Friday Newsletter 4-09-2021
Sun – Book Fair open 9:00 –
12:00 noon in gym
Mon – SUDS forms & $ DUE TODAY!
Book Fair Night –
3:30 – 6:30 pm
Tues – Book Fair
open during lunch
Spelling Bee
Practice until 4:30 pm
Wed – All School Mass –8:00 am (2/3 Ministry)
Thu – School Mass – 8:00 am
#PurpleUp Day –
wear purple (see notes)
Spelling Bee
Practice until 4:30 pm
Fri - Dress Down Day
Progress Reports
now open. To access this through your family portal, just log in as normal,
Along the left-hand side of the homepage, scroll down to the last option “Apply/Enroll”,
click on ENROLLMENT/RE-ENROLLMENT and follow prompts from there. If you have a
new student (for example, a new preschooler) click on “APPLICATION”, and follow
the prompts from there. If you have any questions about online re-enrollment,
please contact Rosie in the office. Be especially careful to designate those
who will be normally be picking up your child after school in the ‘Authorized Contact/Pick-up”
FINAL BILLS: As we get closer to the end of the school year, please pay close attention to any statements, billings, etc that are sent out. Also, if your child has any items missing, for example, uniforms, chromebook charging cords, textbooks, you will be charged for those. Final grade cards, 8th grade diplomas, and finalized re-enrollment, will be held until all fees are paid in full, unless otherwise arranged through contact with Mr. Akin & Father Cal.
BOOK FAIR: The Scholastic Book Fair will be open on Sunday 9:00 am-12:00 pm & on Monday 3:30 pm– 6:30 pm. All parents, grandparents, families, and community members are welcome to visit the book fair, which will be spread out in the gym for social distancing purposes. We look forward to seeing you here!
SUMMER SCHOOL AT COLE R-V (K-8th): Packets are enclosed in today’s folder. You may return these to OLOS School until Monday, May 3rd. We will turn them in as a batch. After that date, forms should be turned in directly to Cole R-V. Students turning in a form through the Friday folder will receive a free drawstring bag from Cole R-V.
FIELD TRIP DATES: Preliminary plans:
PK – 4th
Grades: Thursday, April 29th: 9:00 am movie – “Raya & The Last Dragon, Lunch & Trails at the
Runge Center, ice cream @ Central Dairy.
Grades: Friday, May 7th: 8:45 Military Museum, 10:30 State Pen. Tour, Lunch on Capitol grounds
& walk the Mo. River Bridge, Central Dairy if time.
More info. to come-be
watching for field trip forms! It is unknown at this time if we will need
parent drivers or if we will be taking a bus. No younger siblings allowed.
SHOW ME SUDZ: Flyers/order forms were sent home two weeks ago. Please, everyone try to sell at least a few items. This fundraiser is wrapping up this weekend, with forms/payments to be turned in this Monday, April 12th. Please collect payment at time of order, with checks payable to OLOS. The product will be delivered on 18th. Thanks for your support!
SPELLING BEE: This year each school gets to send only ONE student from each grade to the Spelling Bee at St. Martin on April 21st. This year we are sending Madelyn Doerhoff (4), Madisyn Suess (5), Rylee Vandike (6), Nolan Schulte (7), & Garet Wood (8). Good luck to these students as they prepare to take on some of the area’s best spellers!
has been moved to Tuesday, May 11th, beginning with the 6:00 Mass,
with reception following in the gym.
8th grade
pictures will be taken on Friday, April 30th, with a day out.
8th Graders
visit Cole R-V on Monday, May 3rd.
Freshman Orientation @
Cole R-V is Tuesday, May 4th @ 5:30 in cafeteria.
Please send in 10-15 pictures of your student,
from little on, for the graduation slideshow by April 12th.
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL PLANS: OLOS School will be in session through Thursday, May 13, 2021. On the last day we will have Mass at 8:00 am, with Awards & Preschool graduation following in church. All school parents & community members are welcome to attend! After awards, we will enjoy a Field Day, with dismissal at 3:15. We are asking for parent volunteers; please see enclosed flyer.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: 8th Grade Graduation – Tuesday, May 11 – 6:00 pm Mass with reception following in gym, First Eucharist – Sunday, May 2, 12:00 Noon Mass,
ALL FAMILIES returning their 20-21 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Wednesday, April 14, 2021, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Liam Ramirez & Jacob & Magdaline Bittle for winning this week!
FREE MEALS FOR ALL STUDENTS EXTENDED– OFFICIAL PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: ALL students at Our Lady of the Snows School will be able to receive FREE lunch through DESE Seamless Summer Option and the USDA. The free meals will be available through the end of the school year. If your child does not attend OLOS School, you may request to pick up a free lunch for any child age 1 to 18. If you wish to order meals for children not enrolled in OLOS School, you will need to contact Carla Morris before 8:15 daily at 573-498-3574 to request the meals. Meal pickup will be at 11:30 am at the side parking lot nearest the kitchen (below M. H. bank). It is unknown at this time if this program will be extended into the next school year. If you have any questions, please call the office at 573-498-3574. Thank you.
Enjoy a fantastic spring weekend!
Please return your folder on Monday.