Saturday JV Girls – Catholic Bowl Semifinals – 3:30 pm @ St. Peters (vs. Holy Family)
Sunday First Reconciliation – after 10:00 am Mass
Monday Student Council Mtg – until 3:30 pm
Thursday All School Mass (2nd grade ministry), Fundraising Mtg – 6:30 pm
Friday March DRESS DOWN Day
Saturday Regional Speech Meet
Congratulations to the OLOS students whose projects were selected to go on to the Diocesan Science Fair which will be held March 19th. The winners & their projects/categories are (grades 6-8): Life Science: 1st place - “DNAana EGGstraction” – by Maggie Morris & Tori Adrian, Alternate – “Chow Time” – by Mikenzie Farris & Sierra Evers: Physical Science: 1st place – “Which Fingernail Polish Has the Longest Weartime?” – by Sydney Trachsel & Rachel Wood, Alternate – “Hairspray vs. Stain Remover” – by Morgan Pringer & Alison Buechter; Earth Science: “Melting Away! Let’s Get Rid of that Ice!” – by Daniel Beck, Alternate – “What Ice Melt Product Works Best?” – by Jake Brockman. If the first place winner in each category cannot attend, the alternate will be asked to go in their place. ALL OF THE STUDENTS DID A GREAT JOB ON THEIR PROJECTS!!! We are always astounded by the ideas that the Science Fair generates. We know that it is a lot of work – for the students & their parents alike!!! We would especially like to thank our two wonderful judges – who gave up their entire day to talk with our students and listen to their interviews – Bill Feind & Kevin Richards. We could not have done it without you! FANTASTIC JOB EVERYONE & remember – it only happens every OTHER year!!!
MORE GREAT NEWS!!! The JV Girls Basketball team won their first round at the Catholic Bowl last weekend, playing against the St. Martin’s team, with a final (and very close) score of 30-27! They will be playing in the SEMIFINALS on Saturday, Feb. 26th at 3:30 pm at St. Peters against Holy Family. If they would win that game, they would play the final game on Sunday at Lincoln University Jason Gymnasium at 2:30 pm. The JV Girls won against Holy Family last Thursday night (Feb. 17th) with a score of 32-18. GOOD LUCK TO THESE GIRLS AS THEY WORK HARD THIS WEEKEND TO WIN THEIR GAMES!!! We are proud of you!!!
Snow Make up Days – Revised: As in now stands, school will be in session until Friday, May 20th. We will also be in session ALL day on Wed., April 20th & we will be in session ½ day on Holy Thursday, April 21st. Tues., April 26th is also a snow make up day. If we have any more cancellations this is subject to change.
Please return all uniforms – washed – to the school office. Please place in a bag with the child’s name on it.
The OLOS Student Council will be sponsoring a “Dress In Green” Day for St. Patrick’s Day again this year. We thought we would get the word out early so that you have more of a chance to be creative and find “green” items. We will choose best dressed winners from each class – one boy & one girl. St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th. Thanks to all who supported our Valentine Candygram sales. You are appreciated!
There will be a STUDENT COUNCIL MTG. THIS MONDAY – Feb. 28th until 3:30 pm to take down the Valentine’s decorations and to discuss plans for St. Patrick’s Day & Easter.
Change of menu – Thursday, March 3rd we will have the 7th & 8 gr. favorite meal: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes with gravy, corn & hot rolls.
Mrs. Groose is selling BEEF STICKS at lunchtime. They are $1 each.
LOOKING AHEAD…We will host our BOOKFAIR NIGHT – “A Night of Magic” – on Thursday, March 24th. We will have a magician performing that evening and many other exciting things. A BOOKFAIR BREAKFAST is also planned for Sunday, March 20th. Mark your calendars now & make plans to attend and support these exciting school events!