Friday Newsletter 4-26-2024
School Motto: We are learning, serving &
praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!
Ice Cream Truck Week #2
Sat - 8th Grade Graduation/Promotion – 4:00 pm Mass with
reception following in the school gymnasium
Sun - Confirmation Practice – 4:00 pm
Mon –
Tues – Field Day – Dress Down Day
Wed – All School Prayer Service 8:00 am (Staff Ministry)
May Crowning – after Prayer Service
Vocation Day @ OLOL – Columbia for 6th & 7th
Confirmation - 6:30 pm with reception following in the
Thur – Pack & Play Day
8th Grade Mass @ Cathedral
Fri - Last Day of School!
School Spirit Dress Down Day
All School Prayer Service in Church– 8:00 am - (for all school families & community)
Preschool Graduation & All School Awards begin after
Prayer Service in Church (8:30 am)
Final Dismissal @ 11:00 am
No Lunch Served
No afternoon
Extended Care
Grade Cards
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 8TH GRADERS as they receive their Promotion Certificates this weekend. We celebrate this accomplishment with you Shane B., Jacob B., Braden E., Natalie G., Alex H., & Clarice W! We wish you the very best in high school as you continue onward in your faith-filled future. WE WILL MISS YOU!
SKETCH DAY RESULTS! Congratulations to our Sketch Day participants, who did a great job on Wednesday at the State Capitol. We are proud of you all! The following awards were received:
Red Ribbons - High Honor: Shane B. & Jacob B.
Yellow Ribbons – Honor: Madelyn D., Romie G., Gus P., Natalie G., Jessi W.,
Thanks to our parent drivers – Renae Woodberry & Pam Groose and
to Mrs. Hoecker for her endless hours of donated time for practices! The
sketches are on display in our lunchroom. Check them out if you get a chance!
FISHING DAY WAS A SUCCESS! We were blessed to be able to have our students get this opportunity before the rain moved in on Tuesday! Thanks so much to Donnie & Cindy Lepper for hosting our students at their beautiful lake and to Darryl Love for all the prep. work on the fishing rods & reels. Of course, we are always thankful for our great helpers and drivers. It takes everyone to make these days work out! Look for fun photos on Facebook.
THREE SCHOOL FAMILIES! We just want to take this opportunity to recognize the fact that three of our graduates are the last students in their families to attend OLOS. We will miss having the Charlie & Missy Beck family, the Kevin & Missy Evers family & the Fred & Wendy Whittle family with us as well and appreciate your years of commitment & service to the school.
FEES/BILLS/GRADE CARDS: Final grade cards will be released to families who have all fees paid in full by Wednesday, May 1st. Final reminders are in today’s folder. Please remember, if you are using extended care into next week and are not on the daily schedule, add these fees to your final payments. ($3 drop in mornings, $7 drop in afternoons).
20 HOURS OF SERVICE: All unfulfilled service hours accrue a fee of $10 per hour unserved. You will find notice in today’s folder if you have unserved or undocumented hours remaining.
FIELD DAY: All volunteers please meet in the lunchroom at 7:45. At that time, you will receive further instructions and all equipment needed for the day. If you signed up or let us know you could help, we are counting on you for the times you indicated. We are looking forward to a very fun day on Tuesday!
LAST CALL! Yearbooks for the 23-24 school year will be available in August and must be pre-ordered. If you would like to order and have not already done so, please send in $22.50 per book in a marked envelope to the school office (checks payable to OLOS).
ICE CREAM TO SUPPORT OUR $6000 GOAL TO HELP BUILD A SCHOOL IN UGANDA! During this last week of school, students will continue to have the opportunity near the end of each school day to purchase a frozen treat for $1. Please send in money if you have not done so already. Thanks to those who sent in extra money and to those who gave us money who don’t even have children in school! You are awesome!
VOCATIONS DAY: 6th & 7th graders will all be attending Vocations Day on Wednesday, May 1st, at Our Lady of Lourdes in Columbia. Thanks so much to Amber Schulte & Roselyn Wood for volunteering to drive our students. Lunch is provided onsite for this event. Each student will receive a T-shirt.
FACEBOOK ALERT! Be watching for new faces to be joining us @ OLOS next year. We will be featuring new preschoolers and new students as they join our school family.
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL: The last day of school is Friday, May 3rd. Please join us for a prayer service at 8:00 am. Invite family and friends! We will then begin Preschool graduation (approx. 8:30 am), move on to 8th Grade Recognition, and then move forward with the Awards ceremony for all grades. Students may be signed out after the Awards Ceremony by their parents. Final dismissal time is 11:00 am. No lunch will be served, and no afternoon extended care will be offered.
SUMMER NEWS! Like last summer, Mrs. Varner will be sending out a monthly summer newsletter to all school families via the parent alert system. In these newsletters you will find a link to our updated Amazon wish list, a link for ordering school shirts and apparel over the summer, and much more helpful information and updates. Please be watching for these and read them closely to keep up with latest developments. If you need to contact Mrs. Varner through the summer, please use her email:
you the best summer ever! Stay safe and have fun!
Thursday, August 8, 2024
5:30 – 7:00 pm
2024-2025 school year
Saturday, April 27, 2024 – 8th Grade Promotion –
4:00 pm Mass
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 – Confirmation – 6:30 pm
Friday, May 3, 2024 – Preschool Graduation – after 8:00 Prayer Service,
at beginning of Awards ceremony, along with 8th Grade Recognition
Please return your folder on MONDAY!
Have a great weekend!