Friday Newsletter 9-4-20
Mon – NO SCHOOL – Labor Day
Tues – SCHOOL PICTURES – Dress up Day
Home &
School mtg – 6:00 pm
Wed – All
School Mass (2/3 Ministry)
Fundraising mgt –
6:00 pm
Thur – 2-8
School Mass (2/3 Ministry)
Fri – Dress Down in Red/White/Blue or Camo in remembrance
of 9/11
ONE TO ONE TECHNOLOGY USE AGREEMENT: Please find this agreement enclosed in today’s folder – for all school families. This agreement between the parent(s) and school provides for the use of Chromebooks and Ipads to promote achievement and provide flexible learning. The agreement is binding for school use and home use, in the event that the school or some classrooms may have to temporarily switch to remote learning. If Chromebooks are sent home, please be mindful and careful, as they are approximately $200 to replace. Please be aware that we are sending this agreement out now and have been working toward forming it from the beginning of the school year, not because we have any new concerns. Please sign and return on Tuesday.
SCHOOL PORTRAIT DAY! School pictures are this Tuesday, Sept. 8th. This is a dress up day, meaning, while students may choose to wear non-dress code shorts/jeans, their attire for pictures should be in keeping with the school’s length and sleeve requirements.
HOME & SCHOOL MEETING – Our first meeting will be this Tuesday, Sept. 8th at 6:00 pm. Please make plans to attend this meeting. Due to the need to practice social distancing and the need to wear masks, we ask that no children attend. All parents attending will receive a bonus dress down pass for their child. There will be no meal/snacks.
WATER BOTTLES: Please make sure your child is bringing their refillable water bottles to school each day. We have had to hand several bottles out over this last week, and while not a huge problem, we don’t want to have to start charging.
FUNDRAISING PORK STEAK DINNER: The Parish is planning to host a Pork Steak Drive Through fundraiser. We are having a planning meeting this September 9th at 6 pm & all parishioners are invited to attend. A tentative date for the event is November 7th. Pastoral Council urges all parishioners to participate in upcoming parish fundraisers to help replace picnic income. This planning meeting will be held in the school cafeteria. If attendance becomes large we will move to the gym to ensure social distancing. Thank you, and if you have any questions please contact Jacob Akin at 573-498-3574 or Becky Schwaller at 573-338-1764 for more information.
PARISH QUILT RAFFLE: Reminder – tickets are $20 each and may be purchased at M. H. Bank, the Parish office, or from any quilter.
THE PLAYGROUND LOOKS GREAT! Thanks so much to all the people who helped so much with the clearing off for and setting up of the playground. When we get the ground cover, it should all be set and ready to go. The students are excited and can’t wait to try out the new equipment!
SHIRT/HOODIE ORDER FORMS: Order forms are in today’s folder, with new pricing on some items. If you would like to order, please attach payment to Stephs Tees, and return by Monday, Sept. 15th. While Tammy will take orders throughout the year, it is helpful and more cost effective if she can order in batches.
COLLARED POLO SHIRTS FOR MASS: The polo shirt you received last week may be worn for spirit days, or any other school day, but most especially for Mass on Wednesdays. We are encouraging this so that we may present a unified school to our parishioners and guests at Mass. If your child’s shirt is still in the laundry pile on Wednesday morning – do not fret, it is not mandatory.
STUDENT BILLING: Billing for preschool will be every 2 weeks. You should have received your first bill Friday, Aug. 21st. You are receiving your second bill today. Lunch bills are also in today’s folder. We will be billing for lunch approximately every 18 days @ $45 per time period, for a total of $405 for the year. At the present time, extended care bills are going out at the end of the month, and you should have received yours on Tuesday. If once a month is not convenient for you for extended care, please call Rosie in the office to discuss. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
ONLINE PAYMENT is being delayed while we explore our options. Because our student count is below 150, the SIS charges higher fees for use of this option. To implement, we would have to do one of two things – raise rates on all fees, or pass the costs on to the parents using this feature. We will keep you updated, and we may send out a survey in the near future.
Remember to
send your folder back in on Tuesday.