School Motto: We are
learning, serving & praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!
Mon – Float Decorating – 5:30 pm @ Lage’s shop
Tues –
Wed – No School Thanksgiving Break
Thur – No School – Happy
Fri - No School – Thanksgiving Break
HOME & SCHOOL MEETING: Thanks to all who attended the meeting on Monday evening, and also to those who stayed for the Fantasy Night follow up meeting. The minutes for the meeting are enclosed in today’s folder. Congratulations and thank you to new officers: President – Jena Schwaller, Vice President – Amber Schulte, Secretary – Ashley Evers, & Treasurer – Andy Adrian/Ashley Burnett. Also – a round of applause and our deepest appreciation for Roselyn Wood, our outgoing president. We thank you so much for your dedicated service of time & talent, Roselyn! Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 8, 2024, beginning with a potluck meal at 6:00 pm
WAYS TO HELP! As we approach the holidays, keep in mind the projects we are supporting through the school, especially the St. Nicholas Academy collection (more following). Last week we sent home a list of projects for the month of December & items needed for these projects. If you need another copy, please contact the office. We are asking that all items be turned in by December 11th. Thank you!
FOOD DRIVE: Great news! We met our goal of 400 items for the Eugene Christian Church Food Pantry! All students will enjoy an ice-cream treat after lunch on Tuesday. Thanks, in advance, to Bryan & Cindy for whipping up the ice cream! And thank YOU for supporting our Student Council’s food drive!
A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER! On the reverse of the volunteer opportunity sheet sent home last week, you will find an outline of December dress down days. We hope the students enjoy this opportunity to celebrate the season! Please keep this for your reference, and of course, if you need another copy, please contact the office. Please note the Mass days.
SANTA STORE: The Student Council will be having the Santa Store again this year on Tuesday, December 12. We need volunteers to help that day. We can also use donations of tape, gift bags, large brown lunch sacks, staplers, and staples, and items for the store. Please contact Rosie or Mrs. Groose if are able to help out on December 12th. Thank you!
GOSPEL WEEKLIES: In today’s folder you will find a family guide for home use called “Gospel Weeklies”. OLOS students use this series for faith formation, and each week students work through a consumable booklet, with all activities tied back to the weekend gospel readings. This guide gives you great ideas for things to do at home with your kids, questions to ask them, and to share in what they are learning at school. We hope you find them helpful. You will be seeing these come home intermittently, and more often through the church liturgical seasons.
3-8 Progress Reports are
available online now. To access Progress Reports on your family portal - sign
in, then follow these steps:
On left, click “Student”
On left, directly under “Student Home” click “Grades”
In upper middle/left screen click “Midterm Progress Report”
If you have more than one student, you can switch between them on the
upper left. Please sign the slip enclosed in today’s folder, acknowledging
that you reviewed the report. It is a good idea to log in weekly to check
grades. This is also a good time to log in any service hours you have performed
– Fantasy Night, picnic, general help around the school, etc.
K-2 Progress Reports: Enclosed in today’s folder. Look these over and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the classroom teacher.
SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: When we resume after Thanksgiving, we will immediately begin rehearsing in church for the annual Christmas program, which follows on Sunday, December3rd, after our 10:00 am school Mass. We will have a full dress rehearsal after our Wednesday morning Mass (11/29 – in church), so if you have family members who are unable to attend on Sunday, please invite them to watch on Wednesday. On Sunday, December 3rd, all students are asked to wear their Sunday best in the colors of green, red, or black, if possible. No jeans or shorts please! Please remember to send in two dozen homemade cookies on Friday, December 1st, for the reception to follow the play in the school. At the reception, Santa will be on hand for pictures! We are so looking forward to seeing all those smiling faces!
CONGRATULATIONS to Indy E. for winning the Friday Folder dress down drawing!
DUE TO THE SHORT WEEK, we will not be sending out notes next week. However, we don’t want to miss the opportunity to wish everyone a very happy & blessed Thanksgiving. May we join with family and friends to praise God for the bountiful gifts we enjoy daily. May God continue to bless us all!
Have a relaxing weekend!
Please return your folder on MONDAY!