Friday Newsletter 8-30-18
Mon – NO SCHOOL – Labor Day/Picnic Cleanup
Tues – Volleyball
Practice – 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Wed – All School Mass (4th Ministry)
Thur – Earthquake
Drill – 8:00 am
Fri – Dress Down Day
Back to School Dance (Grades 5-8)
6:30 – 9:30 pm
GRANDPARENTS DAY – CHANGE OF DATE: Please note that grandparents day, originally scheduled for Sept.
18th, has been moved to Wednesday, September 11th,
beginning with Mass. We will then move over to the gym for fun &
fellowship. The book fair will be open for purchases, as well. Please let Grandma
& Grandpa know now, so that they may mark their calendar. If grandparents can’t
make it, feel free to ask a “substitute grandparent” to join your child that
morning. We are in need of a couple of volunteers that morning to help set
up & set out refreshments. If you would be able to help, please contact
Rosie in the office. Thank you!
WALKING FIELD TRIP FORM: Enclosed you will find a field trip form that makes it possible for
students to participate in opportunities for involvement in the community that
are within walking distance of the school. Because you sign this form, you will
not have to fill out a field trip form for activities that are close by, as you
have had to do in the past. However, for field trips where driving or bussing
is involved, separate field trip forms will still be required. Please return on
Tuesday. Thank you!
STUDENT COUNCIL: Congratulations
to the newly elected Student Council members! They are: President - Ayden
Schulte, Vice President – Aly Haeffner, Secretary – Zachary Vandike, Treasurer –
Bella Groose, & class representatives: Shane Beck & Nora Burrows (4th),
Rylee Vandike & Avery Wood (5th), Oliver Burrows & Austin
Doerhoff (6th), & Phoebe Whittle & Deanna Backes (7th).
We know you will represent OLOS School very well! Parents – please find and
fill out permission slips, enclosed in today’s folder, giving permission for
your child to stay for all meetings.
LOADS OF FUN/PLEASANT DREAMS FUNDRAISER: Please keep up the sales of the soaps,
softeners, & sheets. The school makes $15 for each item sold. Sales end September
13th, so we have about two more weeks of sales. If you need more
order forms, they are available from the school office. Thank you for helping
make this fundraiser a success for our technology program.
FANTASY NIGHT NEWS: Flyers may be found in today’s folder. If you need more, contact Rosie in
the office. Tickets have been printed and you should be hearing from the main
ticket holders. With 33 school families, each family will need to work hard at
selling tickets. With 300 tickets to sell, we count on all families to
get out and sell! The “Early Bird Drawing” is September 18th (for
another ticket or $110). All tickets & money should be handled DIRECTLY through the
office/main holders/bank. Do NOT send money or tickets through the Friday
folder or through the classroom folder. If you turn your tickets into the
office or the bank, remember to let your main ticket holder know that you have
done so. With less school families,
we are working to get more parish involvement, and to this end, announcements
will be made at weekend Masses and in upcoming bulletins. Those helping (other
than OLOS School families/staff, Confirmandi) will be put in a drawing for a ticket
to Fantasy Night 2020. Please help spread the word that we will open the doors
to begin seating people at 5:30 pm (it says 6:00 on the flyer) in order to have
everyone completely seated and ready to begin dinner at 6:30 promptly.
Refreshments will only be available after 6:00 pm. There will be a F. N.
meeting on Monday, Sept. 16th at 6:00 pm, in the cafeteria. All are
Miller Co. Health nurses will be here on Thursday, Sept. 19th for
health screenings. We are in need of at least two volunteers to assist. It should only take the morning. If you are available to
help, please call Rosie in the office.
HOME & SCHOOL MEETING: The first H & S meeting will be on Tuesday, September 23rd
at 6:30 pm. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Those attending will receive
a bonus dress down pass for each of their school children. Tentative dates for future
meetings are all on Tuesday evenings - Nov. 12th, Jan. 14th,
& Mar. 10th.
EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATION will be held on Saturday, May 9th, at the 6:30 pm Mass, with
a reception following.
tentatively set for Sunday, May 2nd, 2020, with at Mass at 12:00
EMERGENCY DRILLS: OLOSS students/staff will be
conducting drills over the next several weeks. Classroom teachers discuss these
drills with students beforehand, but it may be a good idea to discuss these at
home with your younger children ahead of time.
PRINCIPAL HOURS: Please feel free to set up a meeting time if you
need to address concerns or issues. School day hours that the principal is
available (pending no school matters arise) are M,T,Th,F from 8-8:45, and
M,T,W,Th,F from 1:00-2:25.
BASKETBALL MEETING – A meeting is scheduled for parents and students grades 4th- 8th
interested in basketball, on Monday, Sept. 9th from 6:00 -7:30 pm.
Please make plans to attend.
PROPANE THAT PAYS… This is the time of year when
many people like to fill propane tanks or prepay. If you are or would like to be
a customer of Capital Energy Co, please LET THEM KNOW that you are a member of
OLOS parish (They cannot issue a donation on the customer’s behalf unless the
customer tells them they are a member of the parish.) The parish receives a percentage
for every gallon the customer buys. Last year the parish received funds of
approximately $850. That’s worthwhile! Thank you for your support!
“Community Rewards” program. This program offers money back to our school, based
on enrolled customer’s spending. It is a really easy process. You just tie your
Gerbes shopper’s card to our school account. If you don’t have a Gerbes shopper’s
card, it takes less than a minute to get one at the store and also online. All
the information needed to complete this process is online. @
Our school code is 48253. It takes
just a couple minutes so get all your family and friends to register as well!
The school will receive quarterly payments in cash form. We will update you as we
receive those funds. This has the potential to be a huge moneymaker for the school
– the key is to get many, many people involved. Please pass the word to family
and friends and thanks for supporting OLOS School!!!
PARISH PICNIC: It is time once again to come together as a parish family and enjoy a working
holiday weekend, all in good spirit and gratitude. Parents, please try to make
sure that your children are prompt to their assigned duties. May God bless us
all as we work in support of our parish and school! We wish everyone a great holiday
weekend, and we’ll see you at the picnic!
SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. Save any used print
cartridges, laser or jet, fax cartridges, etc, and send them in to school or
leave in the church vestibule in the box so marked.
-Save those “Box Tops” found on many, many groceries
& other misc. items – worth 10 cents each. Thanks to all for helping out.