Friday Newsletter 9-27-19
Mon –
Tues – PK/K/1
Field trip to The Cave Pumpkin Patch & Miller Co. Library
Wed – All School Prayer Service (4th Ministry)
Speech Practice –
3:00 – 4:00 pm
Thur – School Spirit Dress Down Day
JV Girls Vball @ IC, JC – 6:00 pm (vs. Trinity Lutheran) &
7:00 pm (vs. IC, JC)
Fri – MCHD Student Health Checks
Dress Down Day
sign-offs were sent home last week. If you have not already done so, please
sign & return. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not
hesitate to contact the classroom teacher.
in today’s folder. One volunteer has been listed as the Room Parent Coordinator
(RPC). This person is responsible for making sure party activities are planned
and to coordinate refreshments, and to share these plans with the classroom
teacher. If you are unable to fill this position, please contact Rosie, and
someone will be reassigned.
FANTASY NIGHT NEWS: Keep on trying to sell those tickets! As of Thursday, we had 140 tickets
turned into the bank as “sold”. That means there are approximately 160 tickets
still out to be sold. We are asking that ALL TICKETS – sold or unsold, be
turned into the office or the bank by WEDNESDAY, Oct. 2nd. Also,
please help spread the word that we will open the doors to begin seating people at 5:30
pm (it says 6:00 on
the flyer & tickets) in order to have everyone completely seated and ready
to begin dinner at 6:30 pm promptly. Refreshments will only be available after
6:00 pm. Work assignments will be in next week’s folder. PLEASE NOTE: If you
signed up for helping with the seasoning of the meat, that will take place on
Thursday evening, October 10th, at 6:00 pm (work list said Fri
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM DATE ANNOUNCED: Mark your calendar for the OLOSS Christmas program, scheduled for Thursday,
December 5th at 6:30 pm. The alternate date will be Thursday,
December 12th.
you will find the prayer sheets for the babies the students brought home and
have spiritually adopted. They are asked to say these prayers daily.
TEST READERS: We are in need of readers for achievement testing week, mornings
only. Monday, October 7th through Friday, October 11th.
If you or someone you know could help out any or all of these days, please
contact Rosie or Mr. Akin.
2019-20 HOME & SCHOOL OFFICERS: Co-Presidents – Roselyn Wood & Joan Doerhoff, Vice Pres. –
Missy Beck, Secretary – Tracey Backes, Treasurer – Cindy McKenna
Thank you to these ladies for stepping
up to serve, dedicating their time & talent to OLOS School.
SPEECH PRACTICES: Wednesday, October 2nd – 3:00 – 4:00 pm, Thursday,
October 10th – 3:00 – 4:00 pm.
SCHOOL PICTURES: You should find your order in today’s folder. Please let us know
by this Wednesday, October 2nd, if you need them retaken for any
reason. We will only schedule retakes if needed.
CALLING ALL DADS! We will be enjoying a morning of prayer and fellowship on
Wednesday, October 16th, when we are inviting all dads (or dad “substitutes”)
to join us. The prayer service will begin at 8:00 am in church, and students
may sit with their dad. We will then move over to the cafeteria for
refreshments and fun activities. We are looking forward to enjoying the morning
with our dads!
SPIRIT WEEK: The week of October
14th – October 18th will be spirit week, as all testing
will be over with, and we will be hosting our final home volleyball games. Remember,
though these are themed dress down days, all length & sleeve requirements are still enforced. Following are themes for each day:
Mon., Oct. 14: Cartoon Character
Monday – dress like a
cartoon character or wear cartoon character T-shirt
Tues., Oct 15: Tie-Dye Tuesday – wear tie-dye or neon clothing
Wed., Oct 16: Dress Like Dad Wednesday – Dad & child/ren wear similar items
Thurs., Oct 17: Blue & Gold Thursday – step up our spirit wear for our last home
Fri., Oct 18: Dress Down Friday
PARENTS OF 7TH & 8TH GRADERS: In talking to your 7th & 8th
graders, it is apparent that many of them would love to make the pilgrimage to Washington
D. C, in January for the March for Life.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for our youth to show support for the
pro-life movement and also to gain life skills. However, the parish needs a
chairperson to handle the paperwork and logistics of this trip. Could you be
that person? Could you be the key to sending youth from our parish on this
trip? If you think you could help out, please contact Rosie or Carol Plank. (Two
people could work together.)
SUN BUTTER! OLOS School Lunch program is converting to the use of sun butter
instead of peanut butter on what were PB & J sandwiches. No peanut products
will be served through the lunch program. Sun butter is made from sunflower
seeds. Remember, students may choose a sun butter and jelly sandwich in lieu of
the main entrée if they have a note from home. They must bring a note on the
day that the substitution is desired and must present it to the classroom teacher
first thing in the morning. Please note that the “main entrée” is the protein
item. For example, if our meal is vegetable soup with grilled cheese & string
cheese, the substitution would be for the cheese sandwich & string cheese,
not for the vegetable soup.
HEALTH CHECKS – change of date: The Miller Co. Health nurses will be here on Friday, October 4th for health
screenings. We are in need of at least one more volunteer to assist. It should only take the morning. If you are available to
help, please call Rosie in the office.
your calendar for the Shiloh Dance fundraiser,
scheduled for January 18, 2020. It was decided at the H & S meeting that the entry age would be
lowered to 18.
girls played hard last night but lost both games. Keep trying Lady Cougars! Win
or lose - we are always so proud of you!