Friday Newsletter 3-17-17
Mon -
Tues – PK/K Informational Mtg – 6:30 – 7:00 in the classrooms
Wed – Spelling Bee Practice 3-4 pm
Thurs – All School Mass (5/6
Fri - Dress
Down Day
Stations of the
Cross – 2:15 pm
GRADE CARDS: Grade cards were sent home last week. If you
have not already done so, please look these over, sign, & return. If you
have any questions or concerns, please contact the classroom teacher.
scheduled for this Tuesday, March 21st, from 6:30 to 7:00 pm in
their respective classrooms. This is the time to find out more information
about these programs, schedule kindergarten screenings with Mrs. Eickhoff, and
make your child familiar with the classroom. Anyone with an interest is invited
and encouraged to attend.
8th GRADE PICTURES: The date for 8th
grade pictures has been set for Friday, April 7th, with a rainout
date of Friday, April 28th. Someone willing to take pictures is needed. Also needed is someone to put together the
traditional slide show for the
graduation reception. If you or someone you know would be willing to take
pictures for the group or do the slide show, please contact Rosie or Mr. V. The
students usually take pictures in the morning, and then enjoy lunch together at
a restaurant of their choice. Parents are welcomed to go along, as well, and/or
join them for lunch. We do have one willing individual to take pictures if no
parents/relatives are able.
8TH GRADE GRADUATION DRESS CODE: Boys – dress pants, collared
shirt, dress shoes, tie is optional; Girls – dresses, no more than two inches
above the knee, no spaghetti straps showing (may wear shawl to cover). Students
will be wearing cap/gown through Mass and throughout the awards ceremony &
for pictures.
BEE; The Spelling Bee at St. Martin is scheduled for
Tuesday, April 4th. We will need
drivers for these fifteen students – we have one driver so far (Tracey
Backes). Please contact the office with
your offer to drive that day. Remember – participants have practice every
Wednesday after school until 4:00 pm.
FAIR NEWS: We congratulate Sarray Schulte, finalist in the
Life Science division of our science fair on Tuesday, with her project on music
and its effects on blood pressure. Alex Evers was the big winner in the
physical science division, with his project on a switch controlled arm/scoop.
We had some very outstanding projects again this year. We thank Mr. V. for the
class time the students were allowed to work on their projects and all his
expertise. We especially want to thank our two very excellent judges, Bill
Feind and Kevin Richards. These gentlemen are so good with the students and are
so very good as judges – we appreciate them! The Diocesan Science Fair is scheduled for Friday, March 31st at
Taos. Alex & Sarray will represent OLOS School very well!
COUNCIL ST. PATRICK’S DAY HUNT! Thanks so much to the
Student Council, who sponsored a St. Patrick’s Day treasure hunt for the students
on Thursday. Along with Mrs. Pleus’s help, the students had to figure out clues
along the way – to a pot of gold! So much fun! Thank you, Student Council,
HUNT: Looking ahead, we want to let parents know that
we are planning our annual Easter Egg Hunt for students on Wednesday, April 12th.
Each family should send in one dozen
candy-filled plastic eggs for each child in school in grades PK-6th – in a bag marked with your child’s name.
The 7th & 8th graders will be hiding the eggs for the
classes, so you may remember them with some treats as well. Please do not fill
eggs with chocolate or anything that would melt. We also have students with
peanut allergies so we ask that no peanut products be sent. PLEASE DO NOT SEND
THESE IN UNTIL THE WEEK OFAPRIL 3RD – as we have very little space
to store them ahead of time. Thanks so much!
CHICKS! Mrs. Haeffner & Mrs. Groose once again took
up the offer of the Miller Co. Extension office to hatch baby chicks in the
classroom. Every year they offer this opportunity to all grade school
classrooms in the Miller Co. area. The chicks should begin hatching on Tuesday.
Parents – you know what that means! Get ready for “Can I bring a baby chick
home, please, oh, please?”
TEACHER NEEDED: Our Lady of Snows Catholic School is
seeking a Preschool Teacher for the 2017-2018 school year. Interested
applicants are asked to contact Josh Vandike at 498-3574. Mrs. Massman is
retiring to spend more time with her family and to keep up with extended family
obligations. We will miss you so much Ms. Marie!
SCRIP orders for physical gift cards will
be put in on Monday, March 20, 2017 (orders will be placed on the 3rd
weekend of each month). If you would like to order SCRIP gift cards you
can place your order forms with payment in the collection basket at Mass or you
can return your order form with payment with your Friday folder on Monday
morning. Orders will be taken to the Parish office. Gift cards can
then be sent home with your child or picked up at the Parish office.
There are also SCRIP cards available in stock in the Parish office. If
you have any problems getting cards, or have any questions, please call the
Parish office or you can call Brittany Goetz at 573-291-8246. Order forms will
be available in this week’s Friday Folder.
8TH GRADE PARENTS: Freshman Orientation
will take place at Cole R-V High School on April 26th, from 5:30 pm
– 8:30 pm, beginning in the Performing Arts Center. We have been in contact
with Luke Morris about visiting our students at OLOS, and when he sets a date
with us, we will let you know. Sometimes, parents wish to be here for that
meeting with the counselor.
CHOICE: We are 200 labels short of a submission of Best
Choice labels. Please send any in that you may have on hand. Thanks for
participating in this and the Box Tops program!
OF THE CROSS: Each Friday during Lent, the students will be
attending Stations at 2:15. If you (or grandparents) are attending, and would
like to leave from church with your child, please send a note so that they can
bring their bookbag with them to church.
Rice Bowl you received last week can be utilized as a Lenten tool to devote our
prayers, fasting, and almsgiving to transform the lives of those most in need.
There is a Lenten calendar inside, videos available, and also an app to get
Lenten inspiration right on your phone. You will find information about all
these things inside the Bowl. PRAYER. FAST. GIVE.
Wed., April 5 -
First Reconciliation @ 7:00 pm (with parish penance service)
Tues., April 25 – Sketch Day
Wed., May 3 – 6th Grade Vocation Day
Sat., May 6
– Preschool Graduation – 5:00 pm Mass
Sun., May 7
– First Eucharist – 10:00 am Mass
Sat., May 13
– 8th Grade Graduation – 5:00 pm Mass
Please return your folder on MONDAY.