Friday Notes 5-6-2022
Sat - Graduation Mass – 6:00 pm with Awards presentation & refreshments in gym
following Mass
Sun May Crowning – after 8:00
am Mass
Mon – Study Trip for 2nd & 5/6 grades
@ Lepper Pond & Beck Rockhouse 9:15 – 2:00 pm
Tues –
Wed – Talent Show – 8:30 am – cafeteria
Field Day activities
begin approx. 9:30
Dress Down Day
School Spirit Day
All School Mass–8:00 am (5/6 Ministry)
Followed by Preschool graduation & song & Awards,
Final dismissal @ 11:00 am for those not signed out earlier.
HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS to our THREE EIGHTH GRADERS who will be graduating this Saturday. We are so very proud of you, and we will miss you so very much! The three eighth graders are: Austin D., Mikayla E., & Nolan S. They are three phenomenal young people! May God Bless you as you graduate and in all your future endeavors!
MAY CROWNING: Congratulations to our May Queen, Mikayla Eickhoff, and her escorts, Austin Doerhoff & Nolan Schulte, who will lead us in our May Crowning Prayer Service at the statue of our Blessed Mother in the grotto on Sun., May 8, following the 8:00 am parish Mass!
TALENT SHOW/FIELD DAY: On Wednesday, May 11th, we will be having a Talent Show at 8:30 am and a Field Day event beginning around 9:30 am. We will be grilling hot dogs for a picnic lunch. Sounds like so much fun! Thanks to Amy Hagenhoff, Angelina McKenna, Joan Doerhoff, Marie Massman, Carla Morris, Taylor Whittle, Emily Schulte & Tom Oligschlaeger,for volunteering. More help is still needed, so please let us know if you are able. A Field Day Itinerary will be sent out early next week. Special thanks to Amy H. & Angelina M. for planning, coordinating, and setting up all of the events for the day!
MASS/AWARDS DAY CHANGE: We will not have an all school Mass on Wednesday, May 11th, but we WILL have an all school Mass on our last day of school, Thursday, May 12th at 8:00 am. We will then have a short preschool graduation/preschool presentation & then awards, all in the Church, immediately following Mass. Parents will be able to check their children out after the awards ceremony, directly from the Church. Remember parents, if grandparents or someone out of the ordinary will be signing your children out that day, let Rosie know this in the days preceding this because the office will be closed for Mass & the awards ceremony that morning. Official dismissal time is 11:00 am for those remaining. No lunch served.
PAYMENT OF FEES: Please remember that ALL fees must be paid in full by the end of the school year for release of records and release of grade cards. This includes all preschool fees, extended care fees, out of parish school support, damaged/missing textbook fees, etc. Please call Rosie if you have any questions/concerns. Payment reminders are in today’s folder for any who still have fees due. Extended care fees may still be accrued for May for any drop ins.
BRACELETS: Madelyn & Romie sold $306 worth of the Kindness Bracelets. They are currently deciding between two mental health programs for which to donate these funds. These girls have done a phenomenal job with this project and we applaud them for their efforts!
THANK YOU to Cindy & Donnie Lepper and Missy & Charlie Beck for hosting our Gr. 2/5/6 study trip!
WISH LIST THANKS: Thank you to an anonymous parishioner for granting our cooks' wish for a fatigue mat!
Wish List request: We would like to request four chromebook
cases for our Gr. 7 students at a cost of $50. Thank you!
This will be the last notes for the school year. We wish everyone a very safe, fun, and blessed summer! The 2022-23 Open House is scheduled for Saturday, August 13th from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Hope to see you over the summer, but if not, we’ll see all of you back in August!