Friday Newsletter 2-6-15
Fri - Italian Feast set-up – 6:30 pm
Sat - 4/6 Boys BBall @ TRINITY LUTHERAN, JC – 8:00
am (vs. Trinity)
Italian Feast
Mon – Return Signed Midterm Reports/Forms
Tues –
Wed –
Thurs- All
School Mass (3/4
OLOSS Science
Fair – grades 3-8
JV Boys @ St. Thomas – 6:00 pm (vs St.
Martin JV1)
JV Girls @ IC, JC
– 7:00 pm (vs. IC, JC White)
Fri - Valentine’s Tea for Ladies – 12:30 pm
Dress Down in
Parties – 1:30 pm
REPORTS: Today you will find your child’s midterm report or
a sign-off sheet in this folder. Students in Grades K-2 receive a mid-term
report and student’s reports in grades 3-8 are to be viewed online at, with our school code 8085
and your individual username and password. Please sign and return the enclosed
report/form on Monday. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the classroom teacher.
SCHOOLS’ WEEK FINALE: Many thanks to all the families and parish
members who shared in the closing meal and movie on Saturday night. We had
wonderful food, good fellowship, and a movie and card playing going on. A good
time for all…
TOO…to all the great women who showed up Saturday
afternoon to prepare the lasagna for the Italian Feast. In just two short hours
we were able to get dozens of pans of lasagna in the freezer!
ITALIAN FEAST: Set up and preparation begins tonight at 6:30
pm. All school parents are expected to help set up on Friday and clean up on
Saturday night. Sounds like the weather will cooperate this year, God willing.
Please pray for the success of this important fundraiser. Thank you for your
Valentine’s parties for younger students are at 1:30 pm on Friday, Feb. 13th
(a change from 2:00 pm). We always depend on our wonderful room parents
to arrange for snacks, refreshments, and games for these parties. A list of
room parents is enclosed in today’s folder for your convenience. The 5th
through 8th graders will be enjoying a Valentine’s dance instead of
their party this year. All room parents of 5-8 graders are invited to come in
at 1:30 pm to help set-up refreshments. Please plan on snacks and refreshments
as usual. The students will enjoy them along with the dance.
retreat is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 19th at Folk, MO. We are in
need of drivers/chaperones for the ten eighth graders. The cost of the retreat
is $7 per student. Please send payment
into the office in a marked envelope (checks made payable to OLOSS). We must
have all payments and driver offers by Feb. 9th. Please call or send to the
office a note with your offer to drive. Thanks to Gina Adrian, our first
volunteer. Students will depart from OLOS around 7:30 am and probably return
sometime shortly after 3:00 pm.
grade boys game tomorrow that was supposed to be at Vienna
has been changed to being played at Trinity Lutheran in Jefferson City at 8:00 am. That means a much
shorter trip for all!
basketball teams will be involved in the Catholic Bowl tournament, which begins
Feb. 16th, in Jefferson
City . Shirt
orders are now closed. Good luck to all Cougars!
Science Fair will be held Thursday, Feb. 12th. Students in grades
3-8 are required to do a project (experiment) at home for this, and it will be
part of their science grade. Students in 6th through 8th
grade are required to submit a paper with their project and are eligible to
participate in the diocesan science fair and should make their project in one
of the three categories of Life,
Physical, or Earth science. We highly encourage all students to work
individually; however, if two students work together they must be in the same
grade. Students in younger grades may also enter a project in the fair if they
so wish. Guideline information was sent from the classroom teacher. Boards
available at a cost of $4 per board. Sent payment through the office. (Checks payable to OLOS.)
LADIES TEA: All ladies of the community are invited to an
“Afternoon Tea” with Mrs. Werdehausen and company at 12:30 pm on Friday,
February 13th, in honor of Valentine’s Day. Mothers, grandmothers,
and all ladies of the community are invited. Please pass the word to relatives
and friends!
past two years, the School Office of the Diocese of Jefferson City has been in
search of leadership in the form of a permanent superintendent. After Mr.
Novotney resigned from that position two years ago, two persons, Fr. Joe Coral,
and Sr. Kathleen Wegman have been filling in as interim supervisors. It is with
much pleasure that we have this to announce from Bishop John Gaydos. “With the
input from the listening sessions, the thorough work of the search committee
and my own discernment, I am appointing a team of two people to provide
leadership in our Catholic
School office: Beginning July 1, Sister Elizabeth Youngs of
the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, KS, will serve as diocesan
superintendent of Catholic schools. Sister Julie Brandt of the School Sisters
of Notre Dame will join her in the Catholic schools office as associate
superintendent. Sister Elizabeth is currently the associate superintendent of
the Archdiocese of Denver. She has a PhD in Catholic Educational Leadership
from The Catholic University of America, Washington DC. She has 20 years of
experience in Diocesan school office ministry, with strong experience in
catechetical/professional formation of principals and teachers. Sister Julie
has served for a year and a half as the Campus Ministry Coordinator and
Instructional Technologist at Helias. Sister Julie has a master’s degree in Catholic School
leadership from Boston
College . Sister Julie has
recent experience in leadership of schools with great cultural diversity,
having worked for 11 years with the Lakota Sioux at the St. Bernard Mission
School in North Dakota ,
as well as providing leadership and teaching the PSR. She is skilled in
technology and planning strategies. She has served as a vocation director and
is trained in spiritual direction. Please join me in welcoming Sister Elizabeth
and Sister Julie to their new ministries…”
CARE SERVICES: In the event of inclement weather, or early
dismissal due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be NO EXTENDED CARE
SERVICES available. All students should be picked up at the dismissal time
which would be announced with the dismissal notification. On regularly scheduled
half days off (listed on school calendar), extended care is available from
12:00 – 5:30 pm.
DAYS & LUNCHES: If we call
school due to inclement weather, please be advised that the menu may change
without notice.
All school
families are encouraged to go online to
to enter our school for a chance to win a new playground, sponsored by
Discovery Education. Entered schools have a chance to win the “Healthy
Playground Makeover” or cash/prizes worth up to $30,000. It takes just a couple
minutes – and the rewards could be huge – you never know!!! You can enter daily
until the sweepstakes closes on March 19th. Thanks to all who enter!
First Reconciliation – Feb. 15, 2015, after
10:00 am Mass
First Eucharist – May 3, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
OLOSS 8th grade Graduation – May 9, 2015,
5:00 pm Mass
OLOS Preschool Graduation – May 10, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
OLOSS Annual Golf Tournament – May 16 – begins @ 7:30
Please return your folder on Monday.