Friday Newsletter 10-04-2024
School Motto: We are learning, serving &
praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!
Sat – Volleyball @ Wardsville
8:00 am – vs.
St. Joe, JC,Spartans
10:00 am – vs .
St. Joe, Westphalia, Bulldogs
Tues – PK/K Field trip to Fischer Farms
Wed – All School Communion Service 8:00 am (5/6 Ministry)
Thur – Table set-up in gym for F. N. 6:00 pm
Fri - End of First Quarter
Dress Down for $1 for Uganda Day
All students must be picked up by 12:15
12:30 pm -Fantasy Night prep. (washing potatoes)
6:00 pm –
Fantasy Night prep.
Sat - Volleyball @ TBD (final regular season games)
$10,000 Fantasy Night – doors open @
STUDENT-PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCE SIGN UP is in today’s folder. Please remember that you must sign up for a conference to receive your child’s grade card for the first quarter. Please return early next week.
YEARBOOKS ARE IN! If you ordered a 23-24 yearbook, you will find it in today’s folder. These were only available through pre-ordering at the end of the last school year. We have no extras.
ALL SCHOOL MASS THIS WEEKEND – SUNDAY, 8:00 AM. All students who come to Mass in a school
uniform (no shorts) will receive a “Mass Pass”, which is a dress
down pass to be used on Monday, October 7th.
DRESS CODE NOTE! Due to the great weather forecasted for next week, students will be allowed to wear shorts. (Week of Oct. 7-11)
ITBS TESTING WEEK: Students in Grades 3-8 will be taking achievement tests each morning this week. Though they will enjoy a small snack & drink each morning at school, please make sure they eat a good breakfast & get good sleep.
HEADS UP FOR HALF DAY! School will dismiss at 12:00 noon on Friday, October 11th, for Fantasy Night prep. Lunch WILL be served, but there will be NO AFTERNOON EXTENDED CARE. All students should be picked up by 12:15 pm.
TRUNK OR TREAT INVITE! Our Lady of the Snows School will once again be hosting our annual "Halloween Walk". Back by popular demand is the Trunk or Treat event that goes along with this. We invite you to "treat" our students on Thursday, October 31st, in the parking lot in front of the brick school building. The students will begin our Halloween Walk at 1:30 pm, so parking/set up is from 1:00 to 1:25 pm. Some participants dress up and/or decorate their trunks & some don't but it's all in good fun. In case of rain, the event will be moved to the gym. Please call or send a note to Rosie in the school office @ 573-498-3574 if you would like to participate. Thank you!
PARKING LOT REPAIR TO CONTINUE THROUGH TUESDAY! We will continue to do drop off and pick up in front of the original brick school building through Tuesday, due to asphalt repair on all other parking lots. Make a loop - Enter by the church, exit by the bank.
PICTURE RETAKE DAY - Tuesday, October 15th.
STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING RESCHEDULED: The meeting originally scheduled for October 30th has been rescheduled to Tuesday, October 29th until 4:15 pm.
SCHOOL-WEAR ORDERING TO REOPEN! Queen Bee Graphics will open up ordering for one month, running from Oct. 15th through Nov. 15th. This would be a good time to take advantage of ordering for Christmas or if you just need some school shirts, quarter-zips, or spirit shirts. The link will be made available at that time.
FANTASY NIGHT TICKETS: There are approximately 5 tickets left at the bank (as of 10/3). Stop by the bank on Saturday or let us know if you or someone you know is interested in purchasing.
FANTASY NIGHT SILENT AUCTION & SPONSORSHIP LETTERS were sent home recently. All families are asked to solicit a donation(s) in support of this fundraiser, be it one of the 50 items for the Silent Auction, or as a monetary sponsor. If you need more letters, please contact Rosie in the school office. Feel free to share our FB post about sponsorships. Sponsorships MUST be in by 10/8/24 for recognition.
FANTASY NIGHT – SPECIAL HELP NEEDED! If you are familiar with Excel and would like to help in the Silent Auction area with input and totaling items, please let Jena Schwaller or Rosie know.
FANTASY NIGHT/JARS NEEDED: Along with the items listed last week, which we’ve had a great response to, we are also in need of quart Mason jars (canning jars) for centerpieces. They do not need to be new – just nice & clean- and we don’t need lids. We would love new ones, of course, if you would like to purchase some. Please let Rosie know if you would be able to supply a few.
Doors open to the public @ 5:00 pm
Drive-thru 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Carryout 5:00 – 5:30 pm
Silent Auction ends @ 8:30 pm
Meat Auction will follow last ticket drawn
Final Carryout will be for 30 min. after meal is served
VOLLEYBALL SCORES: The Volleyball girls played their games at home last weekend. The set scores were 25-9, 25-9, & 25-9, with IC, JC winning all three sets and the match. In the second match, the set scores were 25-23 (WE WON!), 25-10, & 25-13, with IC, Loose Creek winning the overall match. The scores each week are coming up. Keep up the spirit, Lady Cougars!
Concessions - $172.50 (not including supplies)
Gate - $294.00
WEEKLY DRESS DOWN PASS WINNER(S)! Congratulations to Ada & Emmett K. for winning this week’s drawing! Remember – return your folder (with paperwork complete) by Thursday to be added to the weekly drawing.