Friday Newsletter 8-21-20
Mon – Emergency Drill
Parking Lot Mtg – 6:00 pm
Tues –
Wed – All
School Mass (5/6 Ministry)
Thur – 2-8
School Mass (5/6 Ministry)
Fri – Dress Down Day
2018-2019 YEARBOOK ORDERS are in! If you ordered a copy (2 years ago), your order should be in today’s folder. Many, many thanks to Kathleen Haeffner (former OLOS teacher & school parent) who took on the task of creating a memory book so far after the fact. If you see her, thank her, she did a great job!
2019-20 YEARBOOKS will be in progress soon, and when they are complete, an order form will be sent home. Dwayne Blackwell will be once again be taking school photos, and he has also agreed to laying out the 20-21 yearbook, so we are looking forward to that. This should also help so that we do not experience such a delay.
SCHOOL PORTRAIT DAY! School pictures are tentatively set for Tuesday, Sept. 8th. Order forms are in today’s folder. Please return these to school by Monday, Sept. 7th.
SELF-STUDY – rescheduled – Our 19-20 self-study accreditation process was put on hold due to the early Covid shut-down last spring. It is now on the calendar for October 14-16, 2020. More information on the day to day schedule for the self-study will be forthcoming as we receive more information from the diocesan school office.
FUNDRAISING PARKING LOT MEETING: In lieu of Fantasy Night, the committee is planning a pork-steak drive through carry out meal. A planning meeting is scheduled for this Monday night, August 24th, at 6:00 pm, following social distancing guidelines. Anyone interested should attend to discuss ideas for his fundraising event.
EMERGENCY DRILLS: We will be rotating through emergency drills in the next few weeks. Teachers will discuss these drills with their students, but you may choose to discuss these with your child at home to alleviate any fears or apprehension they may have. Practiced drills are fire, earthquake, tornado, and intruder.
– 12:20 – 12:50
– 9:45 – 10:25
– 11:50 – 12:20
– 9:05 – 9:45
– 8:45 – 9:05
– 10:25 – 11:05
Dear OLOS School Families,
Thank you all for such a wonderful
start to the school year. I appreciate all the cooperation with new policies or
guidelines regarding COVID Best Practices. These are in place to provide OLOS
with a safe learning environment. Also, we may be stricter than other schools,
but it is our belief that if we all work together and do our part, we should be
able to stay in session safely. Please contact the office if you have any
additional questions or concerns about our current procedures. Please make sure
you are reviewing information sent home in this folder because they tend to
have important information or forms to fill out. I will try to insert
information about what is happening in our school weekly. Please follow us on
Facebook and look
for updates also on our website
Jacob Akin