Friday Newsletter 4-13-22
Mon – NO SCHOOL- Easter Break
Tues – School in
Session – Snow Make-up Day
Dr. Carolyn
Tucker visits – 9:00 am
Easter Egg Hunt – during specials
Turn in SUDS fundraising
Wed – School in Session – Snow Make-up Day
All School Mass – 8:00 am (Staff Ministry)
Dress Down in Pink/Light Blue Day for Baby Shower for
Birthright – after Mass (& Ice-Cream Party)
Choir Practice 3:00
– 3:30 pm
Thur – NOAA
Weather virtual presentation 1:00 – 2:00 pm (grades 5-8)
Library Lady
Fri - Dress Down Day
Staff Reunion 1:00
– 5:00 pm
8th Grade NET retreat
MIDTERM PROGRESS REPORTS are available online for students in grades 3-8, with a sign-off sheet enclosed in today’s folder. Paper copies of progress reports are in today’s folder for students in grades K-2. Please sign & return. To access Progress reports on your family portal - after signing in, please follow the following steps:
On left, click “Student”
On left, directly under “Student Home” click “Grades”
In upper middle/left screen click “Midterm Progress
If you have more than one student, you can switch
between them on the upper left.
AFTER EASTER PLANS: We will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Tuesday, April 19th, after we come back from Easter Break. If you have not already done so, please send in ONE DOZEN filled eggs on Tuesday to your child’s classroom? Please no chocolate that would melt or candy with any kind of nuts. Also, please remember our 7th & 8th graders with a treat. They will be hiding all the eggs, so we want to make sure to treat them!
ENROLLMENT: Instructions for online re-enrollment and new student enrollment were sent home in a previous folder, along with next year’s school calendar, supply lists, and school spirit wear, hoodie, and dress code shirt order forms. If you would like to have your shirt/hoodie orders ready for pick up at Open House on August 13, 2022, please send in your order to office before the end of the school year, along with payment to Steph’s Tees. If you have any questions or technical difficulties with enrollment, please contact Rosie in the office. Early enrollment deadline is May 1st – which include final submission of the online enrollment packet and the upfront payment of $100 towards registration fees. Please see packet for more information.
SUDS FUNDRAISING: Our Lady of the Snows is in the middle of its Show Me Suds laundry soap fundraiser, which will run until April 19 (the day we come back from Easter break), with product delivery on either April 27 or 28. Order forms were sent home in last week’s folder. This is the perfect opportunity to purchase laundry soap, dishwashing pods, dishwashing soap, and fabric softener to save everyone money and benefit OLOS at the same time. All proceeds will go towards our parish technology needs. Contact Joan Doerhoff or the School Office for additional information. Thank you for your continued support of OLOS!
TALENT SHOW/FIELD DAY: On Wednesday, May 11th, we will be having a Talent Show sponsored by Mr. Jannetti in the morning, and a Field Day event mainly in the afternoon. Please be talking to your kids about what they might like to do for the talent show, as we want ALL students involved! Also, please contact Amy Hagenhoff if you would like to help plan the Field Day event. We are asking for parent volunteers for that day as well, so please let Rosie or Amy know if you would be able to help that day. We will have Mass at 8:00 am, Talent Show at 9:00 am, and begin some of the field day activities around 10:00 am or so. We will be grilling hot dogs for a picnic lunch. Sounds like so much fun!
of Holy Week – Stations of the Cross – 6:00 pm
Thursday – 6:00 pm
Friday – 6:00 pm
Saturday – 7:00 pm
Sunday – 8:00 am & 10:00 am
SERVERS are needed for all Holy Week services. There is a sign up sheet
in the main vestibule of Church.
BE KIND! Many thanks to Ms. Dala Hemeyer of Catholic Charities who has led our students through a pilot-program of anti-bullying and kindness. She has finished her classes here with our students, but we hope to draw from her resources in the new school year. We so appreciate the opportunity and resources she has provided our children!
KINDNESS BRACELETS: Please support Romie & Madelyn’s efforts by sending in $2 for a bracelet for your child to purchase at lunchtime. All proceeds will benefit a local mental health program. Thank you!
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the afternoon of Friday, April 22, as we are planning a fun reunion for all former staff members of OLOSS. All parents and community members are invited to attend. There will be light refreshments available.
OTHER IMPORTANT DATES: First Reconciliation – Wednesday & Thursday, April 27th & 28th, after morning Mass, First Eucharist – Sunday, May 1, 12:30 Mass. School Advisory Board Mtg – Sunday, April 24th @ 11:15 am
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, Apri1 19th, 2022, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Ryan, Noah & Aspen. for winning this week.
APRIL: Our April morning prayer is The Act of Contrition, and our April Christskill is Forgiveness.
Please return your folder on Tuesday.
We wish
everyone a Blessed Easter!