Friday Newsletter 10-3-14
Sat – 4/5 Volleyball @ St.
Joe, JC – 8:00 am (vs. St. Joe, JC)
OLOS Fantasy
Mon – Achievement Testing Make-up
Fire Safety Week
– Tour fire station during special class time
Tues – Achievement Testing Make-up
Wed –
Thurs- NO MASS
JV Volleyball @ HOME
– 8:00 pm
(vs. St. Francis Xavier, Taos )
School Spirit
Dress Down Day
Fri -
DAY is scheduled for Monday, October 13th (Columbus
Day). We scheduled it on this day because of the state holiday. We are asking
for parent helpers – both to help in the classrooms & grounds with pioneer
activities and with moving children between these activities. Please contact school office personnel with
your offer to help out. All students (and adults!) are encouraged to dress
in pioneer clothing for the day. If the student chooses not to dress in pioneer
clothing, the normal dress code is still in force. So far
we have these volunteers – Wendy Whittle, Bryan Evers, Melissa Koetting
(morning), Brittany Goetz (morning) & Kim Evers.
WITH DAD: Thursday, October 16th. Dads (or dad
“subs”) you are invited to school between 7:00 & 7:30 to enjoy donuts with
your kids in the school cafeteria. You are also invited to attend Mass with
your child that morning or go on to work, as time permits.
PICTURE DAY is scheduled for Friday, October 17th. Thanks so much to Alvina Sestak and Ashley
Kempker (& Debbie Schulte, if
needed) for offering to help that morning.
PARENTS: If your child does not normally attend on Fridays,
you are encouraged to bring your child at 8:00 am the morning of pictures,
Friday, Oct. 17th. We will do the preschool photos first. Otherwise,
there will be a retake day scheduled for later.
FOR FAMILIES IN NEED: As a faith community, we are called to help those
families in need of ongoing support due to health, financial, personal and
other types of crises. We are asking for volunteers to form a committee to
respond to the needs of these families – whether it be through
coordinating/providing dinners, clothing, etc. Please contact the school office
if you would like to help head up or help with this ongoing effort. We thank Melissa Koetting, Kim Evers, and
Brittany Goetz, for volunteering for this committee to date.
STORE: The Santa Store is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 18th,
during special classes. This is a special opportunity for our school children
to shop for family members and they REALLY enjoy it. We are in need of
donations of any kind, but most especially “dad” gifts, and brother/sister
gifts. You can send those items in at any time. Also, we will need some helper
elves to wrap gifts and help the students with shopping. Debbie Schulte & Wendy Whittle have volunteered to help out. If
you are able to be here that day, please contact someone in the office.
DANCE FUNDRAISER: Today you are receiving the flyer for a school
sponsored dance featuring the popular band, Shiloh .
Please hang these flyers up at your workplace and around the community. If you
need any more, please contact the office.
THANKS to the wonderful volunteers who helped out with
the health screenings last Friday – Dianne
Goetz, Elaine Kempker, & Barb Adrian. We really appreciate it! If you
see them, let them know of your appreciation.
were any concerns regarding your child’s health screening, you will find notice
in today’s folder.
& SCHOOL: Correction: Lynn Morgan is serving as president,
and Stacy Schrimpf as secretary. Many thanks to Melissa Koetting, who has
graciously volunteered to serve as vice president. Sorry for the confusion.
Gallon ice-cream buckets for kitchen.
LARGE buttons for Pioneer Day
Aluminum pie pans for Pioneer Day meal
Donations of underwear and pants (stretchy is best)
sizes 4-7 for preschool.
COUNCIL LEADER: We are asking one or two parent volunteers to work
with the Student Council this year. The council generally meets once a month
and sponsors other activities through the year. Please contact Mrs. Werdehausen
with your offer to help.
CALENDARS: You were provided monthly calendars for the entire
school year in your school handbook. We also post the calendar on our school
website, which is updated with game information and recent changes/additions to
the calendar. To save costs, we will no
longer provide the calendar in your Friday folder. For now, we will keep
sending the lunch menu, but it is also available online.
OF DATE: The JV game
scheduled for Tues., Oct 14 has been moved to Wed, Oct 15, same time, same
place, same opponent.
VOLLEYBALL NEWS: This Saturday, Oct. 4th, the 4/5
Volleyball game will be at 8:00 am instead of 9:00 am, same place, same
JV lost all three sets last night to St. Joe, Westphalia ,
with scores of 14-25, 18-25, & 21-25. Keep on trying, girls!
(Parents of…)
6:00 pm - Kayla Bond
7:00 pm – Megan McCoy* (please stay for first few
of third game)
6:00 pm – Madison Evers
7:00 pm – Emily Love
8:00 pm – Ava Puckett
6:00 pm – Hannah Evers
7:00 pm – Elizabeth Kliethermes
8:00 pm – Elizabeth Kliethermes
Shift workers please arrive 30 minutes before game because the parents will be
arriving early with their player. If you cannot work your scheduled time,
please trade with someone.
MONEY: Any student may purchase a milk at lunchtime for
50 cents. Students purchasing a school lunch already have a milk provided, but
may purchase an additional. Sack lunch students may purchase a milk for their
lunch. However, payment must be made to the office at the time the milk is
desired – no paying ahead. There will be no change available. So pack those
quarters parents!
REMINDER: On Mondays, the 5-8th graders are
to change in to a T-shirt and gym shorts during
their gym time & then they may wear these clothes home.
CARE SERVICES: In the event of inclement weather, or early
dismissal due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be NO EXTENDED CARE
SERVICES available. All students should be picked up at the dismissal time
which would be announced with the dismissal notification. On regularly
scheduled half days off (listed on school calendar), extended care is available
from 12:00 – 5:30 pm.
students have the opportunity to place their offering in the collection. If you
need collection envelopes at home, please let us know & some will be sent
home. We also have them available in the cafeteria for student use.
Pioneer Day – Oct. 13, 2014
Donuts with Dad – Oct 16, 2014 7:00 – 7:30 am
School Pictures – Oct 17, 2014
First Reconciliation – Feb. 15, 2015, after
10:00 am Mass
First Eucharist – May 3, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
OLOSS 8th grade Graduation – May 9, 2015,
5:00 pm Mass
OLOS Preschool Graduation – May 10, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
Please return your folder on Monday.
Enjoy a fantastic weekend!
Good luck to all Fantasy Night ticket holders!!!