Friday Notes 3-9-23
School Motto: I will treat people right, I will do
the right thing, I will do God’s will.
Mon – Birthright collection begins!
Basketball/Cheer & Group Pictures today – no dress down
passes today please!
Spelling Bee Practice 3:15 – 4:15 pm
Meet & Greet/Art Show 5:30 – 6:15 pm
Light Dinner (provided)
6:15 – 6:30 pm
Home & School
Mtg begins @ 6:30 pm
Tues – Library
Lady visits PK/K/1 10:15 – 1:15 pm
Wed – All
School Mass 8:00 am (4th Ministry)
Reconciliation for 2nd Graders – after Mass
Thur – Bonus Dress Down Day
Service for 5/6 grades 8:45 am
Fri - Dress Down in Green for St. Patrick’s Day!
DARE for 4-8th – 8:15 am
Stations of the Cross 2:30 pm
Quarter are available online through your FACTS parent portal. Please review
and then sign & return the slip provided in this folder. As always, if you
have any questions or concerns, please contact the classroom teacher.
To access the grade card on your family portal,
please follow these steps:
Log into your account
at – use school code ols-mo and your username & password.
On left, click “Student”.
On left, directly
under “Grades”, click “Report Card”.
If you have more than
one student, you can switch between grade cards in the upper middle of the
FIRST THING MONDAY MORNING!! BASKETBALL & CHEER PICTURES: D & J Photography will be here this Monday, March 13h for sports and group pictures. If you have not already done so, please remember to send in your child’s uniform & any needed items for pictures on Monday. (think shoes, socks, undershirts, etc)
NO DRESS DOWN PASSES on MONDAY: Due to taking several school-wide group pictures, we ask that all K-8 students be in dress code attire on Monday (preschoolers follows their own dress code).
CHANGE OF DATE! MEET & GREET/ART SHOW: We welcome all interested families of preschoolers, kindergartners, new students, and existing students to join us for a short Meet & Greet on March 13th from 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm, with sandwiches/chips available @ 6:15 pm. Come meet the teachers and new friends, explore the enrollment process, or just stop in to see what OLOS School can offer your family! We will also have student art on display for your viewing!
MEET & GREET LEADING INTO THE HOME & SCHOOL MEETING The Meet & Greet will conclude around 6:15 pm, followed by sandwiches, chips & drinks provided by the school. We will then begin our Home & School meeting at 6:30 sharp, inviting anyone at the Meet & Greet to join us or grab their dinner & go before the meeting begins. This will be the final H & S meeting for the 22-23 school year. Please make plans to attend in support of our school and to earn a dress down pass for your child! See flyer in today’s folder! There will be no carry in “potluck” – we will enjoy the dinner provided!
THE ONLINE RE-ENROLLMENT PACKET FOR THE 2023-24 SCHOOL YEAR is now available on your family portal. Please see the letter enclosed in this folder for further information. All students with an enrollment packet completed and submitted by Friday, April 14th will receive a bonus dress down pass for the new school year.
ALL REGISTRATION FEES will be due at the time of Open House in August. There will be no early registration discount or discount for referrals. You will be able to read through the revised fee schedule when you do online enrollment and it will also be available through the weekly folder and on our website.
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2nd Graders – Mackenzie B. & Gianna M, who will be going through the Sacrament of First Reconciliation this upcoming Wednesday. May God continue to guide you through your life! We are proud of you!
DONUTS WITH DAD: What a fun morning! It was so gratifying to see all the dads (and dad subs) here for Mass, fun, and fellowship. We are so glad you came to share the morning with us! Thank you to Ashley E., Cindy M., Megan K., & Rachel K. for coordinating & serving this event & to Ms. Grellner for picking up the donuts. Special thanks to Gary & Pam Schulte/G & R Electric, for providing the donuts for this event! We appreciate it so very much!
CONGRATULATIONS to our SPELLING BEE FINALISTS who will be competing in the diocesan Spelling Bee at St. Martin at the end of the month. They are: Avery W., Rylee V., Shane B., Braden E., Madelyn D,, Romie G., Ryan R., Brena G., & Anna B. Alternates – Jacob B., Jessi W., & Corina M.
MICE RACE THANK YOUS! Thanks to all the families who supported the Mice Races. The event was a huge success. A special thank you to the committee members and volunteers who made the event possible – Paula, Lindsey, & Brooke Evers, Pam Rogers, Mariah & Madison Kliethermes, & Bryan & Stacey Evers. There were many donors as well. Please read more in last week’s parish bulletin.
WISH LIST REQUESTS: There are several items listed on our wish list in the bulletin. If you are interested in donating, please contact the school office.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS: We will be praying the Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent at 2:30 pm. Please plan on joining us if you are able. If you do attend and would like to check out your child afterwards, send a note to school so that they may bring their backpack along with them to church. Please sign your child out with Mrs. Varner.
DONATIONS NEEDED! Would you like to donate four bags of ice or cups for the Shiloh dance? If so, contact Cindy McKenna or the school office. It would be much appreciated!
7th GRADE PARENTS!!! Traditionally, the 7th grade parents and students have planned and hosted the 8th grade graduation. While all 7th grade families help with this, usually there are a couple coordinators. We thank Mrs. Groose & Missy Beck for volunteering! ! Graduation is set for Saturday, May 6th, beginning with the 4:00 pm Mass.
BABY SHOWER for Birthright
will run March 13th – 22nd. On March 22, we will have a prayer
service and games after Mass in support of life! Birthright is an interdenominational
organization offering help to women facing the challenges of unplanned
pregnancies. Needed items include: socks – newborn to 12 months, diapers –
newborn, 4,5,6 (no size 1 or 2), wipes, pacifiers, clothing size 12, 18, &
24 months, detergent, baby body wash, baby shampoo; and items for mom, including:
shampoo, soap, body wash, & tooth brushes. For more information about
Birthright visit
SHILOH DANCE/PIZZA KWIK: sponsored by OLOS Parish & School, Saturday, March 25th from 7:00 to 11:00 pm. Doors open @ 6:30 pm. Pizza Kwik will be here for pizza sales from 12:00 noon through 9:00 pm. Sign up sheets for dance workers is in today’s folder. This would be a great opportunity to earn service hours.
FIRST RECONCILIATION for 2nd graders – Wednesday, Mar. 15, after weekday Mass
FIRST EUCHARIST for 2nd graders – Sunday, April 30 – 10:00 am Mass
8th GRADE GRADUATION – Saturday, May 6 – begins with 4:00 pm Mass
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 22-23 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by the Tuesday of the week following, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Shane B. for winning our last drawing!
Please return your folder on Monday.
Enjoy your three-day weekend students!!