wednesday SPRING PICTURES – “dress up for picture day” – may wear shorts/jeans, group/team/club pictures
FAMILY VOCATION NIGHT – 6:30 PM – Center gym
Thursday All School Mass (3/4th grade ministry), Freshman Orientation (for 8th graders & their parents) – 8:15 am - computer lab
Friday Stations of the Cross – 2:15 pm
8TH GRADE PARENTS: Please note the meeting with Cole R-V Counselor Eric Findley, scheduled for your 8th grade student, on Thursday, March 31st at 8:15 am in our computer lab. Students will be filling out schedules for their Freshman year. It is helpful, but not mandatory, if the parent is in attendance, to help their child with important planning decisions. We have enclosed the course guide, which includes graduation requirements, along with a schedule planner, to aid you in this process. Though these are materials from the current school year, Mr. Findley assured me that the guidelines have not changed. Please take the time to go over this with your child and fill in a tentative schedule by Thursday. Cole R-V likes students to develop a plan for the full four years at this time (which the student does not have to adhere to, it is just helpful for their planning purposes). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Findley at 498-4001. If you cannot make it to this meeting, you can also schedule a one-on-one meeting with him, if you so desire, to handle course scheduling. ALL STUDENTS ATTENDING COLE R-V next year as Freshman will need to attend the Freshman Orientation, scheduled for Monday, April 4th at 6:30 pm, in the Cole R-V High School cafeteria.
Everyone has a vocation to love. What is yours? Family Vocation Night – This Wednesday, March 30th at 6:30 pm, includes dinner & a program, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Please bring a dish. All families are highly encouraged to attend. This is so important that Father Pat has asked teachers to send no homework home that evening so that all families may attend. Childcare will be available. Mrs. Massman will be caring for children toddler through PK age. Mrs. Eickhoff will be caring for students in grades K/1. Students older than this are asked to stay in the main meeting area. The children with Mrs. Massman & Mrs. Eickhoff will be doing projects and fun activities. PLEASE SEE ENCLOSED LETTER FROM FATHER PAT.
Thanks so much to all the willing workers who helped with the school breakfast/book fair and Night of Magic/book fair this week. We are so blessed to have parents and students we can count on to always pull off these events. We appreciate you all and everyone who supported these events by their attendance and through purchasing.
CONGRATULATIONS to Maggie Morris, Tori Adrian, Sydney Trachsel & Rachel Wood, for receiving red ribbons at the Diocesan Science Fair. Only two blue ribbons were handed out that day and several white ribbons were awarded, so these girls did quite well! Way to go, girls!
CONGRATULATIONS to the students selected to attend the St. Martin Spelling Bee on April 12th. We commend: 4th gr. - Andrew Schulte, Cameron Haeffner, alt – Kenadi Trachsel, 5th gr. - Dylan Lepper, Kalie Massman, alt – Erin Love; 6th gr. – Sydney Trachsel, Alex Schulte, alt – Sheldon Schulte; 7th gr. – Maggie Morris, Tori Adrian, alt – Morgan Pringer; 8th gr. – Alison Buechter, Raegan Wood, alt – Brianna Kliethermes. Good luck to these students on April 12th!
Spring Picture packets are in today’s folder. Preordering is available (save a little $), but you will also be able to order after you see the proof and regular priced package options online. Also, TEAM PICTURES – volleyball, basketball & cheer, will be taken that morning. Order forms may be found in today’s folder for these (or if we haven’t gotten them yet, we will send home Monday). All group/club pictures will also be taken that morning.
Please find in today’s folder, the sign-up form for the Mid - Mo. Internet Crimes Task Force internet/cell phone safety presentation on April 26th. This is a fantastic program and we encourage ALL parents to attend. This program will make parents aware of safety concerns in the use of cell phones and the internet. Our 6-8 graders will be presented a program earlier that day dealing with the same issues.
Recently, Our Lady of the Snows School Lunch Program underwent an “administrative review” through DESE, which occurs every five years. A comprehensive evaluation is performed - reviewing meal applications, verification, monitoring & claiming procedures, financial/record keeping procedures, sanitation, menus & food production, food storage & handling, civil rights & the wellness policy. OLOS School received high marks in all areas, with the only corrective actions of requiring two signatures on certain forms (vs. one, as previously done) and an increase in Vitamin A in meals. We were verbally complimented on excellent record keeping in all areas of the lunch program. A big job well done, ladies!
ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Snow Make up Days have once again been revised, due to the snow day last Monday. School will be in session until Friday, May 20th. We will also be in session ALL day on Wed., April 20th & we will be in session ½ day on Holy Thursday, April 21st. WE WILL BE IN SESSION THE MONDAY & TUESDAY AFTER EASTER, April 25th & April 26th.
Stations of the Cross – each Friday during Lent at 2:15 pm. School children may be dismissed from church after the Stations if they bring a note that day (this allows teachers to know that the student should bring his/her book bag to church). Otherwise, students will be dismissed from the gym at 3:00 pm, as usual.
Mrs. Trachsel has accepted the resignation of Michelle Wright for the 2011-12 school year. Classroom arrangements next year will be: PK – Mrs. Massman, K/1 – Mrs. Eickhoff (1st graders will switch in afternoons to Mrs. Groose’s classroom for math and other subjects, to be determined), 2 – Mrs. Groose, 3 – Mrs. Werdehausen, 4 – Mrs. Trachsel (4th graders will switch to Mrs. Werdehausen’s classroom in afternoon), 5 – Open Position, 6 – Mrs. Kempker, 7/8 – Mr. Vandike. OLOSS is accepting applications for the position of 5th grade teacher. Please contact Mrs. Trachsel for more information and for an application.
CALLING ALL GREEN THUMBS AND WILLING WORKERS: Help is needed this spring & summer to help keep the school flower beds & bushes weeded & watered. Rex & Jeanne Buechter, Gina Adrian, Bryan & Stacey Evers, & Marie Massman have volunteered but more help is needed. A weekly rotation worked well last year and will probably by implemented this year (there was enough help last year that most families were only assigned 2X).To volunteer please call the school office or contact Jeanne Buechter.
8th grade graduation: Please remember the dress guidelines for graduates: Boys – dress pants, collared shirt, dress shoes, tie is optional; Girls – dresses, no more than 2 inches above the knee, no spaghetti straps showing, (may wear shawl to cover). Students will be wearing caps & gowns for the graduation & the awards portion of the reception. Cap & gown fee is $8.50, which you may go ahead & send in (checks payable to OLOS).
We have had two 7th grade parents volunteer to help coordinate the 8th grade graduation. Traditionally, 7th grade parents have set up for and hosted the reception. Would you like to help? If so, contact the school office. We thank Paulette Pringer & Sheila Adrian for volunteering to help.
Preschool Parents: Please note that preschool graduation will be on Saturday, May 21st at the 5:00 pm Mass.