Friday Newsletter 11-16-18
Mon – Girls’ Basketball Practice 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Tues – Progress Reports available
Preschoolers in
Hibernation (spending morning with Prayer Pals)
2/3/4th to Movie, Pizza Hut & Unique Creations
Girls JV BBall @ High Point – 6:30 pm
Wed – NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
Thur – NO SCHOOL – Happy Thanksgiving!
Fri – NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
MIDQUARTER/PROGRESS REPORTS: Today is Midquarter. On Tuesday, 11/20, you
will receive your child’s midterm progress report or the sign-off sheet from
the classroom teacher (because there will not be a folder coming from the office
due to the short week). Students in Grades K-2 receive a mid-term report and
students’ reports in Grades 3-8 are to be viewed online at, with our school code – 8085
– and your individual username and password. Please sign & return the progress
reports/forms the following Monday. As always, if you have any questions or
concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the classroom teacher.
SCHOOL PICTURES: Class composites will be delivered at a
later date.
CHRISTMAS CLASSROOM GIFTS: By popular response, the traditional
classroom gift-giving will continue. Gifts should be new and of $5 value. Boys
buy for boys and girls buy for girls. Please mark the package “girl” or “boy”. A couple parents mentioned that 5 Below in JC is a great place to
find these gifts. We appreciate the input we received in the surveys last week.
THE STUDENT COUNCIL will be sponsoring a hat/glove/canned food drive in
December. More details will be available after Thanksgiving.
CLASS BASKETS: In your holiday shopping for good deals you
may keep in mind the classroom themes for the Italian Feast fundraiser baskets.
Each classroom sponsors a basket, in which is placed items donated by the
parents of the classroom. You may send in an item for the basket or $5 &
let the teacher do the shopping. Each family is responsible for 1 item for the
classrooms they have children in, and also responsible for one other item to
place directly on the auction, either through solicitation or donation. (For
example, Parent A has three children in school. He/she will purchase a gift for
1st grade basket, 3rd grade basket & 7th
grade basket, and also asks their friendly
business owner for a donation or the Parent A can donate an item directly.)
Classroom themes are:
PK – Backyard Fun Basket
K/1 – Game Night Basket (games & snacks)
2 – Gift Card Basket
3/4 – Mizzou Basket
5/6 – A Day at the Spa Basket
7/8 – Camping Basket
send back packets sent home two weeks ago.
Packets are to be filled out completely by you and your player. This packet, along
with a current physical & the $20 per family sports fee, must be on file in
the school office in order for the athlete to participate in practices.
SANTA STORE: We will have a Santa Store on Tuesday, December 18th, and are asking for donations. Donated items may
be new or gently used - items for moms, dad, siblings, grandparents, etc. We
usually run short on men and boy
items. Please send any donation anytime. WE ALSO NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR THE SANTA
STORE – FROM APPROXIMATELY 9:30 – 10:00 TO 3:00 PM. Please call Rosie if you
would be able to help out – it is so much FUN! So far, we have one volunteer,
Marie Massman. We usually have about 8 volunteers.
SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: Thursday, December 6th at 6:30
pm. The make-up date will be Sunday, December 9th
at 10:30 am. Please have your children
to school by 6:00 pm so that they have time to get ready.
COOKIES FOR THE PLAY: As is our custom,
we are asking each school family to send in two-dozen homemade cookies, to serve after the play. Please send in
on Wednesday or Thursday, Dec. 5th or 6th. Home & School & School Board
officers are in charge of refreshment prep. & serving.
will be able to bring the Baby Jesus from your home Nativity set to Mass on
Wednesday, December 19th for blessing. Father Alex will do this blessing
sometime during the Mass that morning. Students who placed an order will receive
their baby Jesus that morning before Mass (we had to substitute the style). We
would like all school children to have a Baby Jesus to bless.
on December 22nd. We would
like the school to have a float in the parade, so if you are willing to
head this up, and know of a trailer we can use, please let Mr. Vandike know, so
that we can start getting prepared. We have one parent, Joan Doerhoff, who has
offered to help.
COLD WEATHER!!! BRRR!!! Please make sure
your child wears sufficient warm outerwear
to school – coats, gloves, hats, etc. Students are on the playground when the
weather is above 32 degrees, but sometimes with the wind it is VERY COLD. The
school hoodies are great, but they may not be warm enough for some of the
colder days.
be a Reading Counts Trip planning
meeting on Monday, December 3rd, at 6:00 pm. There will also be a Catholic Schools Week planning meeting
following that at 6:45 pm. Please come and share your good ideas!
GUN RAFFLE: 2019 OLOS Gun Raffle
tickets are available for purchase at the school office or Mary’s Home Bank. If
you need tickets to sell, you may also contact Josh Vandike, Greg Koetting, or
Jay Harms. CONGRATULATIONS to the NOVEMBER WINNERS – Louise Greigore, who won the Henry Golden Boy .22 & Gerald Schulte, who won the Glock 43 9
OLOSS “BEE” KIND CLUB: Students who were
recognized for acts of kindness and generosity on 11/9 were: PK – Charlotte
Groose – asking a friend if he was OK when he fell, K – Anna Berry – making a
nice picture and then giving it as a gift, 1st – Elaina Backues –
picking up flashcards for another student,
2nd – Tanner Lage – picking up trash in the lunch room, 3rd
– Shane Beck – being nice to others, 4th – Rylee Vandike – helping Carla
in the kitchen, 5th – Karley Lage – getting work together for a sick student
without being asked, 6th – Zachary Vandike – trading the chips he wanted with
someone else to make them happy, Grayson
Koetting – taking care of a younger student in church, 7th – Bella Groose
– praying the rosary diligently, 8th – Grace Groose – sharing her
thoughts in religion class. All acts of kindness “bees” are displayed in the
school cafeteria. (Note – the first student listed in each grade is kindness noted
by the classroom teacher. If any additional are listed, they have been noted by
other members of the staff.) Great job, students!
UPDATE ON CHRISTMAS CAROLING AT CAPITOL: The 5-8 Graders will be attending the “Happy Birthday Jesus” event at
the Capitol on December 12th. These students will also be going to “Unique
Creations” that morning to create a Christmas ornament. More details coming
from the classrooms.
OLOS is enrolled in the Gerbes “Community Rewards” program. This program
offers money back to our school, based on enrolled customer’s spending. It is a
really easy process. You just tie your Gerbes shopper’s card to our school
account. If you don’t have a Gerbes shopper’s card, it takes less than a minute
to get one at the store and also online. All the information needed to complete
this process is online. @
Our school code is 48253. It takes
just a couple minutes so get all your family and friends to register as well!
The school will receive quarterly payments in cash form. We will update you as
we receive those funds. This has the potential to be a huge moneymaker for the school
– the key is to get many, many people involved. Please pass the word to family
and friends and thanks for supporting OLOS School!!!
VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS: Please return your uniform as
soon as possible. Place them in a bag with your name on them. They will be kept
in the office until it is time to take team pictures.
Mon., Dec. 3
– Reading Counts Mtg – 6:00 pm
Mon., Dec. 3
– Catholic Schools Week Mtg – 6:45 pm
Wed., Dec. 5
– Dress Rehearsal – 9:00 am
Thurs., Dec. 6
– School Christmas Program – 6:30 pm
Wed., Dec. 12
– Nativity/Caroling @ Capitol – grades tbd
Sat., Dec. 22
– Mary’s Home Christmas Parade – 4:30 pm
Tues., Jan. 8
– Home & School Meeting – 6:30 pm
Sat., Jan. 12
– Shiloh 21 & over Dance – 7:30 – 11:30 pm