Friday Newsletter 11-19-2021
Mon – Library Lady visit – PK-2
Tues – School
Spirit Dress Down Day
K/1 Thanksgiving Play
Float Prep–BJ Schwaller’s
shop – 6 pm
Wed – NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
Fri - NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
Mary’s Home
Christmas Parade – line up at KC ballpark @ 5:30 pm, Parade begins @ 6:30 pm
MIDTERM PROGRESS REPORTS are available online for students in grades 3-8, with a sign-off sheet enclosed in today’s folder. Paper copies of progress reports are in today’s folder for students in grades K-2. Please sign & return. To access Progress reports on your family portal - after signing in, please follow the following steps:
On left, click “Student”
On left, directly
under “Student Home” click “Grades”
In upper middle/left
screen click “Midterm Progress Report”
If you have more than
one student, you can switch between them on the upper left.
SUDS FUNDRAISER: The Show Me Suds Laundry Soap will be delivered this Sunday, November 21st. Anyone who directly placed orders can pick up theirs that evening at the back of the school gym from 6-7 p.m. If you ordered from a parishioner, they will deliver your products. Any orders not picked up at this time will be available at the school office.
The Parish
sold 144 products valued at $4,080, and we made a profit of $1,032.00. Thank you for your
continued support of OLOS Parish technology needs.
STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE: The Student Council meeting, originally scheduled for Dec. 6, will be held on Wednesday, December 1st, until 4:15 pm.
HOME & SCHOOL: Thanks to all who attended the meeting on Tuesday evening. The next potluck/meeting is set for Tuesday, January 11th, 2022. Please mark your calendar now and make plans to attend this meeting!
OLOSS CHRISTMAS MUSICAL is set for Monday, December 6th at 6:30 pm in church. We are asking all school families to please send in TWO DOZEN homemade cookies (for the reception following at school) on that Monday morning of the play. There will be a dress rehearsal after the 9:00 am Mass on Wednesday, Dec. 1st for anyone who is not able to make it on Dec. 6th. Home & School & School Advisory Board officers are asked to prep and serve the refreshments that evening. Please contact Rosie for more details.
PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTIES/DISMISSAL: We will dismiss at 12:30 on Friday, December 17th. We are planning the Christmas parties for 11:30 – 12:30, after an early lunch. There will be NO extended care services that afternoon.
ADOPT A FAMILY INFORMATION was sent home recently and is available with these notes on our website under “School Office Information – Friday Notes” Family members have been assigned to grades, but feel free to buy needed items for the entire family. Of the big items listed, we have received the Billy shoes for the little boy, and the coat for the 15-year-old girl. Deadline for gifts is Dec. 3rd,
MARY’S HOME CHRISTMAS PARADE! The parade is Friday, November 26th. The theme is “Once Upon a Christmas” featuring favorite Christmas books & movies. OLOS School theme will be based on the book & movie, “The Little Drummer Boy.” Please find and fill out the important form in today’s folder regarding participation in the parade.
SANTA STORE: As time is running short and due to lack of volunteers, there will be no Santa Store this year. Optimistically, we would love to bring this back next year; so as you are shopping the after Christmas bargains or cleaning out closets, please keep an eye out for items we might use as gifts.
DRIVERS NEEDED! We are in need of drivers for the thirteen OLOS Choir members’ musical presentation at the Capitol the afternoon of December 16th (our portion begins @ 12:45 pm). Please send a note or call the office with your offer to drive, indicating how many students you might be able to haul in your vehicle. Thank you!
YARD SIGNS: Are you watching for Our Lady of the Snows yard signs? Please let us know if you would like one for your yard!
LEVELING LIBRARY BOOKS. More volunteers are still needed to help with this huge undertaking.
CHANGE OF MENU: On Tuesday, Nov. 23, we will have chicken alfredo, broccoli, salad & fruit.
DECEMBER AND JANUARY SCHOOL MASSES: Father Stephen Jones is going to be doing our school Masses every Wednesday except for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on Wed., Dec. 8, as Father Alex has already arranged for another priest to celebrate Mass on this major feast day and holy day of obligation. However, since Father Jones is driving down from Jefferson City, we have to schedule our Wednesday Masses for 9:00 am throughout December and January except for the holy day on Dec. 8. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding!
Thanksgiving, classes will resume on Mon., Nov. 29, during the first week of
Advent. Our December morning prayer is The Morning Offering, and our
December Christskill is Caring. Our Advent theme is "We Wait in
Joyful Hope."
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, November 23, 2021, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Natalie & Charlotte G., this week‘s winners of the bonus dress down pass!
Since there will be no folder sent home on Tuesday, we’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very
Happy, Safe, and
Blessed Thanksgiving.
Praise God from Whom
all Blessings Flow!