Friday Newsletter 12-7-2023
Our Lady of the Snows School provides quality Catholic
education and
develops the whole person in a faith-filled
Catholic environment.
School Motto: We are learning, serving &
praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!
December to Remember” continues!
Mon – Send in St. Nicholas Academy gifts and baking
items today!
Home & School Special/Idea Mtg. – 6:00 pm (cafeteria)
Tues – Santa
Store – students shop during special class time
Wed – All School Mass 8:00 am (5/6 Ministry)
2/3/4 Christmas
12:45 – 2:00 pm
PK Christmas baking
2:15 – 3:00 pm
Thur – K/1 Christmas baking
12:30 – 1:30 pm
5/6 Christmas
1:45 – 3:00 pm
Fri - 7th & 8th grade
Christmas baking 12:30 – 1:45 pm
SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: What a wonderful program the students, Santa, Mrs. Theresa & Mrs.
Paula put on! We had so many compliments from our families and community
members. Thanks to all who enjoyed the program with our students and to Mrs.
Theresa, Mrs. Paula & Mr. Bill Plank for all their time and hard work!
WAYS TO HELP! As we approach the
holidays, keep in mind the projects we are supporting through the school,
especially the St. Nicholas Academy. In
this folder you will find a list of projects for the month of December & and
an updated list of items needed for these projects. If you don’t have
time to shop or do not wish to, feel free to send a cash donation and we will
do the shopping for you! We are asking that all items be turned in by this
Monday, December 11th.
Thank you!
A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER! In this folder you will find an
outline of December dress down days. The students are definitely enjoying these
dress down day opportunities! Please
note the Mass days and remember that if the student chooses not to participate
in the theme for the day, they are expected to be in normal dress code attire
or provide a dress down pass.
SANTA STORE: The Student Council
will be hosting the Santa Store this upcoming Tuesday, December 12.
There are envelopes with gift tags in today’s folder for you to help
your child fill out and return on Monday. Our thanks to Bev Koetting,
Marie Massman, Diann Brenneke, Cindy McKenna, Debbie Schulte, Lue Ann Hogg,
Debbie Groose, & Darlene Rush for volunteering to be Santa’s elves!
It is not too late to send in any items you may have to donate – most especially
guy gifts and baby/child gifts. Thanks to all who have supported this
project so greatly!
have changed things around a bit on the morning of December 20th,
the day we break for Christmas. We will celebrate Mass first thing, at 8:00 am.
After Mass, all parents are invited to enjoy a complimentary pancake &
sausage breakfast with the students. After the breakfast, at approximately
9:00, we will begin our classroom parties. Students may be signed out by
parents after the classroom parties are over (approx. 10:00 am), with final
dismissal at 11:00 am. If you haven’t returned your sign-up form, you will
find an additional copy in today’s folder. Please return on MONDAY! Thank
be at 4:00 pm. All students who would
like to sing before Mass, please meet in the main vestibule of church at 3:40
pm. We will sing one song. If your child would like to then go up and sing with
the choir, they may, but must be attended by a parent.
HOME & SCHOOL NEWS: The Home & School Association would like your new ideas and
opinions on activities and events throughout the school year. Please join us this
Monday, December 11th at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria for a
brainstorming meeting! We will discuss how the Home & School Association
can be of best benefit to our school.
handout this week reviews the readings for this weekend’s Mass, the second
Sunday of Advent (theme – peace), along with age-appropriate activities you can
do at home to reinforce the readings. We hope you enjoy these ideas!
Osage Beach is closing its doors at the end of January. They are running good
sales and do have a supply of dress code clothing. You may want to check
it out!
ROXANNE SCHULTE has served our parish
for several years in the parish office but has decided to take a new position
elsewhere. She has served our parish with dedication and hard work and we would
like to recognize her service with a reception of gratitude. This Sunday, after
10:00 am Mass, please join us in the gym. Please bring a snack if you
can! There is also a box in church for cards if you are unable to make
it to the reception.
SCHOOL CLOSING: Any emergency early
dismissal or closing of the school due to weather will be announced by parent
alert (text, email, voice) and through social media, as well as over area
television stations. PARENTS SHOULD NOT CALL the school office during
inclement weather conditions to learn if the school is closing early. This
unnecessarily ties up our phone lines for emergency communications. A phone
call into school during this time will delay the process of getting our
communications out to all families. Please note that afternoon extended care
services are not available in the event of early dismissal due to
weather or other emergencies.
Natalie & Charlotte G. are the lucky winners of the weekly Friday Folder dress down
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 – First Reconciliation
after Mass
Sunday, April 21, 2024 – First Eucharist – 10 am
Saturday, April 27, 2024 – 8th Grade Graduation –
4:00 pm Mass
We’re waiting for Jesus, like Mary! The whole world is
waiting for Love!
Please return your folder on MONDAY.
Enjoy your December weekend!