Friday Newsletter 10-7-2021
– Columbus Day
Tues – Achievement
testing Make-up
Home & School Potluck & Meeting – beginning @ 6:00 pm/Cougar
Wed – All School Mass - 8:00 am
(Staff Ministry)
Picture Make-up – 8:45 am (or after Mass)
Thu –
Fri - Darryl’s 60th Birthday
STUDENT/PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE sign up is in today’s folder for October 22nd. Please choose
your spots and return on Tuesday. Please know that our students will be
required to attend their conferences on Oct. 22. It is extremely
important that they "lead" and participate in their
conferences. It is their education, and they need to hear about those
things that they do well. They also need to help set their own learning
goals for the next quarter, even including our little ones. We will have
a conference template to help them plan how to do their part of the conference
with their teachers and you. Of course, we will provide extra time for
any parent who wants to meet privately with their child(ren)'s teachers.
I have been part of STP Conferences for over thirty years and have found them
to be so very productive for all involved! Mrs. Burgess
THE STUDENT COUNCIL HAS BEEN BUSY ALREADY! Our cafeteria is decorated for Fall and Halloween thanks to the efforts of our enthusiastic Student Council! We so appreciate their efforts to help us all celebrate the season! Also, in today’s folder, you will find the “Ghosty Gram” order forms. Please support our Council with your order. Thank you!
ON TUESDAY!! Our first Home & School meeting will be on Tuesday, October 12th at 6:00 pm, and we will begin with a potluck meal – all attending please bring a dish to share. Remember that your child will receive a bonus dress down pass just for your attendance at this meeting.
PICTURE RETAKE is Wednesday. If you would like your child’s picture retaken, please return their packet, intact, by Tuesday, in this folder. Class composites will be sent home after all pictures have been taken.
HALLOWEEN PLANS: We are once again planning our Halloween festivities on Friday,
October 29th. In the morning (time TBA) we will have the “Lighting
of the Cemetery”. While reciting the Litany of the Saints we will proceed
to the cemetery and then all students will place the approximately 1000 lights
on the tombstones. This practice goes back to a tradition, originating in
Germany, where the faithful lit candles and placed them on the graves of their
loved ones, letting them burn throughout the night before All Saints Day,
representing the “light of the holy souls”. All are invited to participate. At
1:30 students will have their annual Halloween Walk and participate in Trunk
or Treating in our front parking lot. Students will then be able to enjoy
their classroom parties, with treats and activities, if needed, provided by the
classroom parents. Room parents will be able to join the classroom
parties, with masks, unless Covid conditions change. Please, we ask that
students not wear scary or gory costumes; we do not want to scare our little
ones, and costumes must be easy to get on/off. We invite all parents and
parishioners/community members to participate in the Trunk or Treating. You
may reserve your spot by contacting Danen Groose 821-2890 as soon as possible.
FANTASY NIGHT: The finalized work list is in today’s folder. Thanks so much to
all who are working this event, to those who have worked so hard on this event,
and to those who have purchased tickets.
ATHLETIC FORMS for the boys 5/6th grade basketball team are in today’s
folder. Just a reminder – three things must be provided to the school office before
your child may participate in any practices or games – the athletic packet,
a current physical, and the $20 sports fee.
DARRYL’S MILESTONE BIRTHDAY! To celebrate his 60th birthday with the students, Darryl is providing pizza for lunch on Friday, October 15th along with cupcakes and ice-cream. We thank Darryl for this great treat for our students and staff! (Please remember to change this on your lunch calendar!)
BOX OF JOY; Please consider sponsoring a Box of Joy so that a child who may have never had a Christmas gift before will experience the love of Christ this upcoming Christmas season. Boxes are available anytime from the school office or the vestibules of church. Cross Catholic Outreach, the sponsor of the programs, asks that you include a payment of $9 to offset the shipping of the box and to promote their ministry. You may return your filled box anytime through October 25th, which is our final collection date. Remember – don’t seal your box shut, just wrap with a rubber band. Request a box anytime by contacting Rosie in the office. Thanks to all who are participating in this program.
WE ARE SO THANKFUL! Thank you to Pam Groose & Marianna Werdehausen for taking on the enormous task of reorganizing the library and the leveling of its many books for our students. Thank you to their helpers, Shane Beck, Anna & Kenzie Berry, Beth Defenbach, Natalie Groose, Darryl Love, and Gus & Vivian Pringer! Please let us know if you would like to volunteer and join in this huge undertaking.
OCTOBER: Our October prayer is the Prayer to the Guardian Angel, and our October Christskill is Respect.
STUDENT WRITING! This week's Gr. 5 student thank you note to the OLOS Picnic Committee and the members of the Mary's Home community:
"Dear OLOS volunteers,
Thank you for everything you did at the Picnic for our
school. Thank you for making the Picnic so much fun for everyone
there. Our Lady of the Snows School would not be so successful without
all of you. Sincerely, C-Bass M."
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Wednesday, October 13, 2021, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Jacob & Magdaline B., this week‘s winners of the bonus dress down passes!
TEACHER PLAN TIMES – for parent communication:
Belshe – 10:30 – 11:00
Eickhoff – 11:55 - 12:35
Grellner – 1:15 – 1:55
Groose – 9:40 – 10:10
Vandike – 2:00 – 2:40
Werdehausen – 12:40 – 1:10
Mrs. Burgess,
Interim Principal – Hours vary – please email or call the
office to set up a meeting.
Please return your folder on Monday.
Enjoy the FOUR DAY weekend students!