Friday Newsletter 9-11-20
Mon – Emergency Drill
Tues –
Wed – All
School Mass (7/8 Ministry)
Thur – 2-8
School Mass (7/8 Ministry)
Fri – Dress Down Day
Progress Reports
SCHOOL PORTRAIT RETAKE DAY will be Thursday, October 1st. If you ordered a packet that included a class composite, the composite will be delivered after the retake day.
SHIRT/HOODIE ORDER FORMS: Order forms sent home last week are due this Monday, Sept. 15th. While Tammy will take orders throughout the year, it is helpful and more cost effective if she can order in batches.
BOX OF JOY: Please consider
sponsoring a Box of Joy so that a child who may have never had a Christmas gift
before will experience the love of Christ in the upcoming Christmas season.
Boxes are available anytime from the school office or the vestibules of church.
Cross Catholic Outreach, the sponsor of the program, asks that you include a
payment of $9 to offset the shipping of the Box, and also to promote their
ministry. You may return your filled box anytime up through October 25th,
which will be our final collection date. Remember – don’t seal your box shut,
just wrap with a rubber-band. Thanks to all who are participating in this
STUDENT COUNCIL: Congratulations to the newly elected officers and class representatives. They are:
President Zachary
V. Pres. Nolan Schulte
Secretary Austin Doerhoff
Treasurer Natalie Groose
6th Class Reps. Rylee
Vandike, Leah Koetting
5th Class Reps. Shane
Beck, Alex Hagenhoff
4th Class Reps. Gus
Pringer, Madelyn Doerhoff
Meeting dates will
be available in the near future.
NAVY BLUE DRAW-STRING BAGS with the new OLOSS logo are available from the school office at the cost of $5. Many thanks to Tammy & Greg Love, for donating these bags to the school for fundraising purposes. A color photo follows this weekly newsletter. If you would like to purchase, please send $5 in this folder or with your child.
SELF-STUDY – rescheduled – Our 19-20 self-study accreditation process was put on hold due to the early Covid shut-down last spring. It is now on the calendar for October 14-16, 2020. More information on the day to day schedule for the self-study will be forthcoming as we receive more information from the diocesan school office.
EMERGENCY DRILLS: We will be rotating through emergency drills in the next few weeks. Teachers will discuss these drills with their students, but you may choose to discuss these with your child at home to alleviate any fears or apprehension they may have. Practiced drills are fire, earthquake, tornado, and intruder.
HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION: Thanks to all who attended the meeting Tuesday evening. New officers were chosen. They are:
Vice-Pres. – Joan Doerhoff
Secretary – Cindy McKenna
Treasurer – Gregg Koetting
Nominations are open
for President and will be discussed at the next meeting, which is scheduled for
Tuesday, Nov. 10TH at 6:00 pm.
2/3: GN2VM
4: VC3RR
5/6: TVNKW
7/8: TVNKW