Friday Notes 4-29-2022
Sun - First Eucharist Mass –
12:30 pm
Mon – Emergency Drill
Tues – Bike/Safety
program – 9:00 am (PK-8)
Wed – All School Mass–8:00 am (7/8 Ministry)
6th Grade Vocation Day - virtual
Choir Practice 3:00
– 3:30 pm
Thur – Cinco De
Mayo – Mexican Dress Down Day
AR Recess/Ice Cream party
Fri - Dress Down Day
Last day of school
for 8th graders
First Friday
ENROLLMENT: Instructions for online re-enrollment and new student enrollment were sent home in a previous folder, along with next year’s school calendar, supply lists, and school spirit wear, hoodie, and dress code shirt order forms. If you would like to have your shirt/hoodie orders ready for pick up at Open House on August 13, 2022, please send in your order to office before the end of the school year, along with payment to Steph’s Tees. If you have any questions or technical difficulties with enrollment, please contact Rosie in the office. Early enrollment deadline is May 1st – which include final submission of the online enrollment packet and the upfront payment of $100 towards registration fees. Please see packet for more information. AS AN ADDITIONAL INCENTIVE, ALL FAMILIES MEETING THE PACKET AND PAYMENT DEADLINE WILL RECEIVE A DRESS DOWN PASS FOR ALL STUDENTS IN THE FAMILY FOR THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR, WHICH WILL BE PLACED IN YOUR OPEN HOUSE PACKET IN AUGUST.
CONGRATULATIONS 2ND GRADERS! This upcoming weekend, our nine 2nd graders will receive their First Eucharist at a 12:30 pm Mass on Sunday. We are so proud of these young boys and girls, who are so very excited to be receiving these Sacraments of Initiation. They are: Magdaline B., Henry D., Charlotte G., Jace L., Vivian P., Noah R., Elsie S., Nolan S., Maddie SG. We pray for them and all the youth in our community receiving the Sacraments of Initiation this Spring.
enclosed in today’s folder. This is an important fundraiser for our school and
parish. Please make every effort to help and also to support this fundraiser. Responsible
students are needed for preparation and carry-out, as well. Please return
sign-up on Monday. Thank you!
sold: $4,075.00
Product: 142 products sold
to everyone who supported this fundraiser!
TALENT SHOW/FIELD DAY: On Wednesday, May 11th, we will be having a Talent Show sponsored by Mr. Jannetti in the morning, and a Field Day event mainly in the afternoon. Please be talking to your kids about what they might like to do for the talent show, as we want ALL students involved! Also, please contact Amy Hagenhoff if you would like to help plan the Field Day event. We are asking for parent volunteers for that day as well, so please let Rosie or Amy H. know if you would be able to help that day. Talent Show at 9:00 am and begin some of the field day activities around 10:00 am or so. We will be grilling hot dogs for a picnic lunch. Sounds like so much fun! Thanks to Amy Hagenhoff, Angelina McKenna, Joan Doerhoff, Marie Massman, & Carla Morris, for being the first in offering to help with Field Day!
MASS/AWARDS DAY CHANGE: We will not have an all school Mass on Wednesday, May 11th, but we WILL have an all school Mass on our last day of school, Thursday, May 12th at 8:00 am. We will then have a short preschool graduation/preschool presentation & then awards, all in the Church, immediately following Mass. Parents will be able to check their children out after the awards ceremony, directly from the Church. Remember parents, if grandparents or someone out of the ordinary will be signing your children out that day, let Rosie know this in the days preceding this because the office will be closed for Mass & the awards ceremony that morning. Official dismissal time is 11:00 am for those remaining. No lunch will be served.
DAY: The weather was a little cool, but
very nice, for sketch day on Tuesday. The students all did a tremendous job and
put forth great effort. We recognize Adam S., Braden S., Rylee V., Avery W.,
Austin D., Mikayla E., & Nolan S., for their artistic efforts. Special congratulations
to Austin for earning a “high honor” ribbon and to Nolan & Adam for earning
“special merit” ribbons. Many thanks to Mrs. Adrian for leading and helping
these kids develop their talents!
GERBES COMMUNITY REWARDS: We received $50 for this quarter. Thanks to all who participate! See end of notes for information on how to easily sign up for this program.
MAY CROWNING: Congratulations to our May Queen, Mikayla Eickhoff, and her escorts, Austin Doerhoff & Nolan Schulte, who will lead us in our May Crowning Prayer Service at the statue of our Blessed Mother in the grotto on Sun., May 8, following the 8:00 am parish Mass!
IMPORTANT DATES: First Eucharist – Sunday, May 1, 12:30 Mass. 8th Grade Graduation – Saturday, May 7th – 6:00 pm Graduation Mass with reception following in gym
LAST DAY for 8th graders will be Friday, May 6, 2022.
PLAYGROUND UPDATE: The playground equipment for our early childhood students has been ordered and is scheduled to arrive in mid-May. Thank you to Paula Evers for bringing us a MFA Oil Foundation grant application which was written and submitted to help with the cost of the installation! Thank you to Dee and Bill Feind's daughter, Nancy Staats, who recently donated $1000 to help with the cost of the playground installation! Thank you to Andy Adrian & the members of the playground installation committee, Cory Herigon & Josh Lage, for all their planning in preparation for the equipment's arrival and installation.
SECURITY COMMITTEE UPDATE: Five vendors visited our campus and four of them have submitted bids. The bids are in the process of being reviewed and will be submitted to the leadership committees for their input. The plan is for the successful bid to be awarded by the end of this school year and for the security system to be installed over the summer and to be in working order by the start of the 22-23 school year.
TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE UPDATE: We had a wonderful response to our transportation surveys and have shared the results with the transportation team at Cole R-V. We have had several productive meetings, and we are now waiting for a cost proposal from Mike Rennells, the Durham Transportation Coordinator.
FREE ADMITTANCE: The Helias Catholic girls soccer team will host a Blue Out game in recognition of National Cancer Research Month at 5 p.m. Friday, May 6, at the Crusader Athletic Complex. Students of local Catholic partner schools are invited to attend the game against Lindbergh High School for free (just show ID or wear a school shirt).
SIGN UP FOR GERBES COMMUNITY REWARDS: OLOS is enrolled in the Gerbes “Community Rewards” program. This program offers money back to our school, based on enrolled customer’s spending. It is a really easy process. You just tie your Gerbes shopper’s card to our school account. If you don’t have a Gerbes shopper’s card, it takes less than a minute to get one at the store and also online. All the information needed to complete this process is online. @ Our school code is TU152. It takes just a couple minutes so get all your family and friends to register as well! The school will receive quarterly payments in cash form. We will update you as we receive those funds. This has the potential to be a great moneymaker for the school – the key is to get many, many people involved. No selling needed! Please pass the word to family and friends and thanks for supporting OLOS School!!!
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, Apri1 26th, 2022, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Lane & Colton M., for winning this week.
Please return your folder on Monday.
Enjoy the
Spring weekend!