Friday Newsletter 10-2-20
Sat - 6th Grade
Girls VBall @ St. Peter, JC
9:00 – vs. Trinity Lutheran
10:00 – vs. St. Francis X, Taos
Mon – Achievement Testing
Tues – Achievement Testing
School Advisory
Bd mgt – 6:30 pm
Wed – All
School Prayer Service (2/3 Ministry)
Thu – 2-8 School Prayer Service (2/3 Ministry)
Achievement Testing
Fri – School Spirit Dress Down Day for HOME GAMES
on Saturday
ACHIEVEMENT TESTING WEEK: All students in grades 1-8 will be taking the Iowa Achievement tests throughout the mornings of the upcoming week. Please make sure that your child eats a good hearty breakfast and gets plenty of rest. Your child will also have the opportunity to enjoy a morning snack and drink at school.
BOX TOPS: Please send in any Box Tops for Education that you may have clipped over the last few weeks/months. The Box Tops program is shifting to an app, with which you have to scan your receipt. If you are willing to participate this way, it is much appreciated, but if not, it is perfectly understandable. Thank you for supporting this program.
DONATIONS FOR CEMETERY LIGHTS: We are buying all new lights this year, as last year with the rain and bad weather, all lights were worn out. While we do have some seed money for this, we are asking for any donation towards the purchase of new lights. If you are able to help out, send your payment in a marked envelope to the school office or collection basket at church (checks payable to OLOS). Thank you!
PLANS FOR HALLOWEEN: On the morning of Friday, October 30th,
the school children will be placing the lights on the cemetery and reciting the
Litany of the Saints in procession. Parents and community are invited to join
us, but social distancing will be required. Exact time will be announced. Classroom
parties will be with students/teachers only. Classroom parents coordinate
to send in treats and for games, if needed. Weather permitting, we still plan
on doing the traditional “Halloween Walk”, while asking our community
businesses to greet our students outside their businesses. We will be beginning
the walk at 1:30 pm. That day is a planned Orange/Black dress down day. Before
the walk, we will let students get into costume. Especially this year, make
sure costumes are easy to get on/off. We also ask that no scary or gory
costumes be worn, so that little ones are not scared.
HALLOWEEN UPDATE: Parents are welcome to participate in a “Trunk or Treat” the afternoon of the parties, parking in the lot in front of the upper school building by the church. All treats MUST be store-purchased and prepackaged, and masks MUST be worn by all parents/attendees, maintaining social distancing. Students may not “reach in” to select a treat; all treats are to be dropped into their sack by the parent. Please make sure to send a sack/bucket for your child, along with their costume. Inclement weather will cancel this part of the event. If you are interested in participating, please contact Danen Horseman to reserve your spot.
Monday – Wear your favorite sports team dress down day
Tuesday – Twin Day (dress like a friend(s)) dress down day
Wednesday – Crazy sock day (dress in school code attire, but
with your crazy socks)
Thursday – Hat Day (dress in school code attire, but add a
Friday – Orange/Black dress down day
Monday, Tuesday, &
Friday – students may dress
down but must meet all length/sleeve requirements and honor the intent of the
dress down days. Wednesday & Thursday students will be attending the
prayer services at church so these will be normal dress code days, with the
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR EVERYONE: taken from document dated 9/23/20 the Missouri Center for Public Health
Excellence…the CDC states that “for the upcoming influenza season, the
influenza vaccine will be paramount to reduce the impact of respiratory
illnesses in the population and resulting burdens on the healthcare system
during the COVID-19 pandemic.” The co-existence of COVID-19 and influenza may
cause high numbers of absenteeism. With these things in mind, we strongly
recommend influenza vaccination for all who can medically receive it.
FREE LUNCH FOR ALL STUDENTS – ALL students can receive a free lunch each day, whether or not they were previously bringing a sack lunch. This can be a daily decision by the parent/student. The more that participate, the better, as it is a fully funded program through the CARES Act/USDA
EXTRA ITEMS – CLEARANCE! 1-5 gal “Mango Twist” Laundry Detergent, with pump - $35; Call or send a note to the office if you would like to purchase.
VOLLEYBALL UPDATE: Congratulations to the Lady Cougars volleyball team! While they lost their match last Saturday to St. Stanislaus in three very close games (21/25, 23/25, 21/25), they came back to win their match against Our Lady of the Lourdes taking 2 out of 3 of the games (27/25, 25/19, 19/25). Good luck to our Lady Cougars tomorrow, when they compete against Trinity & St. Francis X!
HEALTH SCREENINGS will be a little later this year – the morning of Tuesday, November 3rd. Miller Co. Health Dept. will only be able to send two nurses to OLOSS that day, and they will do the vision and hearing screenings. We are in need of two volunteers to help with height/weight measurements, and to help move students through the process. Please, if you are able, call Rosie in the office. Volunteers would be required to wear masks, gloves, and have a temperature check upon entrance to the school.
BOX OF JOY: Please consider sponsoring a Box of Joy so that a child who may have never had a Christmas gift before will experience the love of Christ in the upcoming Christmas season. Boxes are available anytime from the school office or the vestibules of church. Cross Catholic Outreach, the sponsor of the program, asks that you include a payment of $9 to offset the shipping of the Box, and also to promote their ministry. You may return your filled box anytime up through October 25th, which will be our final collection date. Remember – don’t seal your box shut, just wrap with a rubber-band. Request a box anytime (or more boxes!) by contacting Rosie in the office. Thanks to all who are participating in this program.
FANTASY NIGHT: Tentative plans are to hold Fantasy Night, our second biggest fundraiser (after the picnic), on Saturday, Feb. 6th, 2021.
NAVY BLUE DRAW-STRING BAGS with the new OLOSS logo are available from the school office at the cost of $5. If you would like to purchase, please send $5 in this folder or with your child.
SELF-STUDY: - October 14-16, 2020. More information on the day to day schedule for the self-study will be forthcoming as we receive more information from the diocesan school office.
FIRE VISIT CANCELED: Due to the pandemic, the Cole County Fire District has canceled the presentation on October 16th. This may be rescheduled in the spring, if possible.
FREE MEALS FOR ALL STUDENTS – OFFICIAL PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: Effective Monday, September 21, ALL students at Our Lady of the Snows School will be able to receive FREE lunch through DESE Seamless Summer Option and the USDA. The free meals will be available through December 31, 2020, or until the funds run out. If your child does not attend OLOS School, you may request to pick up a free lunch for any child age 1 to 18. If you wish to order meals for children not enrolled in OLOS School, you will need to contact Carla Morris before 8:15 daily at 573-498-3574 to request the meals. Meal pickup will be at 11:30 am at the side parking lot nearest the kitchen (below M. H. bank). For those already participating in the hot lunch program (full & reduced priced meals), you will receive a bill Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020, in the weekly folder, for the partial month of meals through September 18, 2020. If you have any questions, please call the office at 573-498-3574. Thank you.
2/3: GN2VM
4: VC3RR
5/6: TVNKW
7/8: TVNKW