Friday Newsletter 10-4-13
Sat – 4-6 Gr. VBall @ St.
George – 10:00 am (vs. St. George)
Mon – Achievement Testing
Delta-Dental Program - 2:00 (PK-4)
Cookie Dough Kick-off - 2:30 pm
Student Council Mtg – 3:00 – 4:00
Tues – Achievement
Testing Make-up
Wed –
Thurs –NO MASS (Rosary)
Fire Dept. Tour - all grades
JV VBall @ St.
Peter, JC – 6:00 pm
(vs. St.
Peter, White)
Fri – October Dress Down for $1 for Savanna
PK – 4th
H & S Fun Night in old Gym 6:30 pm -8:30 pm
NIGHT SET-UP: Please come & help this evening. There are
tables and chairs to set up, cover tables, and scrub potatoes and decorate.
Preparations will begin at 6:30 pm. Please bring potato scrubbers.
HELP STILL NEEDED: We are in need of a library helper on Tuesdays to
help Christina read to the students. Please call the office if you would like
to volunteer.
VISIT: On Wednesday, Oct. 16th the 7th
& 8th graders will be visiting Helias High School
for the morning. Afterwards, they will be enjoying lunch at a restaurant. WE ARE IN NEED OF PARENT DRIVERS. Thanks
to Patsy Bond & Tracey Backes, who have offered to drive. If we cannot get more drivers, the 7th
graders will not go on this trip. Please call/send note with your offer
to drive ON MONDAY and let us know how many you can haul. Permission slips will
be sent out Monday, after we know if we have any additional drivers.
& SCHOOL FUN NIGHTS: Two nights will be offered as “fun
nights” for students of OLOS. On Friday, October 11th, the PK-4th
graders and parents are invited to play kick-ball in the old gym. On Friday,
October 18th, the 5-8 graders and parents are invited to gather for
volleyball in the new gym. Both of these events will run from 6:30 pm to 8:30
pm. This is not a babysitting service; we encourage you to come and play along
or watch and cheer!
COUNCIL NEWS: Congratulations to our newly elected Student
Council officers and representatives. They are: President – Ariana Evers,
Vice-President – Devin Haeffner, Secretary – Andrew Schulte, Treasurer –
Makinzie Morgan, Class Reps: 4th – Tori Evers & Macy Adrian, 5th
– Gavin Wood & Megan McCoy, 6th – none, 7th – Ethan
Adrian & Madison Evers, 8th – Kalie Massman & Rachel
Buechter. Congratulations to all of these students! Your first meeting is this
Monday, Oct 7th from 3:00 to 4:00 pm.
PICTURE DAY is Monday, Oct. 14th. We are in need of
one parent helper for that morning. The parent receives a $25 gift certificate
good toward picture purchases. Thanks to Emily Schulte, who has volunteered.
Please contact someone in the office if you would be able to help out.
STUDY: This year OLOS School
will undergo a self-study. In this process, which comes up every seven years,
the school reviews its facilities, policies, instruction, etc, Because it is a
SELF study, that means that parents are highly involved in the process. Please
find enclosed the parent sign-up for committees, pray over this opportunity to
engage in our school, and return with your offer to help. If we do not get
enough to sign up, parents will be individually called. Committees will begin to form soon and the
self-study process must be completed by January to begin the compilation. The
self-study visiting team is scheduled for April 6-8.
TOPS FOR EDUCATION NEWS: We will be making our semi-annual
Box Tops submission at the end of October. Please send in any that you may have
accumulated. Many thanks to Jeanne
Buechter and girls, who have been taking care of these submissions for the
last several years! Gina Adrian &
Macy have volunteered to take this job over after this year. Awesome,
thanks girls! And thank so much to all who clip and save!
GRADE VOLLEYBALL SCORES: The younger girls are proud to
report a WIN in one of their sets last Saturday!! Way to go, girls – we knew
you could do it!!
VOLLEYBALL: The JV Girls took the lead in two games last night
and pulled off a win, with scores of 25-23, 21-25, & 16-13. They competed
against St. Joe. Awesome job Lady Cougars!
FROM GAMES 9/26: $102.00 Gate, $76.50 Concessions
& S TREASURER NEEDED: If you are interested in serving
as treasurer please contact Mrs. Werdehausen. Please consider your talents and
pray over this opportunity to serve the OLOS school family.
DEPT. TOUR: On October 10th the students of OLOSS
will be enjoying a trip across the road to tour the fire dept. and to visit
with local firefighter(s). Please return permission slips if you have not
already done so.
DOWN DAY FOR SAVANNA: This Friday, Oct 11th, our dress down
for $1 day will be for a 15 year old girl named Savanna who is undergoing
treatments for leukemia. She is a friend of the Schrimpf family. Although her
family is staying at the Ronald McDonald home while she undergoes bone marrow
transplants, there is still a daily fee for use of the facilities ($25), and
her parents are basically out of leave time. Please pray for Savanna and her
family, and feel free to donate a few extra dollars if you are able.
& That’s My Pan fundraising packets will be coming home on
November 1st. This will ensure that orders are received for
Christmas gifting.
Night: October 5th
Dough Kick-off: Monday, Oct. 7
Picture Day: Monday, October 14
Parade & Parties: Thursday, Oct. 31st beginning @ 1:30 pm
Teacher Conferences: afternoon of Thursday, Oct. 24th
Fundraising Breakfast: Sunday,
Nov. 17
Christmas Program – Friday, Dec. 6 @ 6:30 pm
8th grade Graduation: Saturday, May 10th,
5:00 pm Mass with reception at the KC Hall.