Friday Newsletter 10-1-2021
Mon – Achievement Testing
Student Council Meeting – 3:15–4:15 pm
Tues – Achievement
Wed – All School Prayer Service - 8:00 am
(2nd grade Ministry)
Thu – Achievement Testing
Dress Down Day (end of testing bonus)
Fri - NO SCHOOL – Teacher Prof. Dev -local
ACHIEVEMENT TESTING WEEK: Students in Grades 3-8 will be spending their mornings next week
doing Achievement testing; students in 3rd, 5th, & 7th
will also be taking a cognitive abilities test. Although the school will be
providing a small snack and drink each morning, please make sure that your child
gets plenty of rest and eats a good breakfast. Mr. Jannetti & Mrs. Adrian
will be assisting with testing and special classes will be later in the day
than normal.
PROGRESS REPORTS: If you have not already done so, please sign and return your child’s report or sign-off slip and return on Monday.
HEALTH CHECKS: The Miller County nurses were here yesterday to perform the health checks. If there were any concerns, you should find notice in today’s folder. We especially wish to thank Marie Massman & Shannon Lage, our great volunteers, and Kim Benne & Lisa Foglesong from MCHD. We appreciate your help so much!
HELIAS TRIP FOR 7TH & 8TH GRADERS – DRIVERS STILL NEEDED! Helias High School has invited our 7/8 graders to tour their facility on Monday, October 18th, beginning at 8:30 am. We are asking for at least two parent drivers for this event. Please let Rosie know if you can drive that day, and your seating capacity. If we don’t get volunteers this week, this trip will be cancelled.
FANTASY NIGHT EARLY BIRD WINNERS! Congratulations to Mark & Gina Adrian, winners of the Early Bird drawing on Tuesday. They chose to take another ticket instead of the $110 cash prize. This doubles their chance to win big money! Tuesday was also Mark & Gina’s anniversary!
FANTASY NIGHT WORK LIST: A tentative work list is in today’s folder. Please, if you have not signed up and are able to help out, put your name in one of the empty slots and return the sheet on Monday. It takes many hands to make this, our 2nd biggest parish/school fundraiser, a success. Thank you for your dedication to OLOS School & Parish.
FANTASY NIGHT SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS: If you have anything that you would like to donate to the Silent Auction, please send to school anytime before the event.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Our first Home & School meeting will be on Tuesday, October 12th at 6:00 pm, and we will begin with a potluck meal – all attending please bring a dish to share. Remember that your child will receive a bonus dress down pass just for your attendance at this meeting.
BOX OF JOY; Please consider sponsoring a Box of Joy so that a child who may have never had a Christmas gift before will experience the love of Christ this upcoming Christmas season. Boxes are available anytime from the school office or the vestibules of church. Cross Catholic Outreach, the sponsor of the programs, asks that you include a payment of $9 to offset the shipping of the box and to promote their ministry. You may return your filled box anytime through October 25th, which is our final collection date. Remember – don’t seal your box shut, just wrap with a rubber band. Request a box anytime by contacting Rosie in the office. Thanks to all who are participating in this program.
EMERGENCY DRILLS: We will continue to practice drills throughout the next months. Especially for the very young students, these drills can bring apprehension. Teachers will discuss these drills with students ahead of time, but please reinforce and reassure your child by talking about drills at home as well.
ART ROOM NEED: Clear plastic water bottles. Please wash and send to school in bags.
Thank you to Leonard Kever (Austin,
Madelyn, & Henry’s grandpa) for his generous donation to the OLOS Wish
Thank you to Billy & Carol Braun
for their donation of school supplies! The 3rd & 4th graders
especially love their new learning bags!
Thank you to Colleen Abbott &
Andy Adrian for volunteering to coordinate and coach the OLOS School Archery
Thank you to Marianna Werdehausen
for coordinating the library workdays and setting up a plan to level the books
for the Accelerated Reading program!
IS HERE! Our October prayer will be the Prayer
to the Guardian Angel, and our October Christskill will be Respect.
STUDENT WRITING! This week's Gr. 6 student thank you note to the OLOS Picnic Committee and the members of the Mary's Home community:
"Dear Picnic Committee and Mrs. Cindy L., Thank you so much
for running the picnic. We appreciate you so much. I know that your
job can be hard, but you always pull through. The things you do for the
Parish are incredible!
Keep up the good work! " by
Lane M.
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, October 5, 2021, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Avery and Alayna W, this week‘s winners of the bonus dress down passes!
TIMES – for parent communication:
Belshe – 10:30 – 11:00
Eickhoff – 11:55 - 12:35
Grellner – 1:15 – 1:55
Groose – 9:40 – 10:10
Vandike – 2:00 – 2:40
Werdehausen – 12:40 – 1:10
Mrs. Burgess,
Interim Principal – Hours vary – please email or call the
office to set up a meeting.
Enjoy the cool Fall weekend everyone!