Monday Student Council meeting – until 3:30 (?)
Thursday All School Mass (2nd grade ministry), Midquarter
Friday “Dress Down for $1 Day”, Stations of the Cross – 2:15 pm
8TH GRADE PARENTS: The Freshman Orientation, (originally scheduled for Monday, April 4th) has been rescheduled to Monday, April 11th at 6:30 pm, in the Cole R-V High School cafeteria.
Thank you to everyone who helped out and came to the book fair. The magician did a great job and wouldn’t even take money for doing the show! We earned approximately $700 worth in new books for our library! Great job!!!
There will be a Student Council meeting this Monday after school until approximately 3:30 pm, to decorate the cafeteria for Easter and discuss plans for Easter and end of year ideas. Members – bring your good ideas with you! Parents – please remember to send a note!
Thanks to all who clip & send in the Best Choice UPC’s. We received $90 for our recent submission.
All students drew names at Mass on Thursday. These are names of people in our parish who are confirmation candidates, RCIA candidates, or First Communicants. Please have your child (and your family) pray for this person. Students are also encouraged to make them cards. Cards can be sent to school, dropped off in the collection basket, or brought to the rectory. Thank you!
Stations of the Cross – each Friday during Lent at 2:15 pm. School children may be dismissed from church after the Stations if they bring a note that day (this allows teachers to know that the student should bring his/her book bag to church). Otherwise, students will be dismissed from the gym at 3:00 pm, as usual.
Classroom arrangements next year will be: PK – Mrs. Massman, K/1 – Mrs. Eickhoff (1st graders will switch in afternoons to Mrs. Groose’s classroom for math and other subjects, to be determined), 2 – Mrs. Groose, 3 – Mrs. Werdehausen, 4 – Mrs. Trachsel (4th graders will switch to Mrs. Werdehausen’s classroom in afternoon), 5 – Open Position, 6 – Mrs. Kempker, 7/8 – Mr. Vandike. OLOSS is accepting applications for the position of 5th grade teacher. Please contact Mrs. Trachsel for more information and for an application.
CALLING ALL GREEN THUMBS AND WILLING WORKERS: Help is needed this spring & summer to help keep the school flower beds & bushes weeded & watered. Rex & Jeanne Buechter, Gina Adrian, Bryan & Stacey Evers, Lori Evers & Marie Massman have volunteered but more help is needed. A weekly rotation worked well last year and will probably by implemented this year (there was enough help last year that most families were only assigned 2X).To volunteer please call the school office or contact Jeanne Buechter.
8th grade graduation: Please remember the dress guidelines for graduates: Boys – dress pants, collared shirt, dress shoes, tie is optional; Girls – dresses, no more than 2 inches above the knee, no spaghetti straps showing, (may wear shawl to cover). Students will be wearing caps & gowns for the graduation & the awards portion of the reception. Cap & gown fee is $8.50, which you may go ahead & send in (checks payable to OLOS).
We have had two 7th grade parents volunteer to help coordinate the 8th grade graduation. Traditionally, 7th grade parents have set up for and hosted the reception. Would you like to help? If so, contact the school office. We thank Paulette Pringer & Sheila Adrian for volunteering to help.
Preschool Parents: Please note that preschool graduation will be on Saturday, May 21st at the 5:00 pm Mass.
House Points Update: The 6th graders – “The House of St. Peter” - continue to lead the house races (by 4 points). Congratulations to them! Updated points are as follows:
PS “House of St. Theresa” – 104 points – 237 points total
K/1 “House of Mary” 160 points – 340 points total
2nd “House of Eucharist” 164 points – 339 points total
3rd “House of St. Lucy” 129 points - 268 points total
4th “House of Assisi” 134 points – 270 points total
5th “House of Crusaders” 131 points – 293 points total
6th “House of St. Peter” 150 points – 357 points total
7/8th “House of St. Clare” 150 points – 353 points total
COOKBOOKS: Our Lady of Snows School is still selling cookbooks. We are currently out, but are planning on reordering. We would like to get an idea of how many to reorder. If you are interested please contact Kim Evers at 498-3361 or the school at 498-3574 to let them know you would like to have one reserved. We would like to hear from you by April 1st. The cookbooks are $15.00 each.
Mrs. Groose is selling BEEF STICKS at lunchtime. They are $1 each