Friday Newsletter 09-15-2023
School Motto: We are learning, serving & praying
– every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!
Mon –
Tues – School Picture Day – dress up for pictures!
Wed – All School Prayer Service 8:00 am (7/8
Health Screenings
by Miller Co. Health Dept. – begin @ 8:30 am
Thur –
Fri - Dress Down Day
3-8 Progress Reports are
available online. To access Progress Reports on your family portal - sign in, then
follow these steps:
On left, click “Student”
On left, directly under “Student Home” click “Grades”
In upper middle/left screen click “Midterm
Progress Report”
If you have more than one student, you can switch
between them on the upper left. Please sign the slip enclosed in today’s folder,
acknowledging that you reviewed the report. It is a good idea to log in weekly
to check grades.
K-2 Progress Reports: Enclosed in today’s folder. Look these over and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the classroom teacher.
DRIVER NEEDED! We need ONE MORE parent driver for the 7th graders to tour Helias High School on Monday, Sept. 25th. (We have a driver for the 8th graders). Drivers MUST be a parent/guardian aged 25 or over and have had Virtus training, be able to show proof of insurance with $100,000/$300,000 coverage, supply a copy of their driver’s license, and fill out a driver information form. Please let us know if you can help us out. To date, Monica B. & Joan D. have offered to drive. If we don’t get another driver, only the 8th graders will go.
GRANDPARENTS’ DAY & BOOK FAIR THANKS! Thanks so much to everyone who made our Book Fair & Grandparents Day so special – all the grandparents, of course, and also all of our help! We especially thank Mrs. Groose for coordinating the book fair, Mrs. Groose’s girls & Mrs. Varner for helping with setup, Twyla Limbach, Cindy McKenna, & Amber Schulte, who helped the day of the event. And thank you for the donuts Gary & Pam Schulte/G & R Electric! We thank you all for supporting our book fair with your purchases!
SCHOOL PHOTO ORDER FORMS were sent home last week. Picture day is this upcoming Tuesday, Sept. 19th. Please return your order form on Monday.
$10,000 FANTASY NIGHT – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14TH: This is our parish’s second biggest fundraiser, after the parish picnic. TICKETS are available now and can be acquired at the school office, OLOS Credit Union, Corner Market, or from Marla Kirkweg or Cindy Lepper. Please let Rosie know how many you need, via email or a note, and we will make arrangements to get them to you. TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AFTER MASS FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKENDS AS WELL! We need ALL school families to help sell the 300 tickets. The “Early Bird” drawing for another ticket or $125 in cash will be on Sunday, September 24th. We will draw first thing Monday morning, Sept. 25th for the Early Bird winner. All tickets must be turned in to the office by 8:00 am Sept. 25th for this drawing. Sign up forms for workers will be sent home soon. We ask that tickets and/or money for this event NOT be passed through the Friday folder.
FANTASY NIGHT SILENT AUCTION: We also need ALL school families to either sponsor an item for the Silent Auction, which occurs in conjunction with Fantasy Night, or to seek an item or items from local businesses or someone you do business with. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Hagenhoff or Rosie in the office.
UPCOMING FANTASY NIGHT MEETING: We will have a second Fantasy Night meeting on Thursday, September 28th in the school cafeteria at 6:00 pm. Please come & help plan and coordinate activities for this important fundraiser.
HEALTH SCREENINGS are set for Wednesday, Sept. 20th, beginning @ 8:30 am, for students of OLOS. Students will have a vision and hearing test, along with height/weight, and head checks. The vision/hearing/head checks will be performed by nurses from the Miller Co. Health Dept. Thanks to Ashley Burnett, Crystal Hoover, and Cindy McKenna, for volunteering to help!
NEW MEMBERS: Many thanks to new Parent Advisory Board members Emily Schulte & Jessica Kempker, for agreeing to serve. We so appreciate your contribution of time & talent!
NEW SCHOOL MOTTO: We are learning, serving and praying - every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!
C - Christ Centered
O – Optimistic
U – Understanding of Others
G – Generous
A – Achieving Adademic Excellence
R – Respectful
S – Serving Others
COACHES NEEDED: Please let Mrs. Varner know if you are interested in coaching the older boys’ basketball team or being a cheer coach. The basketball season will be here before we know it! Thanks to Piage Chapman, who has volunteered to help with the Cheer squad! If you know of any highschoolers who might help out with the Cheer squad, please let Paige or Mrs. Varner know!
EXTENDED CARE HOURS: Morning extended care hours are 6:30 am to 7:15 am. Normal drop off time begins at 7:15 am. You may drop your child in before 7:15 am, but YOU WILL BE CHARGED the $3 drop-in fee. Afternoon hours are 3:30 – 5:30 pm.
CLEARANCE - DRESS CODE/POLO SHIRT FOR SALE (new, from Steph’s Tees, with school logo) - one left - adult Medium navy short sleeve. Contact Rosie if you would like to purchase the last one!
20 HOURS OF SERVICE: 20 hours of service to OLOS School & Parish is required of parents of all school children. Most parents do many more than 20 hours of service here, but the expectation is that you do at least 20 per household. Student service hours are not included in the 20; they have their own goals within the school and classroom. Parent service hours should be logged on your family portal. Once in your portal, on the left side choose “Family”, select the parent’s name at the top middle, click “add” in the righthand corner and log your hours. They will be verified periodically by the school office staff. For tracking purposes, it may be easier to log all service hours performed by either parent under the parent who normally checks the portal. Make sure to log your hours from the picnic! If you are not able to fulfill this obligation, you may pay the hours out @ $10/hour, for a total of $200.
Sept. 16 – 4:00 pm Mass – Roselyn Wood
Sept. 17 – 10:00 am Mass – Ashley Evers/Jeana Pringer
Sept. 23 – 4:00 pm Mass - Jena Schwaller
Sept. 24 – 10:00 am Mass – Pam Groose
SUNDAY “ALL SCHOOL” MASSES will be on the first Sunday of each month. Our first one will be on Sunday, November 5th. Mark your calendar now to make plans for your child to participate.
CONGRATULATIONS to Brooklin B. for winning the Friday Folder dress down drawing. Each week, one folder is drawn (from all returned by Wednesday, (with needed paperwork, if any) for a bonus dress down pass (or a treat for preschoolers). Make sure to return your folder each Monday!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Try to get out and enjoy the gorgeous weather!
Please return your folder
on Monday.