Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday Newsletter 9-13-2024



School Motto: We are learning, serving & praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!


Sat –   Volleyball @ St. George, Linn

          9:00 am – vs. St. George, Linn

          10:00 am – vs. St. Peter, JC

Mon   School Spirit Dress Down Day


Wed All School Mass 8:00 am (3/4 Ministry)


Fri -    Dress Down Day

          Midterm Progress Reports available

          Fantasy Night “Early Bird” drawing – 8:00 am – please turn in all sold tickets!


BOOK FAIR WEEK & GRANDPARENTS DAY went fantastic! We don’t have totals yet for the book fair, but we DO know that sales to grandparents on Wednesday WAY outpaced sales to parents on Monday night! 😊 We had great feedback from grandparents and parishioners and hope that everyone enjoyed their morning on Wednesday. Thanks to all who helped in any way. Special thanks to Mrs. Groose, Lue Ann Hogg, & Twyla Limbach for their extra help this week! Make sure to check out the pictures on Facebook of this week’s activities!


After hearing some very good speeches by the students we are announcing our newly elected 24-25 officers and representatives. Congratulation to President – Madelyn D., Vice President – Gus P., Secretary – Vivian P., Reporter - Charlotte G., Treasurer – Nicholas V., Representatives – 8th grade - Jessi W & Jacob E., 5th grade – Magdaline B., Henry D., Nolan S., Elsie S., Brooklin B., Jace L., 4th grade – Mackenzie B. We are expecting some great new ideas from this group of students this school year!

SCHOOL PICTURES are scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 24th. Order forms are in today’s folder. Please remit your order next week. This will be a “dress UP for Picture Day”. Students may wear jeans.

FANTASY NIGHT TICKETS are now available for purchase through the school office, Marla at the bank, The Corner Market, OLOS Credit Union, or school families. We urge you to ask family and friends if they would like to purchase tickets and check them out through Rosie in the school office. No tickets or payments for tickets will be handled through the Friday Folder. You are encouraged to come directly to the school office or make arrangements to pick up/hand off tickets/payments in the morning drop off or afternoon pick up line with the attendant. The “Early Bird” drawing for $125 cash or an additional ticket is this Friday,  September 20th at 8:00 am and will be pulled from all tickets sold up to that date. All families are expected to work this event. Work lists will be coming out soon. Tickets will be sold after the Masses this weekend.

FANTASY NIGHT SILENT AUCTION & SPONSORSHIP LETTERS were sent home last week. All families are asked to solicit a donation(s) in support of this fundraiser, be it one of the 50 items for the Silent Auction, or as a monetary sponsor. If you need more letters, please contact Rosie in the school office. Thanks for your help in making this fundraiser a success!

ADVANCE NOTICE! During the week of September 23-27 we will be changing the drop off and pick up area to in front of the original brick school building, due to asphalt repair on the parking lot behind the gym. Make a loop - Enter by the church, exit by the bank. Please let others know who may be picking up or dropping off your child.

SERVICE HOURS: As a condition of enrollment, 20 hours of service to OLOS School & Parish is required of parents of all school children. Most parents do many more than 20 hours of service here, but the expectation is that you do at least 20 per household. Student service hours are not included in the 20; they have their own goals within the school and classroom. Parent service hours should be logged on your family portal. Once in your portal, on the left side choose “Family”, select the parent’s name at the top middle, click “add” in the righthand corner and log your hours. They will be verified periodically by the school office staff. For tracking purposes, it may be easier to log all service hours performed by either parent under the parent who normally checks the portal. If you are not able to fulfill this obligation, you may pay the hours out @ $10/hour, for a total of $200. The Parish Picnic and Fantasy Night are great opportunities to log several hours of service.

YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 24-25 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by the Tuesday of the week following, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family (or a treat for preschoolers). Congratulations to Magdaline B. for winning this week’s drawing!

SCHOOL MOTTO: We are learning, serving and praying - every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!

C - Christ Centered

O – Optimistic

U – Understanding of Others

G – Generous

A – Achieving Academic Excellence

R – Respectful

S – Serving Others



Please return your folder on


Have a great weekend!