Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday Newletter 11-11-16

Tues – 
Wed – Picture Retake Day, Team & Club Pictures
          ITALIAN FEAST MEETING – 6:30 PM in the computer lab
Thurs – ALL SCHOOL MASS (1/2 Ministry)
Fri -    Dress Down Day  - Midquarter

CALLING ALL INTERESTED IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: There will be a CSW planning meeting on Monday, November 14th, in the school cafeteria at 6:30 pm. CSW begins on Jan. 28, 2017, with the 5:00 pm Mass. We would like anyone interested and/or anyone with good ideas to come to the meeting to help plan this celebration of our faith! We welcome all – especially parents new to OLOSS!

READING COUNTS SHIRTS: This week your child may have brought home their Reading Counts shirt (by reaching 75 points in the RC program). Your child may wear this shirt any day in lieu of the regular dress code shirt. The T-shirt does not have to be tucked in. If your child has not yet earned their T-shirt, please encourage them to KEEP READING!! Many thanks to Tammy Love, for doing such a fantastic job on these shirts!

NEEDED: 5 flat screen computer monitors in good working condition for computer lab, no size restrictions. Contact Mr. V if you would like to donate.

HOME & SCHOOL MEETING: Thanks to all who came to the Home & School meeting last night. Many items were discussed, including Scrip, Santa Store, Fantasy Night, Italian Feast, Shiloh Dance, M. H. Parade Float, & Catholic Schools Week & election of officers. All attending will receive a dress down pass for their child (cannot be used on Mass days). New officers are: President – Melissa Koetting, Vice-President – Robyn Silvery, & Secretary – Ashley Groose. Thank you to these ladies for being willing to bring their talents to OLOSS.

PATRIOTIC ROSARY: God bless the Veterans of the United States of America for serving our country and for protecting our freedom! We had several here this morning for the rosary and for refreshments afterwards. Thank you for your service!

BASKETBALL & VOLLEYBALL team photos will be taken this Wednesday, November 16th, along with FALL RETAKES and club photos.  Remember, if you are not satisfied with your child’s fall portrait, please leave packet intact, and include a note as to what you would like done differently, and return to the office as soon as possible, but BEFORE NOV. 16TH. Students having retakes may dress for pictures but then change into dress code after their picture is taken.
BASKETBALL PLAYERS will try on their jerseys and shorts, Rosie will take them all home to be washed, and they will be ready for picture day. Students need only to remember to bring sports shoes, socks, and any undershirts they may want. Volleyball uniforms are in the office. Girls remember to bring your shorts, shoes, etc.

CHRISTMAS PARADE FLOAT: The Mary’s Home Christmas Parade is scheduled for Saturday, December 17th, after the 5:00 pm Mass. At the H & S meeting last night, Jay Harms (Emily-K, Titus-PK) volunteered to get a trailer ready for a float, featuring a living nativity. If your child would be able to ride the float, participating in the living Nativity, please fill out the enclosed form. Also – we will need donations of candy to throw. Please send to school office. Thank you for your support!

CHRISTMAS GIFTS: This year, students will be exchanging gifts within the classroom. Girls should buy for girls and boys buy for boys – with the value of the gift being $5. They will exchange their gifts at the Christmas party on Wed., Dec. 21st. We will also have a special visitor that morning around 9:00 am!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Italian Feast – Feb. 4, 2017. Silent Auction items will once again be needed. Watch holiday sales for things that would make good auction items – as each family is expected to donate towards the auction.  THERE WILL BE AN ITALIAN FEAST MEETING THIS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH AT 6:30 IN THE COMPUTER LAB. COME ONE! COME ALL!

SCRIP: We are putting in SCRIP orders for physical gift cards this weekend between Sunday Masses and also selling hard gift cards we have on hand. We also have many gift cards on hand in the Parish Office (Shoe Carnival, Ulta, Target, Pizza Hut, Subway, Longhorn Steakhouse/Red Lobster, Goodrich Theatres, Schulte’s, CNC, etc.).  SCRIP cards are a great way to earn money for the Parish and you lose nothing by purchasing a gift card from the SCRIP program; a $25 gift card to Wal-Mart will only cost you $25.00 and the parish still gets a percentage back!  SCRIP order forms are in the Friday folder. We will be submitting orders for physical gift cards firs thing in the morning on Monday, November 14, 2016.  You can contact Brittany Goetz at 573-291-8246 with questions.
SPIRIT WEEK: The week of November 21st we will celebrate Spirt Week, to kick off the basketball season here at OLOS. Monday will be “Mixed Up Monday”, when your child may wear their clothes backwards, unmatched, etc. Tuesday will be “School Pride Day”, when your child must wear blue & gold to dress down (players may wear their uniforms), and for Wednesday each class picked their own theme for the ½ day. Please keep the spirit of the dress down days, by not allowing your child to wear anything questionable. If in doubt, don’t let them wear it! Classroom themes for Wednesday are:
PK – Pajama Day (no slippers, wear sneakers please)
K – Pajama Day (no slippers, wear sneakers please)
1/2 – Pajama Day (no slippers, wear sneakers please)
3/4 – Sports Day
5/6 – Hunting/Camo or Favorite Color
7/8 – Hunting Day

SANTA STORE: The Santa Store is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13th. We are in need of several volunteers to be “Santa’s elves” – wrapping presents & helping students shop. Please let Rosie know if you can help out. Thanks to Christina Eickhoff for volunteering to head this up. Please begin sending in any items you may have accumulated/purchased for the Santa Store in December. Especially needed are men and boy gifts. Also needed are gift bags, tape, wrapping supplies, etc. Thank you for your support!

HATS & GLOVES & SCARVES! The OLOS Student Council is sponsoring a drive for these items up until November 18th for those who may not be prepared for the winter’s cold. They appreciate any and all donations! A collection table is set up in the school cafeteria.

NCYC NEW YEARS EVE SHILOH DANCE: Please see insert in today’s folder. Tickets are for sale now. You may request tickets from Rosie, from Christy Evers (418-9747) or from any NCYC youth.

OLOS SCHOOL IS ALSO SPONSORING A SHILOH DANCE ON JANUARY 21, 2017. Tickets will be sold at the door. Make plans now to help out and/or attend.
Sun., Dec. 4 – Christmas Program – after 10:00 am Mass
Sat., Dec. 17 – Mary’s Home Christmas Parade
Sat., Jan. 28 – Catholic Schools Week Mass – 5:00 pm
Sat., Jan 21 – Shiloh Fundraising Dance
Sat., Feb. 4 – Italian Feast/Silent Auction
Sat., May 6 – Preschool Graduation – 5:00 pm Mass
Sun., May 7 – First Eucharist – 10:00 am Mass
Sat., May 13 – 8th Grade Graduation – 5:00 pm Mass

Please return your folder on MONDAY.

Hoping everyone has a cool and calm November weekend.
Good luck to all deer hunters this weekend. BE SAFE!