Friday Newsletter10-20-22
School Motto: I will treat people right, I will do
the right thing, I will do God’s will.
Mon – “Ghosty Grams” due
Quiz Bowl Practice 3:00 – 3:45 pm
Fantasy Night
follow up mtg – 6:00 pm in school cafeteria
Tues – Student Council
mtg to assemble “Ghosty Grams” 3:15 – 4:15 pm, cafeteria
Wed – All School Mass – 8:00 am (2/3 Ministry)
Archery Training –
during PE (4th-8th)
Thur -
Fri - Dress Down Day
FANTASY NIGHT FOLLOWUP: There will be a Fantasy Night follow up meeting this Monday, October 24th @ 6:00 pm in the cafeteria. Please return feedback forms, sent home last week, and/or plan on attending. Thank you!
VETERANS’ DAY CELEBRATION: Please invite all retired and active-duty military & spouses/families to our celebration! Please return sign-up sheet which was sent home last week
SPORTS PACKETS were recently sent home for boy’s 5-8th basketball or cheer (boys & girls – all ages). To practice/play students must have three things: completed sports packets, payment of $25 per student per sport, & current physical on file. If you did not receive a packet and your child is interested, please contact Rosie in the office.
STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS: We will be assembling the “Ghosty Grams” on Tuesday, from 3:15 – 4:15. Please plan on helping.
QUIZ BOWL PRACTICE: There will be no practice on Monday, Oct 31st (Halloween).
CLASSROOM PARENT LIST/HALLOWEEN PLANS: The room parent list is at the end of these notes The room parent coordinator has been assigned to be the central contact for the classroom party – to coordinate & to make plans known to the classroom teacher. For Halloween, we are inviting all parents, parishioners, and community members to participate in our Trunk or Treat. At 1:30 pm on Oct. 31st, students will go on their annual “Halloween Walk”, trick or treating at the parish office, M.H. Bank, and the Credit Union. In conjunction with this, we will also have our 3rd annual Trunk or Treating in the church parking lot. Please pass the word to community members and parishioners – all are invited to treat the kiddos! Please call the school office if you or someone you know would like to participate. We ask that students not wear scary or gory costumes. No fake blood, devils, etc. Keep it light and fun!
ICE CREAM!!! Thanks so much to those who have donated to the ice cream fund. The students have had soft serve ice cream two times now, funded by Darryl Love, and we thank him. We also want to recognize & thank the following donors, who will make it possible to have at least a monthly serving of ice-cream for our students: Daniel & Joyce Hagenhoff, Fred & Wendy Whittle, Tom & Rose Oligschlaeger, Patrick & Pam Groose, & Jeana Pringer. We also want to thank Bryan Evers & Cindy Lepper for all the hard work that goes into serving
2021-22 YEARBOOKS are in today’s folder, if you ordered.
Our Lady of the Snows School Youth will be doing the ministry for the
Sunday, 10:00 Mass, the first Sunday of each month.
OLOS School Youth Mass – Sunday, Dec. 4 – 10:00 am
OLOS School Christmas Program – Sunday, Dec. 4 – following 10:00 am Mass
First Reconciliation for 2nd graders – Wednesday, Mar. 15, after weekday Mass
First Eucharist for 2nd graders – Sunday, April 30 – 10:00 am Mass
8th Grade Graduation – Saturday, May 6 – begins with 4:00 pm Mass
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 22-23 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by the Tuesday of the week following, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations Jaelyn E. & Wade K, for winning this week!
Enjoy your weekend!
Please return your folder on MONDAY.