Friday, November 22, 2024


Friday Newsletter 11-22-2024



School Motto: We are learning, serving & praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!


Mon –   School Spirit Day – may dress down if wearing school sponsored spirit shirt


Wed –   NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break

Thur –  NO SCHOOL – Happy Thanksgiving!

Fri -    NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break

          Mary’s Home Christmas Parade-6:30 pm (loading at 6:00 pm)

MIDTERM PROGRESS REPORTS are available today. Please follow the directions below to access your child’s report. Special class grades are not posted unless there is a concern for your child.

3-8 Progress Reports are available online. To access Progress Reports on your family portal - sign in, then follow these steps:

On left, click “Student”

On left, directly under “Student Home” click “Grades”

In upper middle/left screen click “Midterm Progress Report”

If you have more than one student, you can switch between them on the upper left. Please sign the slip that is enclosed in today’s folder, acknowledging that you reviewed the report. It is a good idea to log in weekly to check grades. This is also a good time to log in any service hours you have performed.

K-2 Progress Reports are in today’s folder. Look these over and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the classroom teacher.

SCHOOL-WEAR ORDERS should be in no later than December 10th.

HOME & SCHOOL ELECTIONS: Based on ballots returned by 28 of our 36 school families we offer the following election results:

Vice President: Kaitlyn Connell

Secretary: Megan Kempker

Treasurer: Amanda Herigon

Thanks so much to all the individuals who volunteered or agreed to run for these positions. We also want to recognize the 23-24 officers: Jena Schwaller (technically staying on in advisory position), Amber Schulte (who will be moving up to president), Ashley Evers, Andy Adrian, & Roselyn Wood. We thank you all for your donation of time & talent!

 CHRISTMAS IS COMING! Last week you received a flyer for dress down days in December based on Christmas movie themes, called “A December to Remember”. Your child may dress down if they follow the theme for the day but must adhere to all length/no fray/no holes requirements. Mrs. Varner has tried to make it easy – you can either follow the theme closely with actual outfits, or just in the general color theme, as outlined on the flyer We have included these dress down days on the monthly calendar as well. Let’s all show our Christmas spirit!

OLOS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM is Sunday, December 8th, after the 8:00 am Mass. The program will begin at 9:15 am. The list of student ministry assignments is in today’s folder. For Mass, students are asked to dress nicely (no jeans) and adhere to dress code lengths. Please have students wear green, red, or black, if possible. We are asking all families to send in two dozen homemade cookies on Friday, Dec. 6. H & S & School Advisory officers will bag them up and hand them out after the program on Sunday. There will be no reception at the school.

SANTA STORE NEWS! Our annual Santa Store will be available for our students to shop on Tuesday, December 17th during their special class time. Name tag packets will be coming out soon – so be looking for those in the next couple of weeks. We are asking for donations of gifts for family members – moms, dads, & siblings, and for donations of bags, tape, and tissue paper. We also need a few more “Christmas elves” to help that day. We thank Lue Ann Hogg, Bev Koetting, Diann Brenneke, & Darlene Rush, who have already offered to help us out!


We will follow the schedule below for December 20th, our last day in session for 2024:

8:00 am                   All School Prayer Service – all invited

8:30 am                  Brunch (pancakes, sausage,  hashbrowns) all parent/guardians invited, complimentary, rsvp coming out next week

9:00 – 9:45 am       Classroom parties

9:45 am                  Students may be signed out

11:00 am                 All remaining students will be  dismissed (pick-up no later than 11:15 am – no afternoon extended care services)

***We may have a special visitor show up!!! Shhh!***

EXCITING PLAYGROUND NEWS! The new playground equipment is in for the younger students’ area. This equipment is at no cost to the school and made possible through a grant. The equipment needs to be put together. It includes benches, picnic tables, a dome jungle gym, along with other things. We are looking for someone to take charge & spearhead the assembly part of this project. Please call the school office with your offer to help!

WEEKLY DRESS DOWN PASS WINNER(S)! Congratulations to Indy & Merida for winning this week’s drawing! Remember – return your folder (with paperwork complete) by Tuesday to be added to the weekly drawing.

SHORT WEEK! There will be no folder sent home next week, due to the short week. Please refer to the December events calendar to stay on top of what’s going on here at school the first week of December.


We want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very peaceful, happy, fun-filled, family-filled Thanksgiving!


Please return your folder on Monday!

Wishing you a lovely fall weekend!