Friday Notes 4-21-22
Sun – School Advisory Board
Mtg – 11:15 am
Confirmation – 3:00 pm
Mon – Incubation of eggs begins
Tues – Sketch
Day for 7th & 8th graders
Wed – All School Mass–8:00 am (K/1 Ministry)
Birthday Blessing
Reconciliation – after Mass
5-8 Study Trip to
Bagnell Dam/Wilmore Lodge, & State Park
Choir Practice 3:00
– 3:30 pm
Thur – First Reconciliation
– after Mass
PK, K, 1st
Study Trip to Stark Caverns
SUDS pick-up – 5:00 – 6:00 pm in gym
Fri - Dress Down Day
ENROLLMENT: Instructions for online re-enrollment and new student enrollment were sent home in a previous folder, along with next year’s school calendar, supply lists, and school spirit wear, hoodie, and dress code shirt order forms. If you would like to have your shirt/hoodie orders ready for pick up at Open House on August 13, 2022, please send in your order to office before the end of the school year, along with payment to Steph’s Tees. If you have any questions or technical difficulties with enrollment, please contact Rosie in the office. Early enrollment deadline is May 1st – which include final submission of the online enrollment packet and the upfront payment of $100 towards registration fees. Please see packet for more information.
CONGRATULATIONS CONFIRMANDI! Special congratulations to our 7th & 8th graders being Confirmed in the Holy Spirit this weekend! They are: Adam S., Braden S., Rylee V., Avery W., Austin D., Mikayla E., & Nolan S. We congratulate and pray for you, and all those being confirmed this weekend in our parish.
2ND GRADERS! This upcoming week,
our nine 2nd graders will have their First Reconciliation after
Mass. We are so proud of these young boys and girls, who are so very excited to
be receiving these Sacraments of Initiation. They are: Magdaline B., Henry D.,
Charlotte G., Jace L., Vivian P., Noah R., Elsie S., Nolan S., Maddie SG. We
pray for them and all the youth in our community receiving the Sacraments of
Initiation this Spring.
SHOW ME SUDS PICK-UP will be this upcoming Thursday, April 28th, between 5:00 – 6:00 pm in the gym. Please make every effort to pick up your product at this time. Thanks so much for all your fundraising efforts! We will give a full report of profits in next week’s notes.
TALENT SHOW/FIELD DAY: On Wednesday, May 11th, we will be having a Talent Show sponsored by Mr. Jannetti in the morning, and a Field Day event mainly in the afternoon. Please be talking to your kids about what they might like to do for the talent show, as we want ALL students involved! Also, please contact Amy Hagenhoff if you would like to help plan the Field Day event. We are asking for parent volunteers for that day as well, so please let Rosie or Amy H. know if you would be able to help that day. We will have Mass at 8:00 am, Talent Show at 9:00 am, and begin some of the field day activities around 10:00 am or so. We will be grilling hot dogs for a picnic lunch. Sounds like so much fun! Thanks to Amy Hagenhoff, Angelina McKenna, Joan Doerhoff, Marie Massman, & Carla Morris, for being the first in offering to help with Field Day!
PAYMENT OF FEES: Please remember that ALL fees must be paid in full by the end of the school year for release of records and release of grade cards. This includes all preschool fees, extended care fees, out of parish school support, damaged/missing textbook fees, etc. Please call Rosie if you have any questions/concerns.
BABY SHOWER: Thank you to Pam Groose, Tricia Belshe, & the Student Council for coordinating the Birthright Baby Shower on Apr. 20 in support of the Missouri March for Life Rally. Thanks to all who sent in the generous baby gifts. Your support is so much appreciated!
IMPORTANT DATES: First Eucharist – Sunday, May 1, 12:30 Mass. School Advisory Board Mtg – Sunday, April 24th @ 11:15 am
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, Apri1 26th, 2022, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Delanie W, for winning this week.
APRIL: Our April morning prayer is The Act of Contrition, and our April Christskill is Forgiveness.
MANY THANKS!!! Thank you to Father Alex and Father Medina for celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation with our 3rd through 6th graders during Holy Week!
Thank you to all who donated filled Easter eggs for part of
the Gr. 7/8 Easter egg hunt for our other students!
Thank you to all who joined us at this week's Staff Salute
& fun reunion! Thank you to Linda Limbach & Emma
Jean Koetting for all of their help in tracking down
addresses! Thank you to Tricia Belshe & Paula Evers for
coordinating the refreshments! Thank you to Sarah Adrian for
designing the invitations and save the date cards! Thank you to the Class
of 23 who were the hosts for our guests!.