Sat - Playground work day –
8:00 am
Mon – School Spirit Dress Down Day
Emergency Drill
Tues – School Advisory Bd. Mtg – 6:30 pm
Wed – All
School Mass (4th Ministry)
Thur – 2-8
School Mass (4th Ministry)
Fri – Dress Down Day
SCHOOL PORTRAIT DAY! School pictures are set for Tuesday, Sept. 8th. Order forms were sent home last week. If you have misplaced yours, please contact the office. Please return these to school by Monday, Sept. 7th.
FUNDRAISING PORK STEAK DINNER: The Parish is planning to host a Pork Steak Drive Through fundraiser. We will be having a planning meeting on September 9th at 6 pm (rescheduled date) & all parishioners are invited to attend. A tentative date for the event is November 7th. Pastoral Council urges all parishioners to participate in upcoming parish fundraisers in an effort to replace picnic income. This planning meeting will be held in the school cafeteria. If attendance becomes larger we will move to the gym to ensure social distancing. Thank you, and if you have any questions please contact Jacob Akin at 573-498-3574 or Becky Schwaller at 573-338-1764 for more information.
QUILT RAFFLE: Enclosed in today’s folder is the OLOS Parish quilt raffle flyer. Please support this fundraiser, as it will help replace picnic income as well.
PLAYGROUND SATURDAY! All help needed tomorrow morning, Sat., August 29th at 8:00 am. We will begin work on getting ready for and assembling the new and much-needed playground equipment. Bring any tools that you think would be helpful. Our students are counting on you!
SPIRIT MONDAY! Monday is our first all-school spirit day. For spirit days, you may wear any previously purchased spirit wear, or the new polo shirts being sent home today. Please remember to follow all length and sleeve requirements.
FANTASY NIGHT: Tentative plans are to hold Fantasy Night, our second biggest fundraiser (after the picnic), on Saturday, Feb. 6th, 2021. Planning for this event will be discussed at the Sept. 9 Fundraising meeting.
STUDENT COUNCIL elections will be taking place soon, for students in grades 4-8. Please see enclosed information and sign up. Please return by TUESDAY if your child is interested.
SELF-STUDY – rescheduled – Our 19-20 self-study accreditation process was put on hold due to the early Covid shut-down last spring. It is now on the calendar for October 14-16, 2020. More information on the day to day schedule for the self-study will be forthcoming as we receive more information from the diocesan school office.
EMERGENCY DRILLS: We will be rotating through emergency drills in the next few weeks. Teachers will discuss these drills with their students, but you may choose to discuss these with your child at home to alleviate any fears or apprehension they may have. Practiced drills are fire, earthquake, tornado, and intruder.
SCHOOL SHIRT/HOODIES ORDERS: Today you are receiving the polo shirts that were ordered through your online registration packet. These shirts may be worn for spirit days, or any other school day, but most especially for Mass on Wednesdays. We are encouraging this so that we may present a unified school to our parishioners and guests at Mass. If your child’s shirt is still in the laundry pile on Wednesday morning – do not fret, it is not mandatory. Individual orders for hoodies and spirit wear should be in on Monday.
Remember to
send your folder back in on Monday.