OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person in a
faith-filled Catholic environment.
Sunday First Reconciliation mtg/Mass – begins with 10:00 am Mass with meeting and lunch afterwards in the Parish Center
Monday Coaches’ Meeting – 6:00 pm, Volleyball Practice 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Cub Scout meeting @ 10:30 am for 1st through 5th graders
Tuesday Volleyball Practice 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Fantasy Night meeting – 6:00 pm
Wednesday 7th & 8th grade Field trip to State Pen, Cheer Practice 3:00 – 4:30 pm
Thursday All School Mass (2nd gr. Ministry) Rosary 6th gr.
SCHOOL DISMISSES @ 12:00 NOON – Lunch is served
JV Volleyball @ St. Martin – 7:00 pm (vs. Holy Family Blue)
Friday SCHOOL DISMISSES @ 12:00 NOON – Lunch is served
School Spirit Day – may dress down if wearing official school spirit shirt
The PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCE schedule may be found in today’s folder. If your name is not on the list, please call the office on Monday to schedule your conference. Otherwise, the classroom teacher will contact you to set up a conference time.
Congratulations to al Fantasy Night winners! Please see enclosed sheet for a complete listing of winners. Thanks so much to all who put so much time, effort and talent into making the evening the huge success it was. We especially thank Lynn Morgan, Fantasy Night coordinator, for all her hard work and care. There will be a meeting in the school cafeteria this Tuesday, at 6:00 pm to discuss and follow up on any changes or comments regarding Fantasy Night.
Cookie Dough order forms WERE DUE by Friday, October 19th. If you have not turned in your order, please do so by MONDAY. The cookie dough order will be coming in on MONDAY, OCTOBER 29th. Thanks so much to the following volunteers: Fill/sort orders (12:00 – 3:00 ish): Kathy Cebuhar, Patsy Bond; Disperse orders - Cindy Lepper (3 til ?), Pam Groose (3 - 5), Tammy Love (4-6) & Laura Vandike (5-6). All money needs to be returned to school by Monday, November 5th. ALL COOKIE DOUGH MUST BE PICKED UP THE AFTERNOON/EVENING ON OCT. 29TH BY 5:30. WE DO NOT HAVE ROOM TO STORE IT IN OUR FREEZER. Thanks for your help with this most important fundraiser!
Volunteers of the week! We thank Bryan Evers & Alvina Sestak (Stacey Evers’ mother) for helping us out tremendously on picture day. They did a great job with the students and we appreciate them very much!
Reminder: All basketball players must have this completed athletic form on file, the $20 per family sports fee paid, and their physical form on file to be able to begin practicing. Please return all necessary items as soon as possible.
If you are interested in helping to coach basketball, please contact someone in the school office. A coach’s application will be sent home for you to fill out. All coaches must have Virtus training. We need volunteers for the 5th & 6th boys’ team, the 7th & 8th boys’ team, and the 6/7/8 girls’ team. Billy Bond has offered to coach the older boys’ team, Aaron Wood has offered to coach the girls’ team, and Mark Adrian will coach the younger boys’ team, but we still need extra help. Please call or write a note letting us know that you are willing to help out. The mandatory coaches’ meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 22nd at 6:00 pm. All coaches and assistant coaches must attend this meeting.
Please send in any accumulated BOX TOPS. Jeanne Buechter will be sending those in at the end of October. Thanks to all who clip and save!
Needed: Treasurer for Home & School. We thank Tammy Love for her offer to serve as a School Advisory Board member for this term. Please let us know if you are interested in the H & S Treasurer’s position.
Reminder: There is a NCYC mtg. this Sunday, Oct. 21st between the Masses. This meeting is for those youth wanting to attend the event in November 2013 in Indianapolis, and their PARENTS. Please make every effort to attend this meeting, as there is much to be discussed.
Do you have connections with any wineries? We are in need of more representation by local wineries at our Italian Feast, scheduled for Feb. 2, 2013. If you have any ideas, please contact Mrs. Groose.
BEEF STICKS ARE BACK!! Students can purchase beef sticks during lunch for $1 each. If you would like a box of 30 sent home, the price is $30. All profits go to the school. Thank you for your support!
Yearbooks from the 2011-12 school year are in and if you’d like to order the cost is $10 each. Please put payment in envelope marked “yearbook”, return in this folder, and we will fill your order in next week’s Friday folder.
Remember to return your Friday Folder on MONDAY.
Did you know?
Did you know that Helias students have an opportunity to earn
up to 48 hours of college credit by taking dual enrollment courses through
Lincoln University and Westminster College in English, History, French,
American History, Government, Math, Science, and Computer Science?