Friday Newsletter 1-13-2023
School Motto: I will treat people right, I will do
the right thing, I will do God’s will.
Tues – Archery
Meeting – 6:00 pm in cafeteria
Wed – All School Mass 8:00 am (4th Ministry)
Thur – School
Spirit Dress Down Day
JV Boys BBall @ HOME 7:00 pm (vs. St. Joe, JC Green) – COME CHEER!!!
Fri - Dress Down Day
THROUGH 8TH GRADE, please plan on attending the meeting scheduled for this Tuesday evening
@ 6:00 pm in the cafeteria. We highly encourage you to find out about archery -
what a program could entail, give input, and ask questions. ALL SUPPLIES are
provided for this program – you do not have to purchase anything! Sports
packets will be available. Questions? Contact the office or Andy Adrian.
THURSDAY our JV Boys will have their 2nd HOME GAME of the year. If you want to get out and have some fun, come watch our boys play and our cheer girls perform! You can grab your dinner from the concession stand while you’re at it! Let’s cheer our team on to VICTORY!!! Thursday is a school spirit dress down day because of the home game. Please adhere to all length and the no holes/fraying requirements for bottoms.
HOME & SCHOOL MEETING: Thanks to all who attended the meeting last week. Enclosed you will find the agenda from Monday night & minutes from the previous meeting. We would love to see all our school parents at these meetings, so plan on attending our final meeting of the year, which is scheduled for Monday, March 13, 2023, beginning @ 6:00 pm, with a potluck meal. Children may attend and eat with us.
DADS PAY ATTENTION! We will have Donuts with Dad on Wednesday, March 8th, beginning with the 8:00 am Mass. After Mass, we will come over to the cafeteria for refreshments and a quick gardening project! If dad isn’t available, feel free to invite a VIP to sub in!
SANTA STORE THANKS! Thank you to our volunteers - the 7/8 grade for running it and Cindy McKenna, Barb Adrian and Debbie Schulte for helping wrap gifts for the kids. Also, thanks to Darryl for taking the boxes to the old hall.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK is quickly approaching. It is Jan. 29 – Feb 5th. We will honor our Nation, Community, Vocations, Students, & Staff. A tentative schedule will be sent out next Friday, but there are volunteer opportunities on Faculty, Staff & Volunteer Day on Tues., Jan. 31st & on Student Day on Fri., Feb. 3rd. Please contact the Roselyn Wood, Jena Schwaller, Emily Schulte or the office for more information or with your offer to help.
MICE RACES: Information on this next big fundraiser is in today’s folder, along with a work sign-up form. Please return this form by Monday, January 30th. This would be a great opportunity to get service hours! Thank you!
SAVE THE DATE: Shiloh Dance, sponsored by OLOS Parish & School, Saturday, March 25th from 7:00 to 11:00 pm. Doors open @ 6:30 pm. This would be a great opportunity to earn service hours.
8th GRADE PARENTS: DIOCESAN WIDE 8TH GRADE MASS @ St. Joseph Cathedral on Thursday, May 4th. More details to come for this new event. Only those transporting students may attend with students.
SCHOOL CLOSING: Any emergency early dismissal or closing of the school will be announced by parent alert (text, email, voice) and through social media, as well as over area television stations. PARENTS SHOULD NOT CALL the school office during inclement weather conditions to learn if the school is closing early. This unnecessarily ties up our phone lines for emergency communications. A phone call into school during this time will delay the process of getting our communications out to all families. Please note that afternoon extended care services are NOT available in the event of early dismissal due to weather or other emergencies.
TAX STATEMENTS for 2022 Preschool & Extended Care are in today’s folder. If you have any questions, please contact Rosie in the office.
If you
drive students other than your own on a field trip, you must have VIRTUS (Protecting
God’s Children) training & also must show proof of $100,000/$300,000
insurance coverage.
· All School parents/guardians will be REQUIRED to have VIRTUS training to enroll their child in OLOS School next school year. This includes BOTH parents. This training is offered online @ You simply create and account, specify that you are with “Jefferson City Diocese” and begin the training. It usually takes a little less than two hours total, and you can save your progress and come back to it later, if needed. Set this as one of your New Year goals! Thank you!
NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 16th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
PROPANE THAT PAYS… If you are or would like to be a customer of Capital Energy Co, please LET THEM KNOW that you are a member of OLOS parish. The parish receives a percentage for every gallon the customer buys, and usually have some of the cheaper prices in the area. (They cannot issue a donation on the customer’s behalf unless the customer tells them they are a member of the parish.) In past years the parish has received approximately $1000/yearly. That’s worthwhile! Thank you for your support!
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 22-23 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by the Tuesday of the week following, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations Madelyn & Henry D. for winning our last drawing!
Have a wonderful THREE-DAY weekend!