Friday Newsletter 11-8-2024
School Motto: We are learning, serving &
praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!
Mon – Veterans’ Day – dress down in red/white/blue or camo
5-8 Grade
Crochet Club – until 4:30 pm
Service available - $2/child)
Home & School mtg – begins @ 6:00 pm with potluck, Call
to order @ 6:15 pm
Fantasy Night
Follow-up mtg. – begins @ 7:00 pm at the latest (following H&S)
Both meetings in cafeteria
Tues –
Wed – All School Mass 8:00 am (5/6 Ministry)
Thur – OLOS Thanksgiving Appreciation Lunch for Volunteers, Vets, &
Supporters (by invite, with rsvp)
Fri - Dress Down Day
Online School Wear ordering ends today
SOCKTOBER IS OVER! Congratulations to our 7th & 8th graders, who won the Socktober sock collection contest. These students managed to collect an average of 11.1 pairs of socks per student, with 100 pairs collected. Great job 7th & 8th graders (and parents)! The school collected 288 pairs of socks overall! The breakdown by classroom follows:
PK – (23 pairs) 1.4 socks
per student
K – (7 pairs) 1.4 socks
per student
1/2 – (21 pairs) 2.3 socks
per student
3/4 – (36 pairs) 7.2 socks per
5/6 – (101 pairs) 7.2 socks per
Thanks for the great support of this project!
CROCHET CLUB has been moved to Monday night this upcoming week. Please fill out form that Mrs. Hoecker has sent home.
HEALTH SCREENINGS: On Tuesday morning we had our annual health screenings with nurses from the Miller Co. Health Dept, which included vision & hearing tests. If there were any concerns for your child, you will find a notice in today’s folder. Thanks so much to Megan K. & Ashley B. for volunteering their Tuesday morning to help us out!
VETERANS DAY: We will begin celebrating Veterans Day this Monday, November 11th, by dressing down in red, white, & blue or camo. Jeans may be worn. On Thursday, November 14th, all active military members and veterans from the Mary's Home community were invited to our Thanksgiving luncheon. RSVP was required by 11/4. (We are also recognizing the many volunteers who assist us here at school).
MEETINGS THIS WEEK: There will be a Home & School Meeting this Monday, November 11th at 6:00 pm, beginning with a potluck meal. We will elect new officers. All attending will receive a bonus dress down pass for their child. Following the H & S meeting (approx. 7:00 pm) we will have a Fantasy Night Follow Up Meeting. Make plans now to attend one or both of these important meetings!
GERBES COMMUNITY REWARDS: The school recently received $78.00 for our families’ participation in the Community Rewards program. Please see the end of notes for information on how to get signed up for this program.
SCHOOL-WEAR ORDERING IS OPEN THROUGH FRIDAY! Queen Bee Graphics is taking orders for school wear for one more week - through Nov. 15th. This would be a good time to take advantage of ordering for Christmas or if you just need some school shirts, quarter-zips, or spirit shirts. Orders should be in no later than December 10th. The link is: https;//
EXCITING PLAYGROUND NEWS! We have ordered new playground equipment for the younger students’ area. This new equipment is at no cost to the school and made possible through a grant. Looking ahead, we will need help with assembling some of the equipment. We will update you as soon as we know more about a possible work date.
WEEKLY DRESS DOWN PASS WINNER(S)! Congratulations to Patrick & Derrick A. for winning this week’s drawing! Remember – return your folder (with paperwork complete) by Tuesday to be added to the weekly drawing.
Please return your folder on Monday!
Wishing you a great fall weekend!
SIGN UP FOR GERBES COMMUNITY REWARDS: OLOS is enrolled in the Gerbes “Community Rewards” program. This program offers money back to our school, based on enrolled customer’s spending. It is a really easy process. You just tie your Gerbes shopper’s card to our school account. If you don’t have a Gerbes shopper’s card, it takes less than a minute to get one at the store or online. All the information needed to complete this process is online. @ Our school code is TU152. It takes just a couple minutes so get all your family and friends to register as well! The school will receive quarterly payments in cash form. We will update you as we receive those funds. This has the potential to be a great moneymaker for the school – the key is to get many, many people involved. No selling needed! Please pass the word to family and friends and thanks for supporting OLOS School!!!
SCHOOL MOTTO: We are learning, serving and praying - every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!
C - Christ Centered
O – Optimistic
U – Understanding of Others
G – Generous
A – Achieving Academic
R – Respectful
S – Serving Others