Friday Newsletter 11-6-2020
Sat – Pork Steak Dinner
Fundraiser – serving from 11-6
Mon –
Tues – Home
& School Mtg – 6:00 pm
Wed – Prayer/Pledge
@ the Flagpole–7:45 am
for Veterans’
Dress Down in
Red/White/Blue (no camo), but dress appropriately for Mass
All School Mass–8:00 am (2/3 Ministry)
Thu – School Mass-8:00 am (2/3 Ministry)
Volunteer Thanksgiving
Meal – 10:50 am
Fri – NO SCHOOL – Teacher Prof. Dev.
PORK STEAK FUNDRAISER: Even if you didn’t sign up, there’s still many opportunities to help. Contact Barb Adrian to find out where help is most needed or just show up when you are able! Thanks for your help in making this fundraiser a success!
HOME & SCHOOL MEETING: Our 2nd Home & School meeting for the year will be this Tuesday, November 10th at 6:00 pm. Please, all parents, plan on attending. We need your support and ideas! You will receive a bonus dress down pass for your child just for attending! Please, due to the pandemic, we ask that no children attend. Social distancing and use of masks will be required to enter the building.
ADOPTING TWO FAMILIES: OLOS School will again be adopting two families through the same organization as last year, Hope for Christmas – Jefferson City, We ask that families participate in this instead of the class gift exchange. Please see enclosed flyer or refer to email sent out earlier this week.
CHRISTMAS THEMES: During December students will have another week of daily dress themes, including tacky Christmas gear day (ugly/ridiculous sweater, shirt), Christmas sock day, red & green explosion day, holiday hat/headwear day, and PJ day. Please refer to the OLOS online calendar for more details.
THANKS FOR THE DONATION! Many thanks to local resident, Brenda Grother, who showed up at our doors out of the blue last week with a big box full of new donations – copy paper, art supplies, bags, cups, masks, - along with a generous monetary gift. Please pray for Brenda and her intentions. We appreciate it so very much!
NOVEMBER RAFFLE WINNERS: Congratulations to out two lucky winners, Dave Brettschneider & Katie Kempker!
VOLLEYBALL UNIFORMS – please turn in. Thank you!
MORNING DROP-OFF: Please make every effort to drop off your child before 7:40 in the morning. The school day begins at 7:45, after which students are counted absent. Drop off time is officially listed in the handbook through 7:45 am, but to ensure that students are counted and with their class by 7:45 am, we ask that they are dropped off just a few minutes earlier. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
FREE MEALS FOR ALL STUDENTS EXTENDED– OFFICIAL PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: Effective Monday, September 21, ALL students at Our Lady of the Snows School will be able to receive FREE lunch through DESE Seamless Summer Option and the USDA. The free meals will be available through the end of the school year. If your child does not attend OLOS School, you may request to pick up a free lunch for any child age 1 to 18. If you wish to order meals for children not enrolled in OLOS School, you will need to contact Carla Morris before 8:15 daily at 573-498-3574 to request the meals. Meal pickup will be at 11:30 am at the side parking lot nearest the kitchen (below M. H. bank). If you have any questions, please call the office at 573-498-3574. Thank you.