OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Cheer Practice 3:00 – 4:30 pm
Wednesday Wear Orange/Green Dress Down Day
Halloween Parties/Parade – begins @ 1:30 pm
Thursday All School Mass (7/8 Ministry)
Friday SCHOOL DISMISSES @ 12:00 NOON – lunch is served
The COOKIE DOUGH IS COMING THIS MONDAY!!! Please pick up your orders!!! ALL COOKIE DOUGH MUST BE PICKED UP THE AFTERNOON/EVENING ON MONDAY, OCT. 29TH BY 5:30. WE DO NOT HAVE ROOM TO STORE IT IN OUR FREEZER. Thanks to those volunteering to help! Fill/sort orders (12:00 – 3:00 ish): Kathy Cebuhar, Patsy Bond; Disperse orders - Cindy Lepper (3 til ?), Pam Groose (3 - 5), Tammy Love (4-6) & Laura Vandike (5-6). All money needs to be returned to school by Monday, November 5th. Thanks for your help with this most important fundraiser!
Congratulations to the top-sellers of cookie dough/pastries! We congratulate Gabby Morff, who will receive $50 for selling 76 items. Noah & Hannah Evers & Sara Stansbury tied for 2nd place, both selling 40 items. Both families will receive $25 in prize money. We sold a total of 524 tubs of cookie dough and 155 pastries. Thank to all who got out there and sold for this fundraiser!
Volunteer of the week! Many thanks to Dana Doerhoff! Dana gave up her time one evening this week to help with some paperwork for the lunch program. What is taking most schools 8-10 hours to do, was done in about two hours with Dana’s help. If you see Dana, thank her, as we all benefit. This paperwork had to do with the program receiving reimbursement of 6 cents more per lunch served as we meet the new lunch serving goals.
Reminder: All basketball players must have this completed athletic form on file, the $20 per family sports fee paid, and their physical form on file to be able to begin practicing. Please return all necessary items as soon as possible.
If you are interested in helping to coach basketball, please contact someone in the school office. A coach’s application will be sent home for you to fill out. All coaches must have Virtus training. We need volunteers for the 5th & 6th boys’ team and the 6/7/8 girls’ team. Billy Bond has offered to coach the older boys’ team, with the assistance of Aaron Scheuler. Aaron Wood has offered to coach the girls’ team, and Mark Adrian will coach the younger boys’ team, but we still need extra help. Please call or write a note letting us know that you are willing to help out.
Please send in any accumulated BOX TOPS. Jeanne Buechter will be sending those in at the end of October. Thanks to all who clip and save!
Congratulations to all classrooms! All classrooms met their canned food drive goal of three cans per child. Because all met their goal, there will be a bonus dress down day scheduled in November, sponsored by the Student Council. Please check your calendars for that date. The Student Council took a trip to Eldon Monday afternoon to deliver the donated items to the Eldon Food Pantry. They wish to thank all who donated. God bless!
Missy Beck will serve as our new Home & School treasurer. Thank you for volunteering, Missy! Our heartfelt thanks to Missy Evers, outgoing treasurer, for all her hard work and dedication. We appreciate both of you!
Do you have connections with any wineries? We are in need of more representation by local wineries at our Italian Feast, scheduled for Feb. 2, 2013. If you have any ideas, please contact Mrs. Groose.
BEEF STICKS ARE BACK!! Students can purchase beef sticks during lunch for $1 each. If you would like a box of 30 sent home, the price is $30. All profits go to the school. Thank you for your support!
Yearbooks from the 2011-12 school year are in and if you’d like to order the cost is $10 each. Please put payment in envelope marked “yearbook”, return in this folder, and we will fill your order in next week’s Friday folder.
SUBS NEEDED AT OLOS SCHOOL: 60 college hours required. Please think of anyone you know who might be interested and let them know about this opportunity. We have very limited substitute help. Please contact Mrs. Trachsel for more information.
From a thank you note received in reference to our recent donation to a baby shower for “Heather”, a young mother of three children. Heather had visited planned parenthood seeking an abortion but decided to keep the baby after speaking with pro-life sidewalk counselor, Kathy Forck…
Dear Children,
Thank you so much for your generous gifts to Heather and her family. God has truly blessed Heather through the generosity of money, but especially from “the little children”. How precious your gifts are in God’s eyes! May God bless you abundantly and may the Blessed Mother give you a special gift on your birthday!
Love in Christ,
Mike & Kathy Forck