Friday, November 1, 2024

Friday Newsletter 11-01-2024 



School Motto: We are learning, serving & praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!


Mon   5/6 Field Trip to Highway Patrol & Stikers

Tues Health Screenings by MCHD – 8:30 am

          5-8 Grade Crochet Club – until 4:30 pm

          (Sibling Service available - $2/child)

Wed All School Mass 8:00 am (7/8 Ministry)

          “Wacky Wednesday”

          Community Service Day – Prepare for Vets & Volunteers

          Wear Royal Blue Community Shirts with Dress Code Bottoms

          Three Rivers Electric Safety – 8:45 -9:30 am (for 3rd through 8th grades)

          HR Library Lady visits – 10:00–2:30 pm

          Patriotic Rosary – 2:30 in the gym – all are welcome


Fri -    Dress Down for $1 for Uganda Day

CEMETERY LIGHTING! In spite of the forecasted rain, we are planning on leaving the tea lights on the cemetery throughout the weekend. Hopefully, this gives everyone a chance to get out and see how beautiful this looks at night. And if this is what it takes to make the much needed rain come down – so be it! All to the Glory of God! As you visit the cemetery, remember to pray for the Holy Souls of our deceased relatives & all our dearly departed

HALLOWEEN THANKS! Thanks so much to our great families, parishioners and room parents, who have helped to make this Halloween & Holy Days so special. From the Cemetery Lighting to the Trunk or Treat, to the classroom parties – it all makes for such a special time for our students and community. We so appreciate all the time, talent, and donations that make it all happen. We couldn’t do it without you!

HEALTH SCREENINGS: On Tuesday morning, two Miller County Health nurses will be here to do screenings for our students. We have two volunteers – Megan Kempker & Ashley Burnett to assist the nurses. We could use at least one more person. Please let Rosie know if you would be able to help.

SCHOOL-WEAR ORDERING IS OPEN! Queen Bee Graphics is now taking orders for school wear through Nov. 15th. This would be a good time to take advantage of ordering for Christmas or if you just need some school shirts, quarter-zips, or spirit shirts. Orders should be in no later than December 10th. The link is: https;//

VETERANS DAY: We will begin celebrating Veterans Day on Monday, November 11th, by dressing down in red, white, & blue or camo. On Thursday, November 14th, all active military members and veterans from the Mary's Home community are invited to a Thanksgiving luncheon, featuring turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and all the fixings. The luncheon will begin at 10:50 am in the gymnasium and will be prepared by our wonderful cooks and hosted by our 7th & 8th grade classes. A RSVP is REQUIRED by THIS MONDAY, November 4th, by calling Rosie at the school office @ 573.498.3574. Hope to see many of our vets and active military here with us that day! With everlasting gratitude, we thank you for your service to our country! (We are also recognizing the many volunteers who assist us here at school).

UPCOMING MEETINGS: There will be a Home & School Meeting on Monday, November 11th at 6:00 pm, beginning with a potluck meal. We will elect new officers. And all attending will receive a bonus dress down pass for their child. Following the H & S meeting (approx. 7:00 pm) we will have a Fantasy Night Follow Up Meeting. Make plans now to attend one or both of these important meetings!

WELLNESS POLICY: OLOS School has a wellness policy on file in the school office that supports the health and well-being of students throughout the school day. It is available for viewing at your request.

EXCITING PLAYGROUND NEWS! We have ordered new playground equipment for the younger students’ area. This new equipment is at no cost to the school and made possible through a grant. Looking ahead, we will need help with assembling some of the equipment. We will update you as soon as we know more about a possible work date.

WEEKLY DRESS DOWN PASS WINNER(S)! Congratulations to Wade & Lilah K. for winning this week’s drawing! Remember – return your folder (with paperwork complete) by Tuesday to be added to the weekly drawing.