Friday Newsletter 9-1-22
School Motto: I will treat people right, I will do
the right thing, I will do God’s will.
Mon - NO SCHOOL – Labor Day/Picnic Clean up
Tues –
Wed – All School Mass – 8:00 am (7/8 Ministry)
Father visits 7/8 grades @ 8:45 am (change of date)
Thur –
Fri - Dress Down Day
COMMUNITY SERVICE DAYS AT OLOS SCHOOL! This year our school sponsored T-shirts will be used for “Community Service Day”, which will be scheduled for the first Monday of each month, beginning in October. You paid for these t-shirts through your registration fees and supplied the sizes when you filled out the online enrollment packet. Each classroom is picking their own community service goal, and the whole class will receive their shirts once they meet their goal. This shirt features the new “Our Lady of the Snow is the Heart & Soul of Mary’s Home” logo and are not the same as the spirit shirts from Steph’s Tees, Students will be able to wear the “Heart” shirts on the first Monday when they will also be performing some sort of community service. Community service days will be indicated on the monthly calendar. The “Heart” shirts may also be used for field trips and other community service days.
BOOK FAIR: We will have the book fair open to all school, parish, and community families the evening of Tuesday, September 13, 3:30 – 6:00 pm. Concessions will be available. See flyer and inserts for more information. See you then!
GRANDPARENTS’ DAY! Grandparents’ Day celebration is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 14th, beginning with the 8:00 am Mass, and then moving over to the school for classroom activities, the book fair & homemade cinnamon rolls. We would love pictures of your child with his/her grandparents to run on the slideshow. You may email them to We are looking forward to having our grandparents join us that day!
QUIZ BOWL: Mrs. Burgess and Sarray Schulte met with the 6th, 7th, & 8th grade students this week and talked to them about participation in the Quiz Bowl. Many students showed interest. Please talk to your child, and if he/she would like to participate (or just join in to see what it is all about), please sign them up with the form that is enclosed in today’s folder.
FANTASY NIGHT is set for Saturday, October 8, 2022, with the “Early Bird” drawing for an additional ticket or $125 set for Monday, September 19, 2022. Tickets are available at Mary’s Home Bank, the Credit Union, the school office, and will also be available at the raffle stand at the picnic this weekend. If you want to pick up a few to sell, please check these out from Rosie in the school office or with Cindy Lepper. We need all families out there selling to get these tickets sold! This is the second biggest fundraiser for our parish and school. Let’s give it our greatest support!
7/8 HELIAS VISIT: Our 7/8 will be visiting and touring Helias within the next couple months. With 11 students we will probably need three drivers. Please contact Mr. Vandike or Rosie if you might be able to drive. We will let you know when we have a firm date. Drivers transporting students other than their own must fill out a driver information form, supply a copy of driver’s license and insurance with 100/300 coverage, and must have had VIRTUS training.
VIRTUS TRAINING: As a school parent, it is important that you participate now in the Protecting God’s Children/Teaching Safety Program, otherwise known as VIRTUS (if you haven’t done so already). If you help in any way at school, are a room parent, drive students for field trips, coach, etc., you are required to have this course. There is an approximately 2 hour online training course (free) for your convenience. You can access this and create an account @ Please call the school office if you have any questions.
VOLLEYBALL NEWS: Due to lack of players, we will not be able to have a volleyball team this season. We did reach out to Honey Creek, and they had full teams. We also reached out to all PALS teams, without success.
ICE CREAM!!! Through a grant received from the Dairy Council, OLOS was able to purchase an ice cream/yogurt machine, valued at approximately $1500. We are so thrilled to be able to offer this treat to our students, hopefully at least once a month. However, the grant did not supply to funds for the actual ice-cream mix. We are looking for ice-cream sponsors, those who would like to donate to an ice-cream fund. We will be experimenting with it in the near future, but it looks like it will cost us about $30 to make enough ice-cream for our students each time. Contact Rosie or Cindy Lepper for more information.
HEALTH SCREENINGS are scheduled for Thursday, September 15th. Two Miller County nurses will be here to check vision, hearing, height & weight, along with performing head/lice checks. We are in need of at least two volunteers to help with height/weight that morning. Please let Rosie know if you are able to help out. Thank you!
STEWARDSHIP/TITHING: The Parish Council has asked that all stewardship and tithing records be up to date for all parishioners, including our school families. If your record needs updated, you received an envelope last week in the folder. Please fill out and return to school office or drop in the collection basket at Mass. Thank you!
HANDBOOK: The Parent/Student Handbook is in the process of being updated. Our new goal is to have it revised and available within the next couple weeks. Be watching for the sign-off, which will be enclosed in the family folder once those revisions are made. Thank you for your patience.
HOME & SCHOOL MEETINGS SET: Please mark your calendar and plan on attending. We rely on ALL school families to help plan, coordinate, and support our teachers and school, and would like all parents to be active in this organization. We will begin each meeting with a potluck dinner. Your child/ren will receive a bonus dress down pass for your attendance!
Monday, September 19, 2022 – 6:00 pm
Monday, November 14, 2022 – 6:00 pm
Monday, January 9, 2023 – 6:00 pm
Monday, March 13, 2023 – 6:00 pm
VISITS WITH FATHER ALEX! Father Alex began visiting with our students in their classrooms last week. Future dates are noted on the monthly calendar, sent home last week. One change – the date for 7/8 has been moved to Wed., Sept. 7 @ 8:45 am.
20 HOURS OF SERVICE: New for this school year is the required 20 hours of service to OLOS parish/school for parents of all school children. Most parents do many more than 20 hours of service here, but the expectation is that you do at least 20 per household. Student service hours are not included in the 20; they have their own goals within the school and classroom. Parent service hours should be logged on your family portal. Once in your portal, on the left side choose “Family”, select the parent’s name at the top middle, click “add” in the righthand corner and log your hours. They will be verified periodically by the school office staff. For tracking purposes, it may be easier to log all service hours performed by either parent under the parent who normally checks the portal. Make sure to log events like the upcoming picnic (many of you will meet your 20 hours immediately with this event!!), coaching, fundraisers, helping at school or in the parish in any way. If you choose not to fulfill this obligation, you may pay the hours out @ $10/hour, for a total of $200.
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 22-23 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Wednesday, September 7, 2022, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations Tre B. for being our first winners!
FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY: Sign up now for the Financial Peace University Course to learn how God has designed stewardship to be in all parts of our lives. This 9 week course will meet during PSR time (8:45-9:45) on Sunday mornings starting September 18. The course is open to all ages and is for anyone who wants a better relationship with their finances, better understanding of insurance needs, and a better plan for retirement and beyond. The cost of the course is $100. Contact Colleen Abbott to enroll.
return your folder on Tuesday, after the FOUR DAY WEEKEND!