Friday Newsletter 12-15-2023
School Motto: We are learning, serving &
praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!
December to Remember” continues!
Mon – “Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
Wear brown,
flannel, or reindeer attire
Tues – “The Santa Clause” Wear a Santa hat or your
favorite hat
Wed – Wear dress code
All School Mass 8:00 am (4th grade Ministry)
Pancake Breakfast – 8:30 – 9:00 am
Class Christmas
Parties – 9:00 – 10:00 am
Final dismissal
for any students remaining at 11:00 am
No pm extended
care services
End of 2nd
Thur – No School
– Christmas break
Fri - No School – Christmas break
Christmas Blessings!
WAYS YOU HAVE HELPED! Thanks so much to all who sent in the baking items and money for baking, and for the support of the St. Nicholas Academy. We baked some yummy treats this week for our community members. The students enjoyed whipping up those recipes! And, along with several items for the boys at St. Nicholas Academy, and by your good grace, we were able to directly donate approximately $700 for needed items. There was an interesting article in last week’s “Catholic Missourian” about St. Nicholas Academy. If you missed it, we have enclosed a copy in today’s folder. Your support of our December projects is so very much appreciated!
Wednesday, we will celebrate a final all school Mass for 2023 at 8:00
am. After Mass, all parents/guardians are invited to enjoy a complimentary
pancake & sausage breakfast with the students (sign up sent home two
weeks ago). After the breakfast, at approximately 9:00, we will begin our classroom
parties. Students may be signed out by parents after the classroom parties
are over (approx. 10:00 am), with any remaining students dismissing at 11:00
am. There will be no extended care service the afternoon of the 20th.
All parents/guardians attending the breakfast are encouraged to attend Mass.
CHRISTMAS EVE MASS will be at 4:00 pm. All students who would like to sing before Mass, please meet in the main vestibule of church at 3:40 pm. We will sing one song. If your child would like to then go up and sing with the choir, they may, but must be attended by a parent.
GOSPEL WEEKLIES: Your handouts this week review the readings for the next two weekend Masses and Christmas week, The theme for this, our third Sunday of Advent, is JOY. Please take a little time over this very busy season to reinforce the REAL meaning of Christmas with your children, possibly using some great ideas listed on these handouts.
St. Peter Girl’s Varsity Basketball team who defeated St. Joseph, Westphalia
(first game) and then went on and defeated St. Joseph, Jeff. City in their
second game this week! Our Madelyn D. plays with the St. Peter Saints. Great
work to all!
SCHOOL CLOSING: Any emergency early
dismissal or closing of the school due to weather will be announced by parent
alert (text, email, voice) and through social media, as well as over area
television stations. PARENTS SHOULD NOT CALL the school office during
inclement weather conditions to learn if the school is closing early. This
unnecessarily ties up our phone lines for emergency communications. A phone
call into school during this time will delay the process of getting our
communications out to all families. Please note that afternoon extended care
services are not available in the event of early dismissal due to
weather or other emergencies.
Shane B. is the lucky winner
of the weekly Friday Folder dress down drawing!
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 – First Reconciliation
after Mass
Sunday, April 21, 2024 – First Eucharist – 10 am
Saturday, April 27, 2024 – 8th Grade Graduation –
4:00 pm Mass
We’re waiting for Jesus, like Mary! The whole world is waiting for Love! |
Please return your folder on MONDAY.
We will not be sending home the newsletter next
week so we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a
Blessed and Very Merry Christmas!
We’ll see all the students back at school on Wednesday, January
3rd, 2024!
Enjoy this December weekend preparing for the
birthday of Jesus!