Friday Newsletter 9-18-20
Mon –
Tues –
Wed – All
School Mass (7/8 Ministry)
Thur – 2-8
School Mass (7/8 Ministry)
Fri – NO SCHOOL – Teacher Prof. Dev.
WATER BOTTLES/MASKS: Please make sure your child is bringing their refillable water bottle and mask to school each day.
STUDENT COUNCIL – Mark your calendar for our first meeting, planned for Thursday, October 1st, 3:30 – 4:30 pm. Please make sure to send a note to school, giving your child permission to stay for the meeting.
STUDENT BILLING: Billing for preschool will be every 2 weeks. You are receiving a preschool bill today for the previous two weeks. Due to newly adopted free lunch for all, we will be billing for a partial month of lunches already served through 9/18, and your bill should be found in next Thursday’s folder. At the present time, extended care bills are going out at the end of the month. If once a month is not convenient for you for extended care, please call Rosie in the office to discuss.
EXTRA ITEMS – CLEARANCE! 1-1 gal Women’s Shower Gel – “Another Love” scent, with pump - $15, 1-5 gal “Original Blue w/Softener” Laundry Detergent, with pump; 1-5 gal “Mango Twist” Laundry Detergent, with pump; 2-5 gal “Original Green” Laundry Detergent, with pump. 5 gal laundry detergents all price reduced to $35 each (was $45). Call or send a note to the office to see if they are still available.
HEALTH SCREENINGS will be a little later this year – the morning of Tuesday, November 3rd. Miller Co. Health Dept. will only be able to send two nurses to OLOSS that day, and they will do the vision and hearing screenings. We are in need of two volunteers to help with height/weight measurements, and to help move students through the process. Please, if you are able, call Rosie in the office. Volunteers would be required to wear masks, gloves, and have a temperature check upon entrance to the school.
BOX OF JOY: Please consider sponsoring a Box of Joy so that a child who may have never had a Christmas gift before will experience the love of Christ in the upcoming Christmas season. Boxes are available anytime from the school office or the vestibules of church. Cross Catholic Outreach, the sponsor of the program, asks that you include a payment of $9 to offset the shipping of the Box, and also to promote their ministry. You may return your filled box anytime up through October 25th, which will be our final collection date. Remember – don’t seal your box shut, just wrap with a rubber-band. Request a box anytime (or more boxes!) by contacting Rosie in the office. Thanks to all who are participating in this program.
plans are to hold Fantasy Night, our second biggest fundraiser (after the picnic),
on Saturday, Feb. 6th, 2021.
EMERGENCY DRILLS: We will be rotating through emergency drills in the next few weeks. Teachers will discuss these drills with their students, but you may choose to discuss these with your child at home to alleviate any fears or apprehension they may have. Practiced drills are fire, earthquake, tornado, and intruder.
Vice-Pres. – Joan Doerhoff
Secretary – Cindy McKenna
Treasurer – Gregg Koetting
Nominations are open for President and will be discussed at the next meeting, which is scheduled for
Tuesday, Nov. 10TH at 6:00 pm.
2/3: GN2VM
4: VC3RR
5/6: TVNKW
7/8: TVNKW