Friday Newsletter 2-26-21
Sat OLOS Virtual Fantasy Night
– 6:00 pm
Mon – Many Colored Monday
Tues – Wacky
Wed – All School Mass –8:00 am (4th Ministry)
Thing 1 & Thing 2 Wednesday
Thu – School Mass – 8:00 am
Terrific Hat Thursday
Fri - End of Third Quarter
Fun Sock Friday
Stations of the
Cross – 2:15 pm
KINDERGARTEN INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS: We will host our annual Preschool and Kindergarten Informational
meetings on Tuesday, March 23rd. This year we will be doing it a little
differently. If you have a Preschooler or Kindergartner, please call the school
office to set up at time. Time slots will be in 15 minute intervals from 5:00 –
7:00 pm, with more slots opening later in the evening, if needed. Along with
the classroom meeting, time will be allowed for new families to meet with Mr.
Akin. Online registration will be opening within the next few weeks for all
grades, so please stay tuned!
JOIN US IN CELEBRATING DR. SEUSS’S BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK! We know it’s short notice, so we tried to make it easy. Each day this upcoming week will be a themed day. If you participate in the theme, you may dress down for the day, with all length/sleeve requirements enforced. Please especially keep in mind that on Wednesday & Thursday we attend Mass, so be especially mindful of attire on those days. Themed days are as follows:
Mon. Many colored Monday (wear as many colors as
you can)
Tues. Wacky Tuesday (wear wacky hair and clothes)
Wed. Thing 1 and Thing 2 Wednesday (wear red and
Thurs. Terrific Hat Thursday (wear a fun hat)
Fri. Fun Sock Friday (wear fun or silly socks)
PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCE SIGN-UP: If you do not see your child’s name on the enclosed sign up sheet, please pick a couple slots that will work for you, and return on Monday. Conferences are slated for March 12th, from 1:00 – 6:30 pm.
CALLING ALL PARENTS! Our final Home & School meeting is coming up – scheduled for Tuesday, March 9th at 6:00 pm. It takes involvement and interest from ALL families to keep our school running smoothly, so please make plans now to attend this meeting. It’s also a great way to keep in touch with all the great things going on in your child’s classrooms. Remember, you will get a bonus dress down pass for your child for attending!
SNOW DAY/GRADUATION UPDATE: Due to recent snow days, OLOS School will be in session through Thursday, May 13, 2021. This will change if we have more snow days, but final school day will be no later than May 14th. On the last day – tentatively Thursday – we will have Mass at 8:00 am, with Awards & Preschool graduation following in church. All school parents & community members are welcome and encouraged to attend! After awards, we will enjoy a Field Day, with dismissal at 3:15. 8TH GRADERS will still have graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 2nd, but their last day will be on Friday, May 7th.
ATTENTION 7TH GRADE PARENTS: The 7th grade families traditionally plan and host the 8th Grade graduation reception. Graduation has been set for Sunday, May 2nd, beginning with the 10:00 am Mass. Contact Rosie in the office for more information.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: 8th Grade Graduation – Sunday, May 2, 10:00 am Mass, with reception following in gym, First Eucharist – Sunday, May 2, 12:00 Noon Mass,
SHOW ME SUDZ: We will kick-off this campaign on March 28th, with materials coming home on Thursday, March 25th, and run it through April 11th, with orders/payments to be turned in Monday, April 12th. The product will be delivered one week later. Thanks for your support!
GOOD LUCK to all Fantasy Night ticket holders on the drawing tomorrow night! The fun begins @ 6:00 pm! The festivities will be livestreamed via Facebook on the Church page, and will be shared on the Home & School and School pages. Thanks for your generous support!
ALL FAMILIES returning their 20-21 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Wednesday, March 3, 2021, along with your child’s answer to the enclosed raffle ticket, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Alex & Oliver Hagenhoff, who won the drawing last week!
Monday, September 21, ALL students at Our Lady of the Snows School will be able
to receive FREE lunch through DESE Seamless Summer Option and the USDA. The
free meals will be available through the end of the school year. If
your child does not attend OLOS School, you may request to pick up a free lunch
for any child age 1 to 18. If you wish to order meals for children not
enrolled in OLOS School, you will need to contact Carla Morris before 8:15
daily at 573-498-3574 to request the meals. Meal pickup will be at 11:30 am
at the side parking lot nearest the kitchen (below M. H. bank). If you
have any questions, please call the office at 573-498-3574. Thank you.