Friday Newsletter 3-31-17
Mon -
Tues – Spelling Bee @ St. Martin
Screenings – 8:00 – 10:30 am
Wed – Cole R-V meeting with our 8th
graders – 1:30 pm in our school cafeteria
Kindergarten Screenings – 8:00 – 10:30 am
Sketch Day Practice 3-4 pm
Reconciliation (w/Parish Penance Service) – 7:00 pm
Thurs – NO MASS
Fri - 8th
grade picture day – Capitol/Runge
Dress Down Day
Stations of the
Cross – 2:15 pm
BEE PARTICIPANTS; We wish good luck to the fifteen students
participating in the Spelling Bee this Tuesday. They are: Deanna Backes, Emma
Goetz, Garet Wood, Bella Groose, Aly Haeffner, Ethan Schulte, Jordan Bittle,
Grace Groose, Sarray Schulte, Macy Adrian, Sara Beck, Gracie Evers, Kayla Bond,
Devin Haeffner, & Gavin Wood. We know you will represent OLOS School very
well! We thank Monica Bittle, Kathleen Haeffner, & Tracey Backes for
driving our students on Tuesday. We will be leaving promptly at 8:00 am and
return at 3:00 pm.
HUNT: We are planning our annual Easter Egg Hunt for
students on Wednesday, April 12th. Each family should send in one dozen candy-filled plastic eggs for
each child in school in grades PK-6th – in a bag marked with your child’s name. The 7th &
8th graders will be hiding the eggs for the classes, so you may
remember them with some treats as well. Please do not fill eggs with chocolate
or anything that would melt. We also have students with peanut allergies so we
ask that no peanut products be sent. YOU CAN NOW SEND THESE INTO THE CLASSROOM.
Thanks so much!
TEACHER NEEDED: Our Lady of Snows Catholic School is
seeking a Preschool Teacher for the 2017-2018 school year. Interested
applicants are asked to contact Josh Vandike at 498-3574.
Snows Catholic School is seeking a Middle School Teacher for the 2017-18 school
year. Interested applicants are asked to contact Josh Vandike at 498-3574.
8th GRADE PICTURES: The date for 8th
grade pictures has been set for Friday, April 7th, with a rainout
date of Friday, April 28th. The permission form is in today’s
folder. Please return on Monday.
Thanks to Kim Evers & Stacey Evers for volunteering to drive. The students
will go to the Capitol/Governor’s Gardens first, go to Runge, then eat at Pizza Hut (or vice-versa, as time allows). If your 8th
grader has a special prop (hat, basketball, baseball bat, scarf, jacket,
helmet, etc.) they can bring it along for pictures. Each eighth grader
should send in 8 pictures from home for
the slide show, from babyhood progressing up to present day, marked in
order. Please send these to the office by Monday
April 10th. You may also email these to Kim @
8TH GRADE GRADUATION DRESS CODE: Boys – dress pants, collared
shirt, dress shoes, tie is optional; Girls – dresses, no more than two inches
above the knee, no spaghetti straps showing (may wear shawl to cover). Students
will be wearing cap/gown through Mass and throughout the awards ceremony &
for pictures.
READING COUNTS NEWS: The date for the
Reading Counts field trip is set for Monday, May 8, 2017, a state worker
holiday. Tentative plans for the Lake Ozark area include enjoying a movie of
our choice at the Lodge of Four Season in the morning (all grades), a picnic
lunch, then splitting up in the afternoon. The PK – 2 grades will be visiting
the Funny Farm petting zoo, and the 3-8 grades will be playing Lazer Tag. We
will need MANY DRIVERS for this trip, so please save the date! The Reading
Counts 200-point firm deadline has been extended to Monday, April 24th,
the day we come back from Easter break.
READING COUNTS TRIP: Since the Reading Counts trip has been scheduled
for a Monday, the preschoolers will be able to participate. They will not be
charged the daily fee for the additional day.
SCRIP orders for physical gift card
orders are placed on the 3rd weekend of each month. If you
would like to order SCRIP gift cards you can place your order forms with
payment in the collection basket at Mass or you can return your order form with
payment with your Friday folder on Monday morning. Orders will be taken
to the Parish office. Gift cards can then be sent home with your child or
picked up at the Parish office. There are also SCRIP cards available in
stock in the Parish office. If you have any problems getting cards, or
have any questions, please call the Parish office or you can call Brittany
Goetz at 573-291-8246.
8TH GRADE PARENTS: Freshman Orientation
will take place at Cole R-V High School on April 26th, from 5:30 pm
– 8:30 pm, beginning in the Performing Arts Center. See letter in today’s
folder. Counselors will be visiting our
8th graders here at OLOSS, at 1:30 am on Wednesday, April 5th
to help them get oriented and plan their classes. Parent are welcome and
encouraged to attend.
CHOICE: We are still a few labels short for a submission
of Best Choice labels. Please send any in that you may have on hand. Thanks for
participating in this and the Box Tops program!
OF THE CROSS: Each Friday during Lent, the students will be
attending Stations at 2:15. If you (or grandparents) are attending, and would
like to leave from church with your child, please send a note so that they can
bring their bookbag with them to church.
Rice Bowl you received a few weeks ago can be utilized as a Lenten tool to
devote our prayers, fasting, and almsgiving to transform the lives of those
most in need. There is a Lenten calendar inside, videos available, and also an
app to get Lenten inspiration right on your phone. You will find information
about all these things inside the Bowl. PRAYER. FAST. GIVE.
CINNAMON ROLLS! Today, in this folder, you
will find order forms for a cinnamon roll fundraiser sponsored by the youth in
our parish attending the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indiana this
fall. Please support their fundraising efforts by returning the form, with
payment, in this folder to the office. We will pass your order on to those in
charge. Thank you!
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL: The last day of school for
the 2016-17 school year will be Thursday, May 18th. This will be a
half-day of school, dismissing at 12:00 Noon. Lunch will be served but extended
care WILL NOT be offered. The AWARDS
CEREMONY will be at 9:30 am.
FIELD DAY: OLOSS will have a field day the morning of
Wednesday, May 17th. This will be a dress down day and it should be
a fun day for the students to end up the school year!
NO MASS: We will not have Mass this week. Father has
not been feeling well and will be resting. We hope he feels better soon!
Tues., April 4 - Spelling Bee @ St. Martin
Wed., April 5 -
First Reconciliation @ 7:00 pm
Tues., April 25
– Sketch Day
Thurs., April 27
– 5-8 Field Trip
Wed., May 3
– 6th Grade Vocation Day
Sat., May 6
– Preschool Graduation – 5:00 pm Mass
Sun., May 7
– First Eucharist – 10:00 am Mass
Sat., May 13
– 8th Grade Graduation – 5:00 pm Mass
Wed., May 17
– Field Day (am)
Thurs., May 18
– Last Day of School – Awards 9:30 am
Please return your folder on MONDAY.