Friday Newsletter 3-18-2022
Mon – NO SCHOOL – Prof. Dev. @ Helias
Tues – Spelling
Practice 3:00 – 3:30 pm
Wed – All School Mass – 8:00 am (7/8 Ministry)
Choir Practice 3:00
– 3:30 pm
Thur – Library Lady visits Grades 3-8
Spelling Practice 3:00 – 3:30 pm
Fri - SUDS Fundraising begins
Afghan Refugee
items due
Electives – 1:00
Stations of the
Cross – 2:15 pm
Sat. – Shiloh Fundraising Dance – 7:00-11:00
(doors open at
6:30 pm)
BUS SURVEY: Please find this most important survey included in today’s folder. Even if you don’t have an interest, it is very important that you fill it out and return it. We are excited about this possibility and want to move on it very quickly if there is interest. If you talk to friends/relatives over the weekend, mention it to them and note their input on your survey. We would like to get a clear understanding of the needs of our school and community.
ACHIEVEMENT TEST SCORES for Grades 3-8 are also in today’s folder, along with a letter from Mrs. Burgess. Please take the time to review your child’s results and if you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Burgess.
SUDS FUNDRAISING: Our Lady of the Snows will be kicking off its Show Me Suds laundry soap fundraiser on March 26 and it will run until April 19, with product delivery on either April 27 or 28. This is the perfect opportunity to purchase laundry soap, dishwashing pods, dishwashing soap, and fabric softener to save everyone money and benefit OLOS at the same time. All proceeds will go towards our parish technology needs. Order forms will be included in the back of Church and on OLOS' Facebook page. You may contact Joan Doerhoff or the School Office for additional information or to place your order. Thank you for your continued support of OLOS!
SPELLING BEE PRACTICES each Tuesday & Thursday from 3:00 – 3:30 pm through April 5th. Spelling Bee is April 6th.
CHOIR PRACTICE is on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 3:30 pm.
TALENT SHOW/FIELD DAY: On Wednesday, May 11th, we will be having a Talent Show sponsored by Mr. Jannetti in the morning, and a Field Day event in the afternoon (may begin before lunch?). Please be talking to your kids about what they might like to do for the talent show, as we want ALL students involved! Also, please contact Amy Hagenhoff if you would like to help plan the Field Day event. We are asking for parent volunteers for that day as well, so please let Rosie or Amy know if you would be able to help that day. Sounds like so much fun!
8TH GRADE NET RETREAT: This retreat is a yearly tradition for our 8th graders and takes place in Folk, MO. It is being held on Friday, April 22. We are in need of one driver to transport the three students to and from the retreat. Mr. Vandike will be in attendance with the students.
8th GRADE GRADUATION is set for Saturday, May 7th, 6:00 pm Mass. Traditionally, 7th grade parents and students coordinate and host the 8th grade graduation. Graduation checklists are being sent home to 7th grade parents today. 7th grade parents, please coordinate among yourselves on who will oversee each item on the list. More help will be needed, as there are only three 7th grade families, and one has an 8th grader graduating. So, we are asking for a couple 6th grade parents and students to volunteer to help with the hosting part of the evening. Please let Rosie know if you would be available to help after Mass that evening.
BE KIND! Ms. Dala Hemeyer of Catholic Charities has started a six week anti-bullying & kindness pilot program with our Our Lady of the Snows School Grades 5-8 students in which they will be led through a curriculum and service project that promotes the practice of kindness and empathy as well as how to exercise growth mindset. The goal is to give students practical skills they can use to battle challenges, both big and small, that they will encounter day to day and throughout their lives! We are so encouraged by this opportunity!
WELCOME to Gretchen Hanna, our newest Title I teacher!
AFTER EASTER PLANS: We will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Tuesday, April 19th, after we come back from Easter Break. Would you please send in ONE DOZEN filled eggs by Monday, April 11th for each student’s classroom? Please no chocolate that would melt or candy with any kind of nuts.
ELECTIVE COURSES! Thank you to our volunteers who are leading minicourses to our students: Jason Bittle-Bowling, Chuck Berendzen-Woodworking, Mary Burgess-Quilting, Steve Jannetti-Gardening, Matilda O'Connor & Gabriela Tolosa Ramirez-Coding for Kids, Tammy Witherspoon-Journalism, and Marianna Werdehausen-Painting.
CHANGES TO CALENDAR: There will be NO SCHOOL on March 21 due to Diocesan Professional Development, but we WILL be in session on Friday, March 25th. We WILL be in session on April 19th & 20th, snow make-up days.
TRACK COACH NEEDED: We have several students who are interested in participating in track this spring. However, we are in need of a track coach. Please contact Mrs. Burgess.
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the afternoon of Friday, April 22, as we are planning a fun reunion for all former staff members of OLOSS. All parents and community members are invited to attend. There will be light refreshments available.
MARCH: Our March morning prayer is The Act of Hope, and our March Christskill is Perseverence.
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Delanie W. for winning this week.
SUBS NEEDED! We are in great need of subs for both the classrooms and in the kitchen. Please contact Mrs. Burgess if you, or someone you know, might be interested.
SPOTLIGHT ON STAFF – Our Lady of the Snows School is very blessed to have such devoted, hard-working, and experienced staff members who have dedicated their careers to the children and families of Our Lady of the Snows community. We will spotlight a different staff member in the bulletin each week. This week's spotlight is on Josh Vandike, our Gr. 7/8 teacher. "Hi, my name is Josh Vandike. I grew up in Rolla MO and graduated from Rolla High School. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in History with a minor in teaching from Missouri S &T. I was originally an accounting major and have taken various business classes. I am married to my wife Laura. We have 4 children, Zachary who is a freshman at Cole-RV, Rylee who is a 7th grader at Our Lady of the Snows School, Nicholas who is a 5th grader, and Isabelle who is 3 years old. She will be starting pre-school next year. This is my 19th year teaching at Our Lady of the Snows Catholic School. I taught Physical Education for one year at Visitation Catholic School in Vienna Missouri while I was still in college. I have held a variety of secondary jobs since high school. When I am not working at school or at WalMart, I love to spend time with my family. I also love sports. I enjoy watching the St. Louis Cardinals, Kansas City Chiefs, and Missouri Tigers. I enjoy the small class sizes and the family-oriented atmosphere at Our Lady of the Snows School. It is a place where I enjoy working and what I want my own kids to experience as students there. My favorite thing about working at OLOS is getting to interact with the students every day. The school is like one big extended family."
Please return your folder on Tuesday.
Have a wonderful three-day weekend, students! Spring blessings!