Friday Newsletter 10-9-2020
Sat - 6th Grade
Girls VBall @ HOME
9:00 – vs. St. Peter, JC, White
11:00 – vs. IC, JC
Mon – NO SCHOOL – Columbus Day
Tues – Achievement Testing Make-up
Wed – All
School Mass (7/8 Ministry)
Self-Study Team
Welcoming Meeting/Meal – begins @ 5:00 pm (for visiting team, all staff, H
& S & Sch. Adv. Bd. Officers & invited members from other
Thu – School Mass (7/8 Ministry)
Self-Study Visiting Team
Fri – Dress Down Day
Visiting Team
PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES/OCT. 23: In today’s folder you will find sign-up sheets for all students, preschool through 8th grade. Please make two choices for each of your children and return on Tuesday. Conferences will be in person, with social distancing and use of masks required. Thank you!
PORK STEAK MEAL WORK SIGN-UP SHEET: You will find the sign-up for the Nov. 7 fundraiser in today’s folder. This is a parish/school event and the support of all is needed and appreciated. Funds collected will help make up for the loss of income from not having our yearly picnic. Opportunities to help are available on both Friday evening and Saturday. Please return on Tuesday. Thank you!
GHOSTY GRAMS FOR SALE! The Student Council is sponsoring the yearly opportunity to send classmates, friends, and family “Ghosty Grams” for Halloween. Please see insert in today’s folder.
BABY SHOWER!!! OLOS will be having a baby shower again this year. We will be collecting items until October 23. All items collected will be taken over to church and donated to Birthright. Birthright was very appreciative last year. Remember they will accept new and gently used baby items. On October 23 students will have a prayer service at 8:00 am, with Mrs. Werdehausen’s class leading a pro-life rosary. The community and families are welcome to come to church to pray with us, as long as social distancing/mask guidelines are followed. The students will then come to the cafeteria to enjoy refreshments and a few games. Thanks so much for supporting this very worthy cause!
BOX TOPS: Please send in any
Box Tops for Education that you may have clipped over the last few
weeks/months. The Box Tops program is shifting to an app, with which you have
to scan your receipt. If you are willing to participate this way, it is much
appreciated, but if not, it is perfectly understandable. Thank you for
supporting this program.
OCTOBER RAFFLE WINNERS are Alex Henson & Shawn Kempker. Congratulations to these two lucky gentlemen!
DONATIONS FOR CEMETERY LIGHTS: We are buying all new lights this year, as last year with the rain and bad weather, all lights were worn out. While we do have some seed money for this, we are asking for any donation towards the purchase of new lights. If you are able to help out, send your payment in a marked envelope to the school office or collection basket at church (checks payable to OLOS). Thank you!
PRAYER FOR OUR COUNTRY: A PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY is being held this coming Saturday!
Tomorrow, October 10th @ Noon
Michael and Kim Evers' front yard.
(Yard faces Hwy 17 and Hwy H)
Address: 106 Hwy 17
We will meet in their front yard. We will be staying in the yard only. You are
welcome to bring your own chair.
BOX OF JOY: Please consider
sponsoring a Box of Joy so that a child who may have never had a Christmas gift
before will experience the love of Christ in the upcoming Christmas season.
Boxes are available anytime from the school office or the vestibules of church.
Cross Catholic Outreach, the sponsor of the program, asks that you include a payment of $9 to offset the shipping of the Box, and also
to promote their ministry. You may return your filled box anytime up through October 25th, which will be our final collection date. Remember
– don’t seal your
box shut, just wrap with a rubber-band. Request a box anytime (or more boxes!) by contacting Rosie in the office.
Thanks to all who are participating in this program.
Monday – Wear your favorite sports team dress down day
Tuesday – Twin Day (dress like a friend(s)) dress down day
Wednesday – Crazy sock day (dress in school code attire, but
with your crazy socks)
Thursday – Hat Day (dress in school code attire, but add a
Friday – Orange/Black dress down day
Monday, Tuesday, &
Friday – students may dress
down but must meet all length/sleeve requirements and honor the intent of the
dress down days. Wednesday & Thursday students will be attending the
prayer services at church so these will be normal dress code days, with the
STUDENT BILLING: The intent is to eventually transfer billing to email statements only, so if you are not receiving an email copy, along with your printed copy, please contact Rosie in the office so that we can get the correct email on file. This would be for any bills related to the lunch program, extended care program, or preschool program. At the present time, preschool bills are going out every two weeks, lunch bills are only going out if you still owe a balance or for snack-time milks, and extended care bills are going out at the end of the month. If once a month is not convenient for you for extended care, please call Rosie in the office to discuss.
FREE LUNCH FOR ALL STUDENTS – ALL students can receive a free lunch each day, whether or not they were previously bringing a sack lunch. This can be a daily decision by the parent/student. The more that participate, the better, as it is a fully funded program through the CARES Act/USDA
EXTRA ITEMS – CLEARANCE! 1-5 gal “Mango Twist” Laundry Detergent, with pump - $35; Call or send a note to the office if you would like to purchase.
VOLLEYBALL UPDATE: The Lady Cougars volleyball team lost all three games to Trinity Lutheran; and lost 2 and won 1 game to St. Francis Xavier last Saturday. The girls were short a player, and they definitely made the other teams work for it, but they just couldn’t pull it off. A+ for good effort though! Good luck to this team tomorrow, when they play their only home games of the season, competing with two Jefferson City teams – I. C. and St. Peter!
HEALTH SCREENINGS will be a little later this year – the morning of Tuesday, November 3rd. Miller Co. Health Dept. will only be able to send two nurses to OLOSS that day, and they will do the vision and hearing screenings. We are in need of two volunteers to help with height/weight measurements, and to help move students through the process. Please, if you are able, call Rosie in the office. Volunteers would be required to wear masks, gloves, and have a temperature check upon entrance to the school.
Remember to
send your folder back in on Monday.