Mon – All Saints Communion Prayer Service (3/4
Ministry) – 8:00 am
Server Training/ – after Mass
Student Council
Mtg – until 4:15 pm
Loads of Fun campaign begins
Basketball Practice – until 5:00 pm
Tues – All Souls
Wed – No Mass today
Box of Joy packing remainder of week
Cheer Practice – until 4:30 pm
Thu – Basketball Practice 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Fri - Dress Down Day
7/8 to help at
Hope House
Archery Training –
8:00 – 12:00
Fishing Training –
12:30 – 3:30
Sun – 10:00 am Buddy
Mass (5/6 w/2nd)
School Board Mtg – 11:15 am
LOT will still be under repair until
further notice. Please continue to reroute drop off and pick up to behind the
upper/old school until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.
BOYS BASKETBALL & CHEER REMINDER: – Three things must be provided to the school office before your child may participate in any practices or games – the athletic packet, a current physical, and the $20 sports fee. Official practices are beginning this Monday, November 1st.
HALLOWEEN: Thanks to all who make our Halloween and All Saints Day so special – especially the room parents and all those who participated in the Trunk or Treating, the local businesses – The Corner Market, Mary’s Home Bank, OLOS Credit Union, and Evers Machine, and those who have donated towards the lights for the cemetery. Make a point of driving down by the cemetery – it should be a pretty sight after dark over the weekend! If we don’t get them out today, we will get the lights out! WATCH FOR UPDATES!
ALL SAINTS: OLOS School 3rd & 4th grade students will lead the All Saints Day prayer service on Monday, November 1st. The students will not be attending Mass on Wed., Nov. 3rd. However, on Monday, Deacon Chet will also be offering refresher and new server training after the prayer service.
ARCHERY/FISHING TRAINING: Archery training sponsored by MDC is Friday, November 5th from 8:00 am -12:00 pm. Archery training is open to any interested persons who would like to be involved in helping with our program and/or with another school. The Fishing training will be a three hour session from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm that day. Please let us know if you are interested in participating in either of these training sessions, which will take place in the old parish hall gym.
SUDS FUNDRAISER: Our Lady of the Snows will be kicking off its Show Me Suds laundry soap fundraiser this Monday, November 1 and it will run until November 12, with product delivery on November 21. This is the perfect opportunity to purchase laundry soap, dishwashing pods, dishwashing soap, and fabric softener to save everyone money and benefit OLOS at the same time. All proceeds will go towards our parish technology needs and classroom “wish lists”. Order forms will be included in the back of Church and on OLOS’ Facebook page. You may contact Joan Doerhoff or the School Office for additional information or to place your order. Thank you for your continued support of OLOS.
HOME & SCHOOL: Next meeting is set for Tuesday, November 16th at 6:00 pm, and will begin with a potluck meal. The Shiloh Dance is scheduled for Jan. 15, 2022.
BOX OF JOY; We will be posting on Facebook and updating you as the students begin their part of the Box of Joy campaign by filling Boxes with their classmates during the upcoming week. We are still in need of money to cover the postage for the boxes the students fill. Our goal is to fill approximately 35 boxes next week. Each box costs $9 to fill, so any donation is appreciated and much needed!
HOPE HOUSE DRIVER NEEDED: We are in need of ONE additional driver to drive our 7th & 8th graders to Hope House at the Lake for Christian service on this quickly approaching Friday, November 5th, from 8-2. Please contact Mr. Jannetti, Rosie, or Mrs. Burgess with your offer to drive. Thank you!
LIGHT BLUE SIZE CHILD SMALL SCHOOL POLO SHIRT found in kitchen. Please let us know if it belongs to your child.
OLOSS CHRISTMAS MUSICAL is set for Monday, December 6th at 6:30 pm in church.
VETERANS’ DAY PLANS (Nov. 11th) We invite all veterans, active military, and their families on the morning of Veterans’ Day, November 11th to join us at school at 8:00 am. Please reach out now to your military family and friends and invite them to this event. We invite parents and the community to participate as well. We will have a student led patriotic rosary at the flagpole (weather permitting), enjoy donuts & coffee/juice with out honorees, after which students will join our honorees to place flags on veteran’s graves in the cemetery.
LEVELING LIBRARY BOOKS. More volunteers are still needed to help with this huge undertaking.
MARY’S HOME CHRISTMAS PARADE VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED! It is Friday, November 26th. The theme is “Once Upon a Christmas” featuring favorite Christmas books & movies. We would love for OLOS School to be represented in the local parade. Won’t you please consider coordinating this? Please contact Rosie or Mary in the office with your offer to help out. Thank you!
COZY CORNER FOR EXTENDED CARE! Thanks to Mrs. Marianna Werdehausen, Mrs. Sarah Adrian, Mr. Darryl Love, Shane Beck, & Braden Evers for all their efforts to enhance the area in the west corner of the Cougar Cafe as a more enjoyable and comfortable space for our extended care students!
ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Your children should be experts now on saving energy in the home and protecting our vital resources! Thank you to Mr. Joe Schmitz of Central Mo. Electric for his presentation on Everyday Electrical Efficiency to our students on Thursday morning. Everyone really seemed to enjoy it and learn a lot!
CARLA’S SEMI-RETIREMENT: Thanks to everyone who came to surprise Carla! We think we really DID surprise her! Carla will be continuing here with a few hours of paperwork each week, and along with Mrs. Marie, will volunteer in the kitchen on Mondays preparing and serving the lunch. We thank her for the wonderful meals through the last 19 years!
NOVEMBER: Our November prayer is the Lord’s Prayer, and our November Christskill is Joy (Jesus, Others, You).
SUBS NEEDED! We are in great need of subs for both the classrooms and in the kitchen. Please contact Mrs. Burgess if you, or someone you know, might be interested.
SPOTLIGHT ON STAFF! Our Lady of the Snows School is very blessed to have such devoted, hard-working, and experienced staff members who have dedicated their careers to the children and families of Our Lady of the Snows community. We will spotlight a different staff member in the bulletin each week. This week's spotlight is on Mrs. Pam Groose, our Preschool teacher.
"My name is Pam Groose. I live in Henley, but have lived in many different places. I was born in Germany and have lived in California, Texas, and Missouri. My father was in the Army so we moved around a lot. I’m the oldest of three children. I have two younger sisters. My youngest sister was born on my birthday. I met my husband in 1998, and we were married in 2003 at Our Lady of the Snows Church. We have four beautiful girls, Grace 17, Isabella 15, Natalie 12, and Charlotte 7. I graduated from high school in Lampasas, Texas, and attended Lincoln University in Jefferson City, MO. My first teaching job was at Our Lady of the Snows School in 2005 teaching first and second grade. This year will be my seventeenth year of teaching. It was the best decision I have ever made! I’ve taught wonderful kids and met great people along the way. Our Lady of the Snows is a great place to work. I love the service projects we are able to be involved in, such as boxes of joy, adopting a family, food drives, and a baby shower for moms in need. When I‘m not working, I love to travel, go to the pool, and most of all, being with family!"
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, November 2, 2021, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Rylee & Nicholas V, this week‘s winners of the bonus dress down passes!
Please return your folder on Monday.