Friday Newsletter 11-20-2020
Mon –
Tues – School
Spirit Dress Down Day
– Thanksgiving Break
Thu – NO SCHOOL – Happy Thanksgiving!
Fri NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
MID-TERM PROGRESS REPORTS: Today in the folder you will find your child’s midterm report or sign-off sheet. Students in K/1 should receive a paper copy and students’ reports for Grades 2-8 may be found on the family portal,, using our school code (OLS-MO), and your individual username and password. Please sign & return the enclosed report/form on Monday. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the classroom teacher. 2nd Grade Parents – please note the transition of your reports from paper copy to the portal this term.
MORNING DROP-OFF: Please make every effort to drop off your child before 7:40 in the morning. The school day begins at 7:45, after which students are counted absent or tardy. Drop off time is officially listed in the handbook through 7:45 am, but to ensure that students are counted and with their class by 7:45 am, we ask that they are dropped off just a few minutes earlier. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the next Home & School meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
CHANGE OF DATE: FANTASY NIGHT PLANNING MEETING is scheduled for Wednesday, December 2nd at 6:00 pm. All parishioners/school families/interested parties are welcome & encouraged to attend. This fundraiser will replace our Mexican Feast this spring. Topics covered will be timing of this fundraiser, possibility of hosting a virtual event, cost of tickets, food, etc.
ADOPTING TWO FAMILIES: OLOS School will again be adopting two families through the same organization as last year, Hope for Christmas – Jefferson City, We ask that families participate in this instead of the class gift exchange. Please refer to flyer for more information.
WRAPPING PATER & TAPE: Classrooms will be needing wrapping paper, bags & tissue
paper, and scotch tape to do their gift wrapping for the adopted families. We
thank you for any donation you can make.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK PLANNING MEETING: We will have a CSW planning meeting December 3 @ 5:30 pm. All are invited to come and share their ideas.
FREE MEALS FOR ALL STUDENTS EXTENDED– OFFICIAL PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: Effective Monday, September 21, ALL students at Our Lady of the Snows School will be able to receive FREE lunch through DESE Seamless Summer Option and the USDA. The free meals will be available through the end of the school year. If your child does not attend OLOS School, you may request to pick up a free lunch for any child age 1 to 18. If you wish to order meals for children not enrolled in OLOS School, you will need to contact Carla Morris before 8:15 daily at 573-498-3574 to request the meals. Meal pickup will be at 11:30 am at the side parking lot nearest the kitchen (below M. H. bank). If you have any questions, please call the office at 573-498-3574. Thank you.
ALL FAMILIES returning their 20-21 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, Nov. 24, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family.
CLEARANCE – new, reduced price - 1-5 gal “Mango Twist” Laundry Detergent, with pump - $30; Call or send a note to the office if you would like to purchase.
Due to the Thanksgiving Break/short week, there will be no folder going home on Tuesday, Nov. 24th. Because of this, we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Blessed Thanksgiving!