Friday Notes 10-15-2021
Mon – 7/8 Tour Helias & eat @ Las Trojas
Tues –
Wed – All School Prayer Service - 8:00 am
(7/8 Ministry)
Flu Clinic for
Staff – 10 am – 12 noon
Thu – PK/K/1 to Fischer Farms Pumpkin Patch & Runge
Fri - Dress Down Day
Three Rivers – Efficient Everyday Energy presentation @ 9:30
Conferences 1:00 – 6:30 pm
STUDENT/PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE SCHEDULE is in today’s folder. Please make every effort to be on time for your conferences and honor the 15 minute time frame; as you can see some classes run on a very tight schedule. If you need additional time, please schedule this with the classroom teacher. We would like to remind you that these conferences are to include the students. We are looking forward to seeing you all next Friday.
GHOSTY GRAMS! It’s not too late to order Ghosty Grams! Order forms were sent home last week. If you need additional copies, please send a note or contact Rosie in the office. Thank you for supporting our Student Council!
FINAL CALL FOR BOX TOPS AND BEST CHOICE: Due to the lack of response because of the new way of collecting Box Tops through the app, and because BC labels bring so little, it has been decided to discontinue their collection. We will make the final submission on November 1st, so please send any that you may have into the school office before that date. Thanks so much to Joan D. and family for taking care of the submission of these the past couple years.
BOYS BASKETBALL REMINDER: – Three things must be provided to the school office before your child may participate in any practices or games – the athletic packet, a current physical, and the $20 sports fee.
HALLOWEEN PLANS: We are once again planning our Halloween festivities on Friday,
October 29th. In the morning (time TBA) we will have the “Lighting
of the Cemetery”. While reciting the Litany of the Saints we will proceed
to the cemetery and then all students will place the approximately 1000 lights
on the tombstones. This practice goes back to a tradition, originating in
Germany, where the faithful lit candles and placed them on the graves of their
loved ones, letting them burn throughout the night before All Saints Day,
representing the “light of the holy souls”. All are invited to participate. At
1:30 students will have their annual Halloween Walk and participate in Trunk
or Treating in our front parking lot. Students will then be able to enjoy
their classroom parties, with treats and activities, if needed, provided by the
classroom parents. Room parents will be able to join the classroom
parties, with masks, unless Covid conditions change. Please, we ask that
students not wear scary or gory costumes; we do not want to scare our little
ones, and costumes must be easy to get on/off. We invite all parents and
parishioners/community members to participate in the Trunk or Treating. You
may reserve your spot by contacting Danen Groose 821-2890 as soon as possible.
FANTASY NIGHT: What a great job! Thanks so much to all who worked so hard and all
who supported this big fundraiser. We heard many positive comments from our
community and beyond.
HOME & SCHOOL UPDATE: New officers are: Joan Doerhoff – President, Roselyn Wood – Vice President, Missy
Beck – Secretary, & Amy Hagenhoff – Treasurer. Derrick Pringer agreed to be this year’s Athletic
Director. Thanks so much to all who volunteered to lead the Association. Next
meeting is set for Tuesday, November 16th at 6:00 pm, and will begin
with a potluck meal. The Shiloh Dance is scheduled for Jan. 15, 2022.
OLOSS CHRISTMAS MUSICAL is set for Monday, December 6th at 6:30 pm in church.
THREE RIVERS PRESENTATION ON FRIDAY: Efficient Everyday Energy is the name of the presentation, which focuses on important areas of conservation and efficiency, and will explore methods Three Rivers uses to produce electricity, both renewable & nonrenewable. They will then present to students on ways that they can use that energy more efficiently.
Dear Teachers,
Students, Rosie, Carla, Darryl, Cindy, Roxanne, Father, Mrs. B., Dr. Vader
& Parish,
I miss
you all. I want to thank you for such a nice retirement & birthday party. I
have enjoyed my 20 years of teaching at OLOS and getting to know all of you. I
have a lot of great memories. Thank you for the wonderful cards. I love the hand-made
cards from the students. Thank you for the kind words and wishes. I appreciate
all the gifts – cake, balloons, flowers, gift cards, candy, chips, crosses, etc,
and what a great banner – so very creative! Also, thank you for the Branson
gift certificate – a very thoughtful gift. I appreciate every gift so very
much, especially the gift of your friendship and kindness. It is so nice to be
appreciated. 7th & 8th graders, thank you for your
help in loading my car with the party gifts. That was great help. Thanks for
everything. God bless you, each and every one of you!
DAY PLANS are in the works. We will be
welcoming veterans, active military, and their families on the morning of Veterans’
Day, November 11th. Please reach out now to your military family and
friends so that they can mark their calendars now for this special occasion.
OCTOBER: Our October prayer is the Prayer to the Guardian Angel, and our October Christskill is Respect.
STUDENT WRITING! This week's Gr. 6 student thank you note to the OLOS Picnic Committee and the members of the Mary's Home community:
"Dear Picnic Committee, Thank you for making food and meals. Thank you for setting up games and activities. We wouldn't have a picnic if you guys didn't set it up. You guys do so much for this school. You guys raise a lot of money. The picnic is also a lot of fun! Sincerely, Jacob B."
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, October 19, 2021, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Shane B. & Indy E, this week‘s winners of the bonus dress down passes!
Please return your folder on Monday.
Enjoy the cooler Autumn weekend everyone!